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Cerebral atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

What is atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels?

Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels is steadily progressive systemic vessels located in the relevant body. In medicine you can meet other definitions of this disease, e.g., atherosclerosis of the cerebral type, or atherosclerotic disease of cerebral vessels, but the essence remains unchanged. The work of the Central nervous system is disturbed, which gradually leads to irreversible consequences.

Etiopathogenetic mechanism of development of atherosclerosis of the brain associated with impaired metabolism of protein and lipid character with a lesion of the intima of the blood vessels of the brain by products of decomposition and directly by fatty complexes, with the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

According to statistics, in the blood vessels of the brain, atherosclerosis most frequently affects the arteries of the basal ganglia, arteries of the thalamus and warriewood bridge. In most cases, the formations are formed according to the type of fibrous plaques, lipoids less common.

The defeat affected to a greater extent men than women. They have serious atherosclerotic changes begin to affect the blood vessels of the brain before 10 years. However, in older age (after 55 years and older) and women and men about equally suffer from this disease of the blood vessels of the brain. Statistics inexorably indicates that in recent years there has been an increasing number of cases of young people as young as 30 years.

In addition, certain of atherosclerotic lesions of cerebral vessels were most often observed in people who suffer from hypertension.

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Symptoms of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

Among the obvious signs, indicating the development of pathological lesions of the brain vessels, can be identified:

  • Marked reduction of memory, which manifests itself in the forgetting of eventswhat happened in the recent time. Initially, impairment of memory and make themselves felt occasionally, especially noticeable only after mental and physical fatigue. As the progression of atherosclerosis, the failures become more noticeable, but the memory on past events long time retained.
  • Decreased mental capacity that manifests itself in the form of fatigue. The patient is not able to permanently focus their attention on a particular object, concentrate his thoughts.
  • Emotional lability is another frequent symptom of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. The mood of the person is characterized by instability, variability. That is, even minor events lead to the appearance of brightly colored emotional responses. Most often, these people tearful, prone to depression and anxiety, they often have fears for their own health, there is a lack of confidence in their own abilities.

  • Often patients complain of regular insomnia.

  • Constant companions of this variety of disease of the vessels of the brain are headaches and frequent dizziness. They differ in that they arise in the period when a person changes his position from horizontal to vertical. That is, simply put, gets out of bed, with not even a jerk, but rather slowly.

  • As the progression of the disease may experience marked changes in personality, changes his behavior, frequent mental disorder.
  • Epilepsy is another glaring symptom of a progressive cerebral atherosclerosis cerebral vessels were observed in the older people. Is expressed in the emergence of seizures.
  • Senestopatii, as the symptoms of cerebral atherosclerosis manifested in the fact that man complains of tingling in face, numbness of the legs, the appearance of heat in the occipital region.
  • The breath of Cheyne-Stokes or periodic breathing, which is characterized by certain cycles: surface breaths-breaths give way to deep, after the seventh breath, the breath again becomes rare, then there is a pause and the cycle repeats. Often such breathing is observed with the defeat of atherosclerosis of the arteries that nourish the medulla oblongata.
  • Ataxia is often observed in lesions of the arteries that supply the cerebellum or the vestibular apparatus. Is expressed in the inconsistency of movements of various muscles,the loss of balance when walking and standing, inaccuracies and awkwardness of movement, the force of limbs will not be lost.
  • In addition, patients in some extent manifested verbal, auditory and visual disturbances, and transient paralysis.
  • Often the patient is difficult to endure loud noises, can occur irritable reaction to light.

The symptoms of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, it is expedient to allocate across periods, for a clearer understanding of disease progression:

  1. The first stage is characterized by pseudoneurological manifestations from periodic headaches, noises in the ears, sleep disorders, intolerance of bright light, loud sound, reduced performance and other manifestations of a similar nature.

  2. The second stage of development of the disease observed more severe clinical manifestations, with the development of depression, anxiety and delusional symptoms, with confusion.

  3. The third stage is characterised by development of dementia with severe memory impairment. Dementia is formed due to organic brain lesions atherosclerosis. Man is helpless, it may be desorientado in time, however, norms of behavior remain intact for a long time.

