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Treatment of beriberi

Treatment of beriberi folk remedies

Vitamin deficiency could be rectified by traditional medicine using the fruits of plants, medicinal herbs, pine needles and the bark of trees, garlic, medicinal charges and compositions.

Treatment of beriberi fruit plants

Kalina. To prepare the infusion of the fruit plants it is necessary to take a tablespoon of berries viburnum, pour a glass of boiling water, to insist 4 hours, then strain. Take the infusion need half a Cup twice a day.

Rose. An excellent means of traditional medicine for the treatment of beriberi is the infusion of rose hips. In one liter of water you need to take five tablespoons of pre-chopped fruit, boil them over medium heat for ten minutes, and insist in a thermos for 8 hours. Take the infusion throughout the day instead of tea.

Rowan. Dried fruits of the plant are used to prepare infusions. For this 21 tablespoon of berries, previously crushed, insist in a thermos for three hours, strain and use inside three times a day, one third of the glass.

Treatment of beriberi leaves of birch, aspen bark and pine needles

Birch. From spring beriberi help to get rid of young birch leaves. The leaves washed with water and finely chop. 100 grams of raw materials infused in 500ml of boiling water for four hours. Cup cooked means take three times a day.

Aspen. In folk medicine for the treatment of beriberi is also used aspen tree bark or buds of trees. Tablespoon of raw pour a glass of boiling water and keep for 15 minutes on low heat, without boiling, then insist 4 hours. The medium is filtered and mixed with honey, drink the infusion three times a day one glass.

Also to get rid of the vitamin deficiency helps aspen tincture. 15 grams of bark or buds of plants insist in 100 grams of 70% alcohol or vodka for 10 days in a tightly closed container. Before taking the drug is diluted in 50ml of water and take twice a day for 30-40 drops.

Needles. Needles can be used in folk medicine as a decoction or jam. To prepare a decoction per Cup of boiling water needed to take 40 grams of fresh pine, which was pre-washed. After boiling means 20-40 minutes, filter and takehalf a Cup twice a day.

From the young shoots of spruce can be cooked jam. For this 3 cups of raw pour 1.5 cups of sugar, add two cups of water and put the fire out. The jam is cooked stirring constantly. After boiling the mixture fire abated and cook for another 20 minutes. Drink a potion of tea several times a day.

Treatment of beriberi garlic and medicinal compounds

Garlic. One of the most effective folk remedies for vitamin deficiency is considered to be the garlic. To fill the shortage of vitamins in a short time you can eat a few cloves a day. If such a method of administration of garlic does not suit for obvious reasons, prepare a tincture of garlic. To do this, peeled the cloves plants pour 300g. alcohol and leave in a tightly closed container for three weeks. The drug use 20 drops three times a day, previously diluted in half a glass of milk.

Multivitamin weight. This compound is prepared from dried apricots, lemon, cranberries, walnuts, raisins. All the components necessary to take in equal amounts, grind and mix, then put the ingredients in a jar and pour honey from the calculation of 200 grams of honey per quart jar.

Treatment of beriberi charges medicinal herbs

Recipe 1. In the treatment of beriberi folk methods you can use fees from medicinal herbs. Per Cup of boiling water you need to take a tablespoon of the mixture of a certain composition and insisting in a thermos for eight hours, drain. Take the remedy four times daily for one quarter Cup. The collection consists of the following herbs: raspberry leaf, fruit rose hips, bilberry leaf, leaf currant. All the ingredients are taken in equal parts.

Recipe 2. To prepare this recipe should be equal parts of the following plants: black currant leaves, nettle, raspberry, peppermint, elder flowers, berries, marjoram and mother and stepmother. All the ingredients are mixed and taken in tablespoon, pour a glass of boiling water, insist in a thermos for several hours, after which the mixture is filtered. Taking the drug is a quarter Cup 30 minutes before meals three times a day.

Recipe 3. For the treatment of beriberi folk remedies you can use a mixture of rosehips and fruits of mountain ash. The berries are taken in equal parts and poured a Cup of boiling water. For cookingthe infusion will need a tablespoon of a mixture of finely chopped fruits. After insisting in a thermos, tool, filter and take half a Cup three times a day.

Recipe 4. Even one prescription for the treatment of beriberi healers recommend to prepare three parts of rose hips, two parts fruits and cranberries, three parts of nettle leaves. Two tablespoons of chopped herbs and berries brewed Cup of boiling water and put in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, and then insist hour and strain. Take the remedy three times a day one glass.