Home / Treatment / Causes, symptoms, extent and treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint

Causes, symptoms, extent and treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint

Arthrosis of the shoulder joint is quite a common problem faced by most older people. This chronic and rapidly progressive degenerative disease that affects both men and women. The development of osteoarthritis affects not only the cartilage but also the bone. This process is caused by damage and weakening under the influence of microtrauma and inflammation. The cartilage becomes thin, cracks. The cracks accumulate salt deposits. They accelerate the breakdown of cartilage, and eventually becomes bone. At the same time it is deformed.

The development of arthrosis of the shoulder joint can last for a long time. In the initial stages of the disease does not manifest and does not bother the patient. But at a certain moment the first symptoms appear. This usually happens after increased stress on the joints, hypothermia. Destruction of cartilage and bone occurs slowly, it is difficult to determine in the absence of symptoms, however, when the first signs of arthrosis of the shoulder joint should immediately contact a doctor! The most effectively treated disease in the first stages.

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Causes of arthrosis of the shoulder joint

The following causes of arthrosis of the shoulder joint:

Injuries of the shoulder joint

These include such lesions as intra-articular fractures, dislocations, contusions. Intra-articular fractures are lines of fracture, which fully accounts for the joint cavity. They affect not only bone but also cartilage, causes various complications: rupture of ligaments, damage to the capsules.

Dislocation of the shoulder is less dangerous than a fracture, but can also cause the development of osteoarthritis. It is more common other damage. This is due to anatomical features of the shoulder joint, which result in deformed and loses its mobility. Injuryinvolves displacement and destruction of bone and cartilage, is formed as a result of strong shock, for example during a car accident or a bad fall. Timely treatment can prevent complications that lead to arthrosis of the shoulder joint.


The development of osteoarthritis provokes atherosclerosis of the lower extremities. This disease most often affects men, smokers, patients with diabetes mellitus. Atherosclerosis involves insufficient blood flow to the vessels of the lower extremities. This in turn causes cramping, pain during sports or any other physical activity. To cope with the disease helps conservative treatment, to diet. In atherosclerosis it is recommended to perform the doctor recommended physical exercise. Running disease can lead to osteoarthritis, and the amazing variety of joints, including the shoulder.

Varicose veins is another factor that increases the risk of fracture and weakening of cartilage. It involves the thinning of the venous walls, nodule formation on them. The reason for these processes is the increased venous pressure due to sedentary lifestyle, hereditary predisposition. Primary varicose veins in the legs begin to swell, they felt unbearable pain. As a result, it can trigger arthritis of the joints.

Factor that increases the risk of osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint, is an obliterating endarteritis. This disease is associated with impaired blood circulation, resulting in tissue are deprived of the necessary amount of oxygen, which leads to limitation of their functioning and necrosis. The main symptoms with occlusive disease secrete increased sweating of the legs, pallor of the skin of the lower extremities and numbness. In the later stages of the disease there is a weak pulse and convulsions, ulcers, which may degenerate into gangrene.

Physical inactivity is one of the most common problems of modern society. This disease is caused by a lack of physical activity that causes a feeling of sleepiness and apathy. In patients with lack of exercise can worsen the sleep, appetite and mood. The disease affects not only the person's physical condition, but psychological and emotional. One of the most common complications of physical inactivity - cardiovascular disease, including atherosclerosis.

Overeating, lack of exercise becomes the cause ofexcess weight, metabolic disorders and, as a consequence, the obstruction of the blood circulation in periarticular and cartilaginous tissues, leading to osteoarthritis. In such cases, to cope with the disease will be possible only by eliminating the root cause of it, that is, blockage of blood vessels.

Hormonal disturbance and weakening of the immune system

Hormonal changes and weakening of the immune system provoking the destruction of cartilage tissue. Caused by they can be psoriasis. This chronic non-communicable disease affects a significant portion of the population. Psoriasis manifests itself in the form of a skin rash, and most rashes appear in young people. It can be caused by various reasons, the main of which are stress, metabolic disorders, weakened immune system.

Psoriasis is a systemic disease over a period of time if untreated, it can cause the lesions of other organs, including joints. When you see red itchy spots on the skin should consult a dermatologist, who will deliver an accurate diagnosis and recommend the necessary prophylactics. With their help, stop in most cases, the spread of the rash. Sometimes resort to such methods as cryotherapy or plasmapheresis.

