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Causes, symptoms of arthritis, its complications and treatment

Osteoarthritis is a joint disease that is considered degenerative and associated with a slow destruction of the cartilage inside the joint. With osteoarthritis over a long period of time there are changes, alteration of the articular ends of the bones, are inflammation, degeneration and periarticular tissues. In such a thing as "osteoarthritis" is also not very large group of joint diseases degenerative-inflammatory disorders that have different causes and similar mechanisms of its development.

Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease in the world, according to statistics in varying degrees of arthritis affects up to 80% of the population of the globe. Lesions of this type are quite common, and are in third place, after Oncology and cardiovascular diseases.

The likelihood of developing osteoarthritis increases with age many times. The disease equally affects both men and women, the only exception is osteoarthritis of the interphalangeal joints, as it is most often seen in women. The arthritis catches up with people of working age from 30 years and each year the number of cases consistently and steadily increasing.

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Causes of osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis develops due to the metabolic disorders in the joint, which in turn leads to the fact that the cartilage begins to lose elasticity. This may contribute to the total or partial loss of part of the cartilage proteoglycans, which happens usually due to a rather deep cracks in the cartilage. The loss of proteoglycans may occur for another reason: due to a failure of their production by cells of the joint.

As specialists declare, the reasons can begin to break down articular cartilage, can be metabolic disorders, hormonal disorders, reduced blood supply to the joint, hereditary factors, old age, injuries, and diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and even psoriasis. Still, the most common cause of osteoarthritis is the non-normalized stress on the joints, as the cartilage can't resist her.

In addition, the emergence and development of arthritis can affectthe following reasons:

  • Transferred earlier injury. It can be sprains, bruises, fractures, torn ligaments and other damage.

  • Of metabolic disorders.
  • Overweight, leading to additional stress on the joints.
  • The inflammatory process in joints – acute suppurative arthritis.

  • Old age.
  • Poor quality of food.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Diseases of an autoimmune nature – red lupus, rheumatoid arthritis.

  • General intoxication of the organism.
  • Frequent colds.
  • Specific inflammation – syphilis, tuberculosis, tick-borne encephalitis, gonorrhea.

  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.

  • The bleeding disorder (hemophilia).
  • Perthes disease – violation of blood supply of the femoral head.

You can also select multiple genetically determined reasons that lead to the development of osteoarthritis:

  • If we consider the arthrosis of the hand and fingers, the scientists established that so-called nodules Bouchard and Heberden as a disease that can be transmitted by inheritance.
  • The disruption of the formation of the joints and ligaments in utero, leading to dysplasia. On its background there is a rapid wear of the joint and developing osteoarthritis.

  • Mutation of collagen 2. When violations occur in the structure of the fibrous protein in connective tissue, then there is a rapid destruction of the cartilage.

Also at risk to in the near future a disease like osteoarthritis, there are people whose professions are: Mason, miner, angler, blacksmith, Metallurgist, and other areas of activity associated with high physical labor.

The symptoms of osteoarthritis

Symptom of osteoarthritis is pain when the load on the joint, which subsides when the joint is at rest; a decreaseof joint mobility, crepitation, feeling of muscle strain in the joint. Periodically the affected by arthritis the joint can become swollen and eventually deformed.

Consider the following 4 groups of symptoms of osteoarthritis:

  • Pain. The presence of pain is the first symptom of arthrosis. It can be assumed that if any damage arise such feelings, but when the arthritis pain has some peculiarities. First, it is the appearance of sharp pain or significant discomfort while making movements. Localized it will be in that place, which houses the patient's joint. When one movement stops and goes into a state of rest the pain goes away.

    At night discomfort the person almost does not feel, except perhaps during the upheavals of the trunk, finding the optimal position – the patient to sleep peacefully. Pain during rest only on the stage of disease progression, they have some resemblance to dental backache, unable to sleep. Manifest themselves towards the morning to 5 o'clock.

