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The treatment of astigmatism

Astigmatism treatment of folk remedies

The treatment of astigmatism vegetable juices

It should say that it is almost impossible to cure astigmatism exclusively folk remedies. But even with the modern development of science and medicine, they remain very popular. Their use is justified in conjunction with activities of traditional treatment, where they are regarded as preventive and restorative measures.

For these purposes, you can use any folk remedies that support the vision. Very useful for the eyes is the use in food of fresh green vegetables and herbs – cucumber, celery, spinach, parsley and dill. Also positive effects on vision have garlic, beets and carrots. The latter are encouraged to eat fresh in salads, dressed with sour cream or vegetable oil, as it contributes to a better assimilation of vitamins.

All the above vegetables can be eaten just raw, in salads, and also drink the juice out of them. Useful are also mixtures of juices, for example, you can take carrot, beet and cucumber juice and mix in a ratio of 3:1:1.

Taking the juice of carrots (7 pieces), you can also add aloe juice, celery and parsley (2 parts each).

Drink this mixture every day morning, afternoon and evening. The total volume of juice consumed should not exceed half a liter per day, because otherwise, there is a chance to get an allergic reaction, especially in children.

The treatment of astigmatism blueberries

It is well known that for eyes there is nothing better than blueberries. This berry can be eaten in any form – fresh or in jams or preserves. Neproverennye berries is healthier as it preserves more essential nutrients. So blueberries in the winter is better to freeze or store crushed with sugar.

Useful for vision are not only the berries but also the leaves of blueberries. You can prepare an infusion, Bay leaves tablespoon Cup of hot water. Currently on the last hour remedy strain and drink throughout the day in 2-3 reception. It is not necessary immediately to prepare the infusion and better every day, make a fresh Cup of tea.

Funds from blueberries have a beneficial effect on visual acuity and help relieve eye fatigue.

Treatmentastigmatism Johnson & Johnson

Helps improve overall eye health and maintain eyesight also a decoction of eyebright. For its preparation you need 50 grams of dried herbs and 1 litre of boiling water. Eyebright is filled with hot water and letting it brew for 3-4 hours, strain. The resulting infusion to drink three times a day for 100 ml.

The treatment of astigmatism exercise for the eyes

This method can be an excellent prevention of eye diseases for people who have a lot of work on the computer or to read a lot. Gymnastics helps to relieve stress and serves as a training for the eye that helps to keep vision healthy people and is having the effect of physiotherapy in case of astigmatism on the light stage.

Here are few simple exercises that will allow you to maintain eye "in shape".

1. Sitting on a chair, straighten your back, keep your head straight. Look down and to the right. Hold a glance in that direction as much as you can, and then move the view to the right. Repeat a few times.

2. In the same position look at the tip of the nose, and when your eyes get tired, make them a rotary motion in one and in the other direction. Alternate exercises a few times.

3. Close your eyes and massage them, first the palms and then the fingertips, alternately toward the center and away from it. After that open your eyes to relax them, blinked. Repeat again.

4. Focus on some thing on your Desk, hold your gaze for a few seconds. Then look out the window at the furthest point (tree or building), which will only be able to see, and again turn the view to the middle object.

5. Stretch before a left hand, fix the gaze on the fingertips. The withdrawal of the hand alternately to right and left, not taking his eyes off the nails. Then bend your arm at the elbow, touch your nose, move the hand to its original position. Look all the time needs to be focused on the fingers. Repeat the same with the right hand.

To achieve maximum effect, performing exercises regularly, every day, every couple hours of hard work.