In men, osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint is often caused by gout. The disease is associated with excess uric acid in the body. It does not appear, accumulating in the body and is deposited in the form of small crystals. This process becomes the reason of pain associated with gout.

In some patients, uric acid level is normal. In such cases, gout is due to other reasons. The symptoms include edema and swelling of the joint. External changes seen during an attack of gout. Usually it happens at night. The joint becomes warm, the skin turns red. Launched gout creates favorable conditions for the development of arthrosis of the shoulder joint. To avoid the unpleasant consequences helps medication, proper diet, and weight control. Because excess weight places a significant load on the joints, and aggravates gout.

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Diseases of the joints

Acute and chronic arthritis of the shoulder joint can lead to osteoarthritis. The cause of the disease be trauma, various infections, allergic reactions,nervous shock, immunodeficiency. To determine the presence of arthritis can be the swelling in the shoulder area and pain in the joint during any movement. Leaking it can in acute and chronic form.

In the first case, the arthritis is caused by infection entering the joint and causing inflammation. As a result, the shoulder is swollen, the skin reddens. Chronic arthritis, with periodic occurrence of pain. Dealing with it is more complicated than acute. Most often chronic arthritis develops in old age due to deposition of salts in the joint. In young people the disease may be caused by damage to the joint as a result of injury.

Another reason is the infection that causes copious lubricant. This causes tumors and pain in the joint. In any case, it is necessary to carry out timely treatment. Otherwise arthritis of the shoulder joint may cause osteoarthritis. If inflamed connective tissue on the inner side of the articular tissues, there is a change in the composition of synovial fluid in the joint cavity secretes effusion. This inflammation of medicine known as synovitis. It occurs most often after injury and in the absence of treatment almost always leads to osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint. So if you have specific pain in the shoulder joint, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment of synovitis is the conservative method. The most effective drugs in this cases, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The clinic also carry out puncture and deflate the accumulated in the joint cavity fluid. The joint should then be locked with the tires. Infectious synovitis requires antibiotic therapy. There may be cases where conservative treatment is insufficient, and that medicines do not give the desired effect. Then resort to surgery.

Damage to the shoulder joint and osteoarthritis causes aseptic necrosis of bone. Pathology involves necrosis of the cells and can be caused by trauma or genetic predisposition. To cope with aseptic tissue necrosis allows both medical and surgical treatment. All depends on the extent of the disease and characteristics of the patient. To recover the bone tissue allow chondroprotector and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The use of drugs can be combined with manual therapy, and physical therapy, moderate exercise and massage.

Topic: joint Disease - types, causes, symptoms and treatment

Increased load on the shoulder joint Typically, this systematic over-voltage. It usually occurs in athletes who play professionally volleyball, tennis, basketball, toss the shells. Increased load on the shoulder joint is seen in people in certain occupations: stevedores, hammers, builders. At a constant overvoltage, it is recommended to avoid injury and damage, not to make any sudden movements.

Genetic predisposition

In the course of medical research discovered that the risk of developing arthrosis of the shoulder joint is great for those patients whose relatives suffer from the same diseases. It can be coxarthrosis or gonarthrosis. Not necessarily the same as the site of the lesion.

The metabolic disorders and endocrine diseases

Problem with the cartilage and bone of the shoulder joint can be due to vitamin deficiency, lack of vitamins in the body immunodeficiency. For the joints is of great importance to phosphorus and calcium, minerals and trace elements. Lack of required amount of these substances in the body cause changes in the cartilage, synovial fluid. All this complicates the recovery process and negatively affecting the joints, causing arthritis. That's why it's so important to get the food necessary minerals and also take vitamin complexes.

Old age

During the life of joints subjected to heavy load, resulting in bone and cartilage tissue is weakened and thins. So after 45-50 years the risk of developing osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint increases several times.


Patients with osteoarthritis in most cases have problems with the figure. The extra weight is a source of additional stress on the joints, so it is often obesity leads to osteoarthritis of the joints.

Congenital abnormalities

It can be a genetic defect of collagen. This substance provides elasticity to cartilage and bone tissue. People with the mutated gene there is an insufficient amount of collagen in the body, which negatively affects the joints and leads to the development of osteoarthritis.

