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Treatment ascariasis

Treatment ascariasis folk remedies

Treatment ascariasis folk remedies have gained popularity due to relatively high toxicity of drug therapy disease accepted in the medical practice. But do not forget that the defeat of the worms relates to the serious pathological processes, causing a number of side effects and dangerous complications, so the assistance of a specialist in the detection of symptoms of ascariasis is extremely important. It is desirable that the treatment of ascariasis recipes of folk medicine was passed on the advice and under the supervision of a physician.

Treatment ascariasis garlic and milk

200 milliliters of milk are boiled until tender, one head of garlic. The broth is cooled and filtered warm. An enema of a decoction room temperature put for the night. This recipe of traditional medicine for the treatment of ascariasis can be used in Pediatrics, the volume of an enema should be reduced at least twice. The minimum volume of solution in the treatment of children is 70 ml treatment week, an enema must be placed once a day.

If the statement of an enema causes difficulties, ten cloves of garlic crushed and taken with 200 ml of warm milk, and then drink a laxative a few hours later.

Treatment ascariasis pumpkin seeds

Recipe 1. To treat ascariasis folk remedies you can use pumpkin seeds. Need to take 500 g of peeled seeds of the plant and grind them in a mortar. The seed is slowly added 50 ml of boiling water, constantly stirring the contents. The finished drug can be sweetened with honey or jam. Should take seeds on an empty stomach, one teaspoon fresh remedy pumpkin needed to eat for one hour. The seeds can be used in dry and in dried form.

Recipes of traditional medicine for the treatment of ascariasis can be successfully applied in pediatric practice. If the drug from the pumpkin seed is intended for a child under two years of age, you will need 50 g of pumpkin seeds. Children 3-4 years of age it is necessary to prepare the drug of the 80 g of the seeds of the plant, for the preparation of the drug 5-7-year-old need to take 100 grams of pumpkin seeds, for children aged 10 to 12 years old need 150 grams of fresh or dried seeds.

Three hours later after the patient will take the pumpkin seeds, he should drinkdiluted with water magnesia (10-30 g of drug is dissolved in half a glass of water, if spend child's treatment, take 1 g powder per year of life). Half an hour later enema is placed.

Recipe 2. For the treatment of a helminth infection in adults can prepare a tincture of wormwood leaves and crushed pumpkin seeds. Components take in equal proportions. The container is placed a mixture of the calculation: one-third dry matter and two-thirds of the vodka. Components insist during the week, placing a container in a dark place. The prepared infusion drink 50 ml twice a day thirty minutes before meals at lunch and half an hour before dinner. The course of treatment is a few days to complete healing from the parasites.

Treatment ascariasis onions

Widely distributed in folk medicine method for the treatment of ascariasis using onion tincture. Chopped onion is placed in a container and fill it halfway, then fill the bowl with vodka or alcohol. Bow insist 10 days. For adults we recommend taking the drug 1-2 tablespoons 2 times a day for several days.

For the treatment of children onion crushed and pour boiling water, taking 200 ml of water. Give the mixture to infuse for 12 hours, then watered child 70-100 ml once daily for 3-4 days.

Treatment ascariasis walnuts and harvesting medicinal herbs

Recipe 1. To treat ascariasis can I take 4 tablespoons of crushed walnuts immature (green) and 200 ml of slightly salted boiling water. The ingredients mix and leave for 30 minutes, then strain. Ready infusion should drink during the day. Treatment of Supplement taking laxatives.

Recipe 2. Folk medicine recommends to treat ascariasis collection of medicinal plants. For its preparation you will need flowers of chamomile pharmacy, tansy , common wormwood herb and flowers of wormwood sea. All the components of the collection are taken in equal parts, a tablespoon of prepared mixture of herbs pour 200 ml of boiling water. The infusion is cooled to room temperature and filtered. Take the drug of herbs it is necessary every day, morning and evening one glass for three days.