An important symptom to be aware of and by patients and their relatives with atherosclerosis of the brain, is a brain or a hypertensive crisis. He is accompanied by headaches, quite intense, you may experience weakness in one upper or lower limb. Often, the crisis is accompanied by visual and speech disorders. As a rule, it lasts up to 2 days, and then the patient's condition stabiliziruemost. If symptoms persist after this time period, it makes sense to assume that these manifestations are signs of a stroke.

After the crisis the patient is complacent, may be in a euphoric state, all interests are reduced to domestic issues, and the normal functioning is lost.

The causes of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

Factors leading to the development of atherosclerosis localized in the blood vessels of the brain, of the identical risks,forming atherosclerosis all circulatory paths. It is important to remember that any atherosclerotic plaque may develop over several decades.

To influence the early progression of the pathological process can:

  • Smoking. The world health organization has claimed that the intake of tobacco smoke becomes a factor that the provocation for the development of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. Its action is multifactorial, but the most dangerous effect is a narrowing of the arteries of the brain and the gradual loss of their elasticity.
  • High blood pressure. If hypertension remains a long time without proper therapeutic effect, it leads to compaction and narrowing of the blood vessels of the brain, resulting in increased risk of formation of atherosclerotic plaques and stroke.
  • Diabetes. With the development of the disease there is a violation of the treatment in the body not only glucose, but also lipids, which have a detrimental effect on the blood vessels of the brain. In addition, diabetes mellitus leads to increased blood pressure. In combination with existing hypertension, diabetes mellitus increases the risk of development of pathological vascular lesions 4 times.

  • Obesity. In people with excessive body mass, as a result of violation of exchange of lipids and carbohydrates, there has been a steady increase of cholesterol in the blood, which is a powerful factor that triggers the development of atherosclerosis. Moreover, the problem of excess weight is relevant at this point in time, according to statistics, obesity affects about 25% of Russia's population. And these people are of working age.
  • High levels of cholesterol in the blood. Regardless of what leads to an increase in its quantity, the risk of development of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels increases several times. Especially increases the risk on the back of persistently elevated levels of LDL.
  • Male gender or the gender cause. In the age of 60 years, men have greater chances of getting the diagnosis "an atherosclerosis of vessels of a brain". Although after women pass menopause, the chances of suffering from atherosclerosis of the brain are equal. This is because the level of estrogens that inhibit the development of atherosclerosis in the female body after menopause is greatly reduced.
  • Heredity. If the family hadrelatives who at an early age suffered from atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, the risk of a similar pathology increases significantly.
  • A diet high in saturated fat adversely affects vascular condition, including, and brain. It primarily leads to increased cholesterol levels and early growth of atherosclerotic plaques. In addition, the presence of hereditary predisposition, diet high in fat could trigger increased action of the existing genes for increase of level of cholesterol. Resulting in its synthesis will acquire an abnormal character.

  • Minimal physical activity or physical inactivity is one of the most powerful factors in the progression of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. Any load: walking, running, swimming – stimulates the removal of HDL from the body and helps prevent illness.
  • Age is a factor that triggers the development of pathology, to exclude it is impossible. The first fat spots on the vessels found at the age of 10 years, and most pronounced, they become on average 50 years old. This is due to the effect of other precipitating causes and a slowdown in metabolic fat, carbohydrate, vitamin processes in the body. Effect malfunctions of the immune system, endocrine glands, liver, multiple infection, etc.

  • Stress and bad habits in General, are the cause of many diseases, and atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels is no exception.

Diagnosis of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

In order to establish the presence of lesions often require visits to several specialists. Because it is often in addition to neurological disorders, the patient complains of violations of the organs of hearing and sight. Moreover, often the clinical symptoms are not observed at all, or the person does not give them due importance, and the first major occasion for a comprehensive diagnosis becomes at best a cerebral crisis, and at worst a stroke.

If you suspect a atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, the patient should be redirected from any specialist toneurologist. Further clarification of the diagnosis and necessary for this study are assigned to them. In the diagnosis of vascular disease of the brain at a given time is dominated by techniques based on ultrasound.