The symptoms of osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint

You can select 3 areas of symptoms:

  • Pain. This is the mainsymptom of osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint. However, the pain in this case may be different. It increases with increase in the load exerted on the shoulder joint. Simultaneously resulting discomfort limits the ability to move the shoulder. Location of pain points you can identify by palpation. In case of arthrosis of the shoulder joint the lower edge of the clavicle and scapula are the main sources of pain. Unpleasant sensations originating in the shoulder area, spread across the hand. Initially the pain is felt only during movement, but in the later stages of osteoarthritis and at rest.
  • Crunching when moving the joint. The presence of the characteristic sounds due to the deposition of salts in the shoulder joint, forming osteophytes. When making movements of the joint becomes audible cracks or POPs.
  • Limitation of motion of the shoulder joint. Manifestation of symptoms depends on the degree of development of arthrosis of the shoulder joint. In the initial stages of restriction of mobility is not observed. Pain it is also weak. Restriction of movement is possible during exacerbation of the disease. Then the patient is free to carry out rotation and abduction of the hand. However, this symptom rarely occurs, as the arthrosis of the shoulder joint usually occurs in the chronic form. Aggravation can be triggered by increased load on the joints, hypothermia, sprain. Gradually, the arthritis can lead to impaired function of the limb.

The degree of arthrosis of the shoulder joint

Depending on the nature of the lesion of the cartilage and bone, symptoms there are several degrees of arthrosis of the shoulder joint. This classification allows the doctor to determine treatment methods and predict the development of the disease.

Arthrosis of the shoulder joint 1 degree

Morphological tissue of the joint in this step vary slightly. The occurrence of pain is possible after weight lifting or performing repetitive movements of the shoulder. The cartilage becomes less elastic. Now it is able to withstand lower loads than before.

Before you move your hand after a long sleep or being at rest, the patient is required to develop it , making slow movements. Conducting radiographic examinations showed no changes of tissues. Inflammation of the shoulder joint observed after the surge. Patients usually do not pay attention to light discomfort in the region of the shoulder for osteoarthritis of 1 degree, writing off all of the possible stretching or increased physical activity. However, this negligence can lead to serious consequences.

Osteoarthritisthe shoulder joint of 2 degrees

In this case the symptoms of osteoarthritis become more noticeable. Tissue of the shoulder joint undergo significant changes. Thinning of cartilage leads to the appearance of defects during the movement you hear a crunch. Inflamed synovium.

Arthrosis of the shoulder joint 2 affects not only the cartilage, but menisci and ligaments inside the joint. These changes lead to limitation of function of the muscles. Over time, they may even atrophy. To prevent this, it is important to seek help from a doctor.

Arthrosis of the shoulder joint of 3 degrees

At this stage the tissue changes of the shoulder joint is hard to miss. The joint is deformed largely and almost motionless, as broken friction between the articular surfaces. If you do not stop the process of destruction of bone and cartilage, there was complete immobilization.

Arthrosis of the shoulder joint of 3 degrees is treated the most difficult and requires surgery. Therefore, it is important not to run disease. But arthrosis of the shoulder joint of 3 degrees is rare. The destruction of cartilage to such an extent can be caused only emergency loads.

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Deforming arthrosis of the shoulder joint

Deforming arthrosis of the shoulder joint characterized by destruction of articular cartilage, which causes a change of the articular surfaces of bones. In the initial stages structure of the cartilage changes at the molecular level, then cellular. The changes affect cartilage, synovial membrane, the joint capsule. In the end, all these processes lead to deformation and destruction of the shoulder joint.

The disease appears dull and aching in the shoulder area. Unpleasant sensations worse at night and during severe weather changes. The chronic nature of the disease does not allow to get rid of it permanently but there are treatments to reduce pain and stop tissue destruction.

Diagnosis of arthrosis of the shoulder joint

Diagnosis involves radiography. After this examination we can see in the picture osteophytes, i.e. salt deposits in the joint, and degenerative changes. If the disease has had time to developto 2 or 3 degrees, it narrows the joint space, deforms and changes shape bone. It is also noticeable in the picture. At diagnosis it is important to have clinical signs, so the doctor interviews the patient and palpated the shoulder joint region.

MRI. In the initial stages of development of the disease it is difficult to determine the presence of osteoarthritis. Not to be mistaken with the diagnosis, performed MRI of the shoulder joint. For examination by this method the patient lies on the back, and then placed in the tunnel magnetic resonance imaging. During the procedure is forbidden to move. The survey is usually not more than an hour.