    So, at the beginning almost no pain, it can be felt only under load or palpation, over time a person's suffering is worse, and the joint will require more rest periods. Then life is turning into a torture – hyaline cartilage becomes thinner, the bone is exposed, begin to grow osteophytes. Acute pain suffers almost incessantly, even more amplifying in bad weather and full moon.

  • Crunch. Not less significant symptom of osteoarthritis is the presence of a crunch. He is heard due to the fact that the softness of the rotation of the bones in the joint are reduced, they RUB against each other, and therefore there is a distinctive sound. Crunching can be heard in other diseases, and even when the joints are healthy. But arthritic crackle is distinguished by its "dry" sound. The more advanced the illness, the brighter the sound. If you hear the crunch, you will feel the pain. It gives the ability to distinguish the sound made by the joints in cases of osteoarthritis from normal harmless is often present.
  • The reduction of mobility in the joints is another typical symptom of arthrosis. At the initial stage, this phenomenon does not bother the patient, but with the progression of osteoarthritis, the germination of bone tumors leads to the fact that muscles spazmiruyutsya, and the joint space is almost completely disappears. This is the reason for the immobility of the limb at the site of lesion.
  • Deformity of the joint. Modification is caused by the fact that on the surface of the bones grow osteophytes and synovial fluid arrives. Although the deformation is one of the mostlater symptoms when arthritis struck joint to a significant extent.

The disease is characterized by stages of exacerbation and remission stages. This greatly hampers the self-diagnosis of osteoarthritis based on their own feelings. It is therefore necessary to seek clarification of the diagnosis to the doctor.

When conducting x - ray studies, he will be able to detect the following signs to determine the degree of progression of the disease:

  • Stage 1 is characterized by the fact that the osteophytes absent joint space may be slightly reduced.
  • On phase 2 there is a suspicion of a slight narrowing of the gap, the already formed osteophytes.
  • Stage 3 narrowing the gap noticeable there are multiple osteophytes, joint starts to deform.
  • Stage 4 is characterized by the almost complete absence of the joint space, multiple osteophytes, and significant deformation.

Complications of osteoarthritis

If you do not have arthrosis proper attention on time and not properly treated, it can not only lead to complete destruction of the diseased joint, but also to changes in the biomechanics of the spine, why can appear hernia in the intervertebral discs and to begin the development of osteoarthritis in the other, still healthy joints. The complication of arthritis of the joints it is better to avoid.

The main complications of osteoarthritis are the following pathology:

  • The destruction of the joint.
  • Deformity of the joint.
  • The impossibility of carrying out movements.
  • Disability of the patient.
  • Violation of biomechanics of spine and other joints.
  • Hernias of intervertebral disks.
  • The decrease in the level of life of the patient.


To treat painful joints better at an early stage, the treatment should be pathogenetic and complex. The essence of treatment is to remove the causes that promote this disease, it is also necessary to eliminate the inflammatory changes and to restore functions that were previously lost.

Complex treatment of osteoarthritis involves medications that possess anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties also should be carried out physiotherapy treatments that have joints pain-relieving effect. If the treatment is a health resort, itis the climatic conditions that favorably affect the joints, and in the use of mineral waters and mud.

The treatment of osteoarthritis is based on several basic principles:

  • Damaged joints must be free from excessive load. If possible, at the time of treatment should generally be kept to a minimum.
  • Followed the prescribed orthopedic mode.
  • Physical therapy exercises.
  • A course of physical therapy, which includes magnetic and electrotherapy, shock wave and laser therapy.
  • The Spa treatment. For this it is necessary once a year, on the recommendation of the doctor to undergo a course of treatment at specialized resorts.
  • The saturation of the joint with oxygen, or the so-called intra-articular oxygen therapy.
  • Therapy drugs.
  • Intraosseous blockade, as well as the decompression of metaepiphysis.
  • A rational approach to nutrition.

