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Causes, symptoms and treatment of septic arthritis

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What is suppurative arthritis?

Suppurative arthritis - inflammation in the joint cavity, which cause pyogenic microbial agents. Suppurative arthritis is dangerous that is the reason for the development of other more serious and severe diseases: arthrosis, contractures. In some cases, it can lead to the development of a number of infections such as an abscess, phlegmon, sepsis. To avoid such complications enables timely diagnosis and treatment.

In most cases, the causative agent of the disease is Staphylococcus aureus. Due to the activity of this bacterium in 80% of cases develops purulent arthritis. Gonococci, streptococci, meningococcus, pneumococcus is also the causative agents of this disease.

However, they are the cause of its development become much less common: only 20% of cases. Purulent arthritis affects both adults and children to determine the disease is extremely difficult.

Causes of septic arthritis

Purulent arthritis develops as a result of entering into the joint cavity infection. This can happen in several ways. Contact involves the spread of infection through non-penetrating wound in the region of the joint, abrasion and suppuration. Osteomyelitis bone abscess, phlegmon of the surrounding tissue can also promote the penetration of causative agents of arthritis in the body.

In addition, there are such ways of infection, as lymphogenic and hematogenous. Favorable conditions for the penetration of pathogens of purulent arthritis in the body in this case creates an abscess, sepsis, osteomyelitis and cellulitis. Some diseases that are accompanied by bacteremia, for example, erysipelas, pneumonia, gonorrhea, typhoid fever, are also a cause of arthritis.

The symptoms of septic arthritis

The development of septic arthritis in most cases is acute. The first symptoms appear suddenly. Usually the joint becomes red,it swells and feels hot. The patient experiences acute pain, which rapidly increases and soon makes it impossible to even commit a simple movements. In a few days you receive the swelling of the reactive tissue, located above and below the joint.

Among the main symptoms of pronounced General symptoms of intoxication: fever, high fever, chills, nausea and severe headaches. Patients with purulent arthritis feel weak and unwell, they quickens the pulse. During the inspection the well-marked edema, and characteristic tint of the skin below the joint. Usually, acute development of septic arthritis is preceded by an infectious disease, serious injury, or purulent process.

The types of septic arthritis

Suppurative arthritis depending on the causes of it, is of two types:

  • non-traumatic nature, his treatment surgeons;
  • the traumatic nature – in this case, arthritis is caused by infection getting into the blood due to injury or open wound. With arthritis of this type should be addressed to the traumatologist.

There is another classification of septic arthritis.

In accordance with it, they can also be of two types:

  • primary – cause of this arthritis is getting an infection directly in the joint tissue. This can occur in an open fracture, dislocation, penetrating trauma. The causative agent of purulent arthritis, often falls into the joint cavity during surgical intervention and in the conduct of puncture;
  • secondary – infection is recorded through the surrounding tissue and lymph.


Define suppurative arthritis allows palpation and visual inspection. The joint has a forced position, almost not moving, its functions disturbed. On palpation, the patient experiences severe pain. The results of biochemical analysis of blood show the presence of acute inflammatory processes. This is reflected in the increase of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and the formula leukocytosis shift to the left. Under-diagnosis is also carried out puncture of the synovial fluid and instrumental studies.

In the event of suspected purulent arthritis in the mandatory x-rays. This research method may not be too informative in the early stages of the disease. However, we cannot exclude the possibility of the development of the inflammatory process. Its symptoms may emerge later.
id="part6" Treatment of patients with purulent arthritis involves urgent hospitalization. The main method of combating inflammation – drug. The most effective drugs are antibiotics. They are used in the initial stages of development of septic arthritis. In the framework of conservative treatment in this case on the affected joint, a plaster is puncture, and then antibiotics are. These measures are relevant in the case of synovitis without pus. Under synovitis refers to inflammation in the synovial membrane, in which the joint cavity is filled with fluid.

If arthritis in the joint cavity accumulates a significant number of pus required to perform arthrotomy. This surgery, which is revealed or exposed joint, which is necessary in order to further promote drainage. The result of surgery from the cavity of the joint are removed pus formation, dead tissue.

Suppurative arthritis may be accompanied by the development of sepsis, that is a common infection which is caused by penetration into the blood of infectious diseases. To stop the inflammatory process is required to remove the source of infection surgically. In this case, resection of the joint. During the operation, the excised damaged articular ends of the bones, cartilage, and synovium. Between the ends of which being attached artificially the natural form, building fabric, preventing accretion. Resection allows you to stop inflammation and to maintain joint flexibility. After operation for some time a plaster. After its removal it is necessary to carry out physiotherapy to fully recover the mobility of the joint and its functions.