CT scan of the shoulder joint is another method of diagnosing osteoarthritis in difficult cases. First conducted x-rays, and if it is insufficient, is a computer tomography. The imposition of bones located near each other in the picture, the resulting x-ray does not allow to study in detail the damage. Computed tomography allows to obtain a more complete picture of the joint.

As the arthrosis of the shoulder joint can be caused by other diseases: cardiovascular, endocrine, you often need to consult a specialist. Diagnosis also includes the biochemical analysis of blood. In patients with osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint, as a rule, discovers all signs of inflammation.

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint

After diagnosis, the orthopedist or the traumatologist assigns appropriate treatment. To cope with osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint completely is almost impossible, since this disease is chronic. But it is possible to slow its progress and relieve pain.

Treatment may be conservative or operative methods:

Conservative treatment

In the first case, usually assigned chondroprotectors. Are drugs made from natural components and cartilage invertebrates or salmon. In addition, the chondro contains natural and herbal ingredients.

The presence in preparations of chondroitin and glucosamine helps to restore cartilage. These substances are part of the cartilage of human joints. When the body is observed the lack of them, disturbed nutrition of the cells of the tissue. The result is the destruction of the cartilage of the shoulder joint and developing osteoarthritis.

The effectiveness of chondro due to the degree of development of the disease andthe timeliness of their admission. If the cartilage is almost completely destroyed, as is the case with osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint of 3 degrees, restoring it will not be, and therefore, such drugs are ineffective. Chondroprotectors well help in the initial stages of development of diseases of the joints. It is important to regularly take them for a long time.

Some patients complain that they feel a significant effect of chondroprotectors. This is due to the insufficient amount of time during which it is receiving. With prolonged treatment, these drugs give good results.

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Pharmacies are chondroprotector as Albona, teraflex, Structum, but the specific medication and dosage should be prescribed by a doctor.


Medical treatment is conducted using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The main purpose of these drugs – reduce pain and inflammation.

Among the NSAIDs used for osteoarthritis, the most famous of diclofenac sodium and nimesulide:

  • Diclofenac. The effect of the drug is based on blocking the action of an enzyme that contributes to the appearance of pain and fever. When taking diclofenac sodium, patients get rid of the feeling of stiffness in the shoulder joint in the morning, no swelling is discomfort. However, the restored function of the joint. No more difficulties with physical activity, increases range of motion hand.

  • Nimesulide is a drug that allows you to quickly get rid of the pain and inflammation of the shoulder joint. It is well absorbed, so after 1-2 hours stops discomfort caused by osteoarthritis. Side effects when taking nimesulide are rare, but can cause minor headaches, drowsiness, urticaria. Patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, kidney disease should take the medicine strictly under medical supervision. Special attention to dosage and side effects should pay attention to the elderly.

Corticosteroids. With severe inflammation help to cope corticosteroids. This is another group of drugs used for the treatment of osteoarthritis. Corticosteroids are used as part of combination therapy. As a standalone treatment for osteoarthritis they are ineffective because they do not haveeffects on cartilage tissue, do not contribute to its restoration. Only for their anti-inflammatory properties of corticosteroid injections are so popular among traumatologists. They act quickly and block any inflammatory process in the joint. Thus, corticosteroids help to stop the development of osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint.

In this disease are not only used drugs for oral administration. Often resort to using ointments and gels. Arthrosis of the shoulder joint of 3 degrees requires surgery. A very useful therapeutic exercises. It includes simple exercises, for example, the flexor-extensor movements, rubbing.

The popular treatment of osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint

Operative and medical treatment can be combined with the use of traditional medicine:

  • In case of arthrosis of the shoulder joint, I use a mixture of propolis and pork fat. Mixed in equal proportions natural ingredients are rubbed into the skin in the shoulder area.
  • Inside you can take a decoction of corn stigma. A few tablespoons of raw brewed with boiling water, and then infused. In the day you can drink a spoonful of this medicine before every meal.
  • A positive effect on the joints have herbal baths. They can be cooked with a decoction of burdock, chamomile, nettle. After taking a bath you should wipe dry with a towel and go to bed.

  • An effective tool is obtained from oatmeal. They should be brewed with boiling water, obtained medicine and then make him a poultice and applied to the shoulder joint at night. The fabric it is desirable to use canvas.

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aplan, Alexander S., surgeon, orthopedic