So that was the diagnosis, the patient may be directed to:

  • Duplex scanning. First of all, this study provides information about the condition of vecherami the arteries that feed the brain. In combination with ultrasound examination of the cranial arteries, doctors get a complete picture with atherosclerosis. This kind of study allows to assess the degree of narrowing of the vessel, to determine the nature of existing atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Transcranial dopplerography – research, allowing to assess the state of the intracranial vessels.
  • Angiography of cerebral vessels. Is a kind of x-ray methods. It is known that the vessels on the x-rays are not visible, so angiography involves injecting a contrast agent intravenously. However, because of the high morbidity of this method may be conducted only under strict indications.
  • The method of computer tomography is predominantly used in patients who have had a stroke. It is necessary to clarify the affected area and determine the tactics of further treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis.
  • Additionally it will be necessary for immunological analysis of blood and detection of the level of cholesterol.
  • Magnetic resonance therapy is also used to study the state of cerebral vessels and gives you the most accurate information on the existing atherosclerotic plaques. However, not every clinic has at its disposal a scanner, so this method is not as popular as studies conducted using ultrasound.

If the results of their studies, the neurologist sees that the narrowing of the vessels exceeds 50%, then the patient is mandatory sent for consultation and possible further examination by the vascular surgeon. He re-evaluates the received status of the patient and further makes a decision about the profitability of surgical intervention.

Treatment of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

Therapy of this disease is a long - term, and often lifelong process. This task deals with the neurologist who is in charge of identifying people with similar problems, assessment of severity of disease and the implementation of conservative therapy. In the firstforemost, it aims to improve blood flow to the brain, become the prevention of arterial thrombosis.

With regard to treatment by drugs, the modern scheme of influence boils down to:

  • Antiplatelet therapy, which is aimed at reducing the risk of ischemic stroke. Drugs used for this purpose: acetylsalicylic acid and clopidogrel. But you first need the study of hemostasis.
  • To improve neural regulation of the endocrine gland used sedatives or, on the contrary, tonic remedies. It can be thyroidin, and small doses of estrogen.
  • Concurrently use drugs aimed at reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood. It could be the statins (prevent the synthesis of cholesterol in liver, reducing LDL and increasing HDL) – lovastatin, atorvastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin and fibrates (reduce levels of cholesterol and triglycerides) – gemfibrozil, fenofibrate, clofibrate. In addition, assigned anyamene resin or bile acid resins that promote the excretion of cholesterol and examples of these funds: chesterman, colestipol. To reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the small intestine will help ezetimib, atromid, miskleron, etc.
  • Reduce cerebral ischemic disorders will help iodine and disponin. In addition, with the same purpose can be assigned kaltsiyodin, potassium iodide or a solution of iodine. Drugs are taking courses with the purpose of exception of iodism.
  • For the solution of therapeutic, not prophylactic use of high doses of ascorbic acid and the b vitamins (B2, B6), significantly exceeding the daily requirement.
  • In addition, in complex therapy of patients prescribed drugs to prevent the development of disorders of blood circulation. It can be koronarolitiki, and tools, expands the arteries and blood thinners with the threat of blood clots.

When it detects hemodynamically significant stenoses, or complete obstruction of the artery or unstable plaque, a vascular surgeon decides on the need for surgical intervention. Modern medicine has achieved significant heights in the matter of recovery operations on the vessels, including and brain.

At this time, the following types of surgical treatment:

  • Endarterectomy. Based on the fact that the fat growth is eliminated by the open method. This is the skin incision to obtain access to the clogged vessel. Thereafter, the surgeon stopsblood flow in this place, a wall of the blood quickly and cut the fat Deposit is removed. After such manipulation, the surgeon can only sew up the damaged area of the vascular suture. This way you can remove plaque on uniceramic vessels.
  • Stents and balloons. To resolve the atherosclerotic formation in intracranial vessels used stents and balloons. It is necessary endoskopicheskoe removal of an atherosclerotic plaque. For this purpose, the endoscope and the stent implanted into a wide vessel, and then under constant monitoring through x-rays, advance to the point where there is narrowing of the artery due to the presence of plaque. That is where the installation of a stent, which increase the lumen of the vessel, restores the course of blood on it.

You should understand that cerebral arteriosclerosis belong to the category of chronic diseases, so treatment is often lifelong. Depending on how timely was carried out diagnosis and treatment is started, will depend on the forecast. In the practice of the neurologists well-known extensive form of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, which, however, allows people not only to live for a long time, but to remain functional. However, there are cases when the first clinical manifestation of the disease ends with the stroke and fatal to humans. A poet is so important the role of the doctor separated the timely diagnosis of the disease and its treatment qualified.