Let us consider drug treatment:

  • Anti-inflammatory means. Approaching the treatment of osteoarthritis is complex, you can slow down the disease and significantly improve the quality of life. More worth to highlight some points of treatment. In particular, treatment with medicines includes the initial step is the removal of pain and elimination of the inflammatory processes in the joints. The doctors used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Experienced doctors do not recommend them oral, as these drugs greatly irritate the stomach wall. So, depending on selected drug use or intravenous, or intramuscular administration. Sometimes, as a subsidiary means, walkaway VSP is used in the form of ointments, but their absorption is very low, so a significant effect is not obtained.
  • Hormonal corticosteroids. When the osteoarthritis is at the stage of exacerbation, appropriate hormonal cortosteroids. They are administered inside the joint, apply tools such as hydrocortisone or diprospan. Topically you can use a special patch, ointment or tincture, which are made on the basis of hot pepper.
  • Do not be redundant and chondroprotectorsto restore cartilage and improve the quality of the synovial fluid. The most common of the group used glucosamine orchondroitin sulfate. The course lasts for quite a long period of time, up to the moment until they get better. However, if the expected effect does not appear for the semi-annual reception, the drugs should be discontinued. Also intra-articular, together with chondroprotectors appropriate use of drugs made on the basis of hyaluronic acid. They contribute to the formation of membranes of cells responsible for cartilage formation of the joint.

    Topic: Which is better chondroprotectors in osteoarthritis?

  • Diacerein. Treatment scheme can be supplemented by taking diacerein, which promotes degrazia tissue cartilage. But the immediate effect should be expected, as a rule, the improvement comes after two weeks or even a month after the first dose.

If the case is severe, it may be an appointment of narcotic analgesics. But use them very rarely, when other means have not yielded the desired effect.

Topic: Treatment of osteoarthritis folk remedies

Proper diet for osteoarthritis

We should stay on the diet during exacerbation of the disease. There are also some recommendations – do not overeat, as this will contribute to the accumulation of extra pounds, but it is impossible to starve, as the supply of the cartilage of the important elements will be broken. The primary task facing the patient with obesity is declining. To do this, from the diet just need to take a quick carbohydrates, they contain all flour products and sweets. Prohibited alcohol, primarily beer.

There is absolutely no claims to fish – they can consume quite a lot, of course, in reasonable quantities. But we should not lean on it too fatty, so as they are high in calories, so the extra pounds will not keep you waiting.

An important role in the treatment of arthritis assign the aspic. Surprisingly, this dish is recommended to include in the diet all doctors. This food is a real storehouse of minerals for the joints of patients. The most important ingredient in the jelly is a collagen of natural origin. It is absorbed by the body fairly quickly and is the basis of any connective tissue. By regular consumption of Brawn can achieve good results – the joints will become more mobile, lining their cloth –elastic, and cartilage and bone will gain strength.

On topic: About the use of aspic and chicken cartilage for joints

Don't forget about regular intake of vitamins from food. For patients with osteoarthritis is particularly relevant vitamins of group B. they are responsible for the metabolism took place without unnecessary disruptions. And where efficient metabolism there and joints feel great. Due to the thiamine from beans and peas , the synthesis of fats, carbohydrates and proteins will be accelerated.

Pyridoxine helps the production of hemoglobin. "Mine" he is eating bananas, nuts, cabbage and potatoes. Like greens and beans. They will become a source of folic acid. Useful liver, mushrooms, dairy products, and eggs. They are rich in Riboflavin. Of course, you can use vitamin complexes, but all of the products necessary elements, is absorbed better, and therefore the process of cartilage repair will go faster.

The basic principles of nutrition in osteoarthritis are reduced to the following points:

  • Don't consume heavy food at night so as not to cause an attack of arthritis.
  • Eat fractional.
  • Continually monitor the weight in order to avoid increasing of body mass, and thus additional stress on painful joints.
  • When there is no exacerbation of the disease – Hiking after a meal.
  • Menu must be balanced, make it together with your doctor.

More about: Diet for osteoarthritis

Following the prescribed treatment regimen, you can ensure that the disease shall depart, and the damaged tissue will begin to recover.

aplan, Alexander S., surgeon, orthopedic