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What you can and cannot do after surgery appendicitis?

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When you can go after appendicitis?

If appendectomy is made regarding uncomplicated catarrhal, phlegmonous or gangrenous appendicitis, you can walk and you have 5-6 hours after the operation. Early activation of patients is always welcome.

Complicated forms of acute appendicitis (gangrenous-perforated, peritonitis, periappendicular abscess) are forced to refrain from walking for 1-2 days. It all depends on the actual possibilities of the patient and is decided individually in each case. It is better if before to go alone, a few minutes to sit on the bed with drooping legs. Only then under the supervision of medical staff or relatives to get up and take a few steps. The subsequent walk will be a lot easier and less painful.

Can I swim after appendectomy?

About the full swimming after appendectomy before removal of stitches may not be considered. Local wash private parts of the body is not only permitted, but necessary daily.

The main condition – water and hygiene products must not come into contact postoperative wound. Full swimming can be permitted after the sutures are removed. Better if for two weeks it will be with the soul. At the incident this time is allowed to swim in any form.

Physical activity after appendectomy

Appendectomy involves gentle treatment for months after surgery. Heavy exercise is contraindicated for 3 months. This means that patients have the right to be on sick leave 30 days after the operation.

Load in the amount of ordinary life (slow and short walk, homework) are allowed. Avoid prolonged standing. Adherence to such a gentle treatment necessary for the normal healing of surgical wounds and the prevention of its insolvency in view of the divergence of the edges or hernias.

Sport after removal of appendicitis

For months after appendectomy about professional sports may not be considered. For sports athletes is definitely physiotherapy. Its main focus is directed on the muscles of the limbs. The abdominal muscles during this period must be at rest. In a month it is possible to include them in a set of exercises, but not very intense.

From running during this time also better to abstain. It is replaced with leisurely walking and leg exercises. Weightlifting in full valid not earlier than after 3 months. The same rule must comply with the more active sports (football, volleyball, basketball, etc.).

When you alcohol after appendectomy?

The abuse of alcohol is absolutely contraindicated in any case and not depending on the duration of the postoperative period. Alcoholic beverages and spirits may be consumed in moderation, not earlier than 3-4 weeks.

Can I smoke after appendectomy?

If the smoker were operated on for acute appendicitis, no advice and warnings of doctors will not affect his decision about Smoking in the postoperative period. Direct influence on the course of wound healing Smoking has not. But characteristically negative effect on Airways and lungs. Therefore it is better to refrain from Smoking for 3 days in a typical course of postoperative period in order not to provoke laryngospasm. In more complicated cases of complicated appendicitis, the period should be continued for as long as possible.

Can I have sex after appendectomy?

In the first week after appendectomy from sex is better to refrain, especially after the complicated forms of appendicitis. Typical post-operative course allows for accelerated sexual intercourse, which is not accompanied by a strong tension of the abdomen for 4-5 days of the postoperative period. Full sex say a week after the sutures are removed.