Learn more: List of drugs to improve the functioning of the brain

Neurologist M. M. Sperling in the lecture "How to treat cerebral atherosclerosis?"

Diet in atherosclerosis of brain vessels

It is impossible to get rid of the vascular pathology of the brain or to prevent the bouts of acute illness without complying with a certain diet. As a dietary option doctors recommend a series of tables tailored to the basic needs of the sick person.

However, underlying each of them is a few principles:

  • For patients who are overweight and for those whose body weight is not below normal, you should reduce the calorie consumption per day food. Reduction should be 10 to 15% of total calories.
  • Reduction, up to complete exclusion from the diet products containing animalfats and large amounts of cholesterol. First of all we are talking about egg yolks, eggs, brain, fatty meats and fish.
  • The reduction of the volume of products containing large amounts of vitamin D.

  • Limit the amount of salt consumed.
  • The rejection of nourishing broths and soup.
  • Eating foods that are rich in lipotropic substances. This can be cheese, herring (but only thoroughly soaked), oats, cod.
  • The use of the menu of vegetable oils, not only sunflower, but also corn, flax, cotton.
  • Eating large amount of fruits and vegetables in raw form.
  • The introduction of fasting days, especially subject to the availability of excess weight. It can be kefir, cottage cheese, Apple, oat and other types of mini-diets for one day.
  • Do not forget about proteins, their daily menu should be not less than 30 g. Sources include: fish, eggs, meat, milk products with low fat content.

In particular, for the treatment of vascular pathology of the brain atherosclerotic in nature, may be suitable therapeutic diet number 10. It is his purpose involves reducing the amount of cholesterol in blood, improvement of blood circulation. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that offer the patient to restrict fluid intake to 1.5 liters a day. It's not just about tea or coffee, but water. The maximum number of calories per day should not be more than 2500, and in the obese sick person, this figure is reduced by 700 kcal. The products are not Salada during cooking, not frying. Meals are divided into six approaches.

Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels diet will have to adhere to for a long time, perhaps even throughout life. So you should get used to the consumption of foods such as oatmeal, cabbage, garlic, cheese. A carefully designed power supply circuit can not only alleviate the patient's condition, but also serve as therapeutic and prophylactic medicine.

Find out more: the 4 most essential (medical) product atherosclerosis

Prevention of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

Preventive measures of this diseaseneeds to be not only primary but also secondary. This is due to the fact that this pathology tends to occur in waves, the active phase moving into the process of regression and back. Therefore, it is important through prevention not only prevent the disease itself, but also to stop its progression. In addition, you must ensure that the patient does not have experienced on their own health possible complications of this disease.

It is worth noting that primary prevention needs to be massive. In this respect, the following effective measures:

  • Activities aimed at environmental protection;
  • The noise reduction in cities and enterprises;
  • Providing workers with adequate conditions for relaxation, the shortening of the working week;
  • Sanitary-educational work with youth;
  • Promotion of healthy lifestyle and physical culture (in this case people should realize the harms of physical inactivity);
  • Observance of a mode of work and rest;
  • Good sleep;
  • The best in preventive health institutions;
  • Compliance with the diet and its diversity;
  • Tracking the level of sugar in the blood;

  • Regular measurement of blood pressure;

  • With the exception of bad habits, primarily Smoking.

In addition, it is necessary to treat the disease, which ultimately lead to the development of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. First of all we are talking about the pathologies of the thyroid gland – hypothyroidism and diabetes. It is equally important to normalize metabolic processes in the body slow metabolism leads to excess weight.

Those people who are in the family have relatives with early development of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, should be more carefully monitor their own food, limiting consumption of animal fats. In the diagnosis of disorders of lipid metabolism, is necessary as a prophylactic measure to take iodine.

Instrumental examination of blood vessels after the age of 40 years is an excellent means of prevention and early detection of atherosclerotic changes of cerebral vessels.

With regard to secondary prevention, first of all it is directed at the prevention of disease progression. It includes all the steps from primary prevention and adherence to dietary diet, use of medication. Notto forget about the important of the role of adequate physical exercises and physical therapy.

It is important to remember that, despite the development of modern medicine, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels is a serious problem leading to high mortality among the population. Therefore, the disease is much easier, if not totally prevent, significantly delay its development through preventive measures.