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Diet in atherosclerosis

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Atherosclerosis — a formidable and almost asymptomatic in the early stages of the disease, annually claiming the lives of millions of people around the world. Today there are effective methods of medical treatment of this disease, however, proven that the treatment is only symptomatic, if the patient does not alter lifestyle. The fact that atherosclerosis has an endogenous nature and completely depends on the diet and metabolism of the patient. This means that a competent and rational approach to nutrition is one of the essential elements in therapy (and maybe the most important).

Allowed products in atherosclerosis

In the minds of the most entrenched view that the diet — exercise unpleasant and even painful, because it forces them to abandon most of the "tasty"foods in favor of"useful". However, the list of permitted foods in atherosclerosis is quite wide.

The main rule of nutrition in the atherosclerotic process — minimize consumption of atherogenic foods (i.e. the foods that are rich in animal or TRANS fats).

List of permitted products:

  • Meat. For normal protein metabolism and synthesis of cellular structures must be meat, because the waiver is invalid. However, you should choose lean varieties such as beef, veal, chicken, Turkey (preferably, as in the Turkey fat is even smaller), rabbit;
  • Fish. You can choose any varieties of sea and river fish (cod, salmon, tuna, perch, walleye). Fish is rich in phosphorus, and polyunsaturated fats, therefore helps to eliminate the so-called "bad"cholesterol (as you know, the"bad" cholesterol is one of the culprits of atherosclerosis);
  • Fruits, vegetables. Preferably fresh, at least 350400 grams a day. The best choice would be tomatoes, beets, cucumbers, apples, cabbage, oranges , etc. Many fruits and vegetables have the ability to destroy layers of fat on the walls of blood vessels, therefore should be consumed in the first place.Among them, garlic and beets. Does Flaxseed;

  • Whole grains, bran, peanuts, bread. Bran and cereals — a storehouse of gluten and fiber. These substances inhibit the absorption of fats through the intestinal wall into the blood. Oats, buckwheat, millet must be on the table, like bread. From the nuts of the most pronounced anti-atherosclerotic effect have peanuts and walnuts;

  • Kelp. Seaweed is rich in iodine and other trace elements, contribute to normal metabolism. However, you must keep in mind that seaweed is contraindicated in persons with hyperthyroidism. In these patients consumption of kelp can lead to the deterioration of metabolic processes, including lipoproteidnyi;
  • Low-fat or fat-free dairy products;
  • In small amounts it is permissible to include in the diet of ham, sausages, low-fat cheeses;
  • Chicory. Recognized as a helper in the fight against atherosclerosis. They should replace tea and coffee.

Harmful products in atherosclerosis

To harmful products, from which should be discarded, include:

  • Fatty meats, lard. They contain considerable amounts of unhealthy fats;
  • Margarine, spreads. Better to eat a little natural butter. Margarines and spreads made from TRANS fat, which is extremely difficult utilized by the body and cause the increase of concentration of LDL in the blood;
  • Sausages, sausages, sausages, sausages;
  • Fat and strong meat broths;
  • Chicken skin;
  • Fast food;
  • Fatty sauces (mayonnaise, etc.);
  • Hard cheeses, condensed milk;
  • Butter cakes, as it contains large amounts of sugar.

Interesting information: Can I eat butter, eggs, shrimp and drinking alcohol high cholesterol?

Restricted use products

To consumed in moderation is allowed:

  • Offal (liver, kidneys, etc.);
  • Honey;
  • Alcohol. It has a positive impact on cholesterol levels. Preference is given to malt whisky and red wine. The therapeutic dose is not more than 50-100 ml per week. Abuse should not be;
  • Soy sauce;
  • A chicken egg. Eggs are acknowledged leaders in content of cholesterol. But we should mention the cholesterol from foods is not more than 25% of the total level of this substance in the body. The cholesterol in egg may go as "good"and"bad", depending on the method of cooking and eating together with him products. Moreover, eggs are rich in lecithin, which reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. This means that a boiled egg or omelette is not only hurt, but also helps in fighting atherosclerosis and a salad of eggs with mayonnaise or scrambled eggs with sausage — will increase the concentration of the substance;

  • Semolina and rice porridge;
  • Strong tea, coffee.

Find out more: the 4 most essential (medical) product atherosclerosis

Sample menu for atherosclerosis

Menu should be individually based on vital signs of the patient, the peculiarities of metabolism, age, gender, weight. Food must be fractional, at least 5 times a day small meals for better absorption.


  • First meal: oatmeal, vegetable salad, chicory or weak coffee.

  • The second meal: a piece of boiled meat, fruit choice, a small amount of cheese.
  • Third meal: cabbage soup, a piece of boiled meat, potatoes, stewed with zucchini, broth from dried fruits.

  • Fourth meal: yogurt.
  • Fifth meal: baked fish, pureed potatoes, fruit choice, chicory or a glass of weak tea.


  • First meal: scrambled eggs, millet, chicory or weak coffee.
  • Second meal: vegetable salad (cucumber and cabbage).
  • Third meal: soup of zucchini with barley, chicken cutlets steamed berry broth.
  • Fourth meal: cottage cheese and an orange (or Apple).
  • Fifth meal: porridge with pumpkin, boiled fish.


  • First meal: low-fat cottage cheese, an Apple, tea or chicory.
  • The second meal: a casserole of cheese.
  • Third meal: vegetable soup with rice, steam meatballs, salad kelp, a decoction of dried fruit.

  • Fourth meal: yogurt.
  • Fifth meal: boiled fish with mashed potatoes, salad, carrot and garlic with vegetable oil, weak tea.


  • First meal: barley porridge with tomato sauce, fresh cucumber and weak tea.
  • The second meal: a cheese sandwich, a Cup of tea.
  • Third meal: soup, steam cutlets of fish, tincture of rose hips, fresh vegetable to choose from.

  • Fourth meal: low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Fifth meal: rice, cabbage salad, a glass of kefir.


  • First meal: a banana, a Cup of tea.
  • Second meal: yogurt and a fresh Apple.
  • Third meal: soup, coleslaw, boiled beets with butter, berry broth.
  • Fourth meal: tea with dry biscuits.
  • Fifth meal: baked fish, vegetable salad, a glass of weak tea.


  • First meal: porridge of oatmeal, a Cup of tea.
  • The second meal: a sandwich with lean ham and a Cup of yogurt.
  • Third meal: beetroot, steam cutlets, vegetable salad and fruit decoction.
  • Fourth meal: cottage cheese.
  • Fifth meal: meatballs made of fish, salad from fresh cabbage, a Cup of yogurt.


  • First meal: cheesecake, banana, chicory.
  • Second meal: yogurt.
  • Third meal: chicken soup, pasta and chicken steam cutlets, a decoction of dried fruit.
  • Fourth meal: yogurt.
  • Fifth meal: boiled potatoes, croquettes of fish, salad from cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes, a glass of weak tea.

In addition to these, each day allowable intake 200-250 grams rye and wheat bread (in combination).

Thus, in the diet, it is important to control the fat content of food consumed, as well as cautious in consuming foods rich in cholesterol. Food must be fractional. In addition, it is necessary that the portion is taken each time by weight, notexceeded 150-300 grams.