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Treatment of aortic folk remedies

Problems with the aorta are characterized by a significant expansion of the heart cavity, and increase blood vessel with very limited localization. These abnormalities often occur because of stretching and the inevitable further bulging of the heart or directly to the vessel wall. Vessels to lose their tone under conditions of high pressure the blood stream, after which its walls are considerably weaker. This condition is called an aneurysm, which expands and grows significantly in size.

Don't forget that in some cases, over time, the aorta can burst, which will lead to threat to extensive bleeding. In addition, it should be noted that often, problems with the aorta are an inherent nature of the appearance. To diagnose this serious disease in the very early stages of development, especially in children rarely. Usually child for a long time do not care, and he's developing quite normally.

Much less common acquired nature of the disease. It is observed with a significant complications of myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and also in the later stages of syphilis, injuries and other diseases that directly affect the thinning of all blood vessels.

Aortic disease can be quite a long time nothing to show. Many patients problems are detected accidentally, during various surveys on other serious problems of the cardiovascular system. This is what complicates the diagnosis, since observation and adequate measures necessary treatment is not carried out. However, experienced professionals may suspect an aortic aneurysm or other problems in the early stages of the diseases when collecting history.

About the pathologies of the aorta is evidenced by severe abdominal pain in humans. This primary symptom is one of the main in the diagnosis. You can also mention discomfort in the left abdomen, and often the navel. The character of pain may vary from paroxysmal to permanent. Aching pain unable to give much in the groin, lower back, or even legs. Some patients have localized pain is observed only in the back. Often patients complain of a strong pulsation in the abdomen, resembling a heartbeat.

For problems with the aorta is the characteristic bloating, feeling of heaviness above the navel, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, constipation, hoarseness, shortness of breath, pain in the cheststupid character. While sick people quickly lose weight.

The content of the article:

How to cure the aorta?

Modern doctors believe surgery one of the simplest and most radical methods of treatment. However, this can be avoided if you remember a few basic rules. You should maintain a calm measured way of life and prevent psychological stress, not to participate in the conflict and to avoid stressful situations.

In addition, it is not recommended to load the body's elevated exercise. In food it is advisable to consume a variety of foods with a high content of vitamin C. they rank as kiwi, bell peppers, citrus fruits and sauerkraut. Your doctor should regularly conduct surveys in order to identify any negative changes in the course of the disease.

With the growth of aortic aneurysms surgery will be required, as they can cause a dangerous rupture of the aneurysm.

Treatment of aortic infusion zheltushnik leucoindigo

Take 2 tbsp of chopped herbs and fill it with about one Cup of boiling water. All the mixture should be well wrapped in a towel, put in warm place and allow to stand at least two hours. Then you ready infusion filter. It should be consumed one tablespoon up to 5 times a day. The infusion is allowed to add sugar to taste.

Kalina. With shortness of breath it is recommended daily use of fresh infusion of useful berries of viburnum. In addition, these berries you just have to go with the honey. During severe attacks of pain or other characteristic sensations in the chest, the patient is recommended to apply ice or any cold compress on the chest.

Treatment of aortic infusion of dill

To prepare such an unique and effective means you need to take 1 tbsp of either fresh or dry herb. The grass can be replaced with seeds of garden fennel. Available raw materials should be poured with boiling water. One tablespoon will need 300 ml of water, it will turn the daily rate for adultperson. The mixture is necessary to insist in a warm place for about an hour. Ready to drink infusion of fennel, preferably in equal portions into 3 or 4 doses throughout the day.

Treatment of aortic infusion of hawthorn

Take well chopped dried fruit organic hawthorn 4 tablespoons should pour three cups of boiling water, then leave to stand for a couple of hours to draw. After the final preparation of the infusion of hawthorn is divided into two parts. The first part should be consumed in 3 doses during the day, and the second part is to drink the next day. However, it is advisable to drink this healing potion about half an hour before each meal.