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The symptoms and treatment of beriberi in children

It is known that beriberi is a condition of the person, coupled with a lack or deficiency of vitamins entering the body with food. The most common is a spring avitaminosis. This time of year, the supply of vitamins, as a rule, expended, and their intake of food is significantly reduced. The most exposed to these conditions children, especially families with low social status, and children born with low birthweight – less than 2.5 kilograms.

Children who are vitamin deficiency, experts recommend to include in the diet of vitamin complexes. Provide the child's body with the necessary vitamins and minerals can help vitamins kids Gummy. It contains 9 vitamins, iodine, zinc, Inositol, choline. Thanks to its rich composition of vitamins helps to improve memory and intelligence, and the natural pectin-based gummy bears have a positive effect on digestion. Vitamins vitamins kids Gummy have 5 different flavors and just melt in your mouth. They can take children from the age of three. Enough 1 gummies a day to get the necessary daily supply of nutrients.

A vitamin deficiency in a child can also be observed after suffering rickets, anemia in children frequently ill with colds, allergies. If insufficient intake of vitamins from food symptoms of beriberi will have a number of features, since the functions of each vitamin in the body have their own specifics.

The symptoms of beriberi in children

Among all kinds of vitamin deficiency the most common are the following types of pathology: deficiency of vitamin A (retinol), vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), vitamin D (calciferol), vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

Vitamin A Deficiency. Vitamin a refers to the fat-soluble vitamins. Its main function is to maintain the normal structure of the skin and mucous membranes. Vitamin a is essential to ensure metabolic processes in the organs of vision, he is part of the visual pigments and are responsible for twilight vision. The symptoms of beriberi in children, caused by lack of retinol is most often observed in schoolchildren and appear dry skin, cracks on the soles and fingertips, forming itchy formations of gray in the area of the elbows, knees, abdomen, buttocks. Skin children scaly, occur hair, appear inflammatory diseases of the eye, to marvel at the layer of the eye.

Hypovitaminosis B1. The symptoms of vitamin deficiency in children is associated with inadequate intake of vitamin B1, accompanied by growth retardation, decreased appetite, suffers flashbacks, disturbed sleep, appears weak.

Hypovitaminosis B2. When there is insufficient dietary intake of Riboflavin, a child may appear visible upon inspection of the vessels on the eyeball and diseases of the mucous membranes of the tongue and lips (stomatitis, cheilitis, glossitis). In children, there is hair loss, acne rosacea appear on the skin.

C. hypovitaminosis in children vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis of vitamin C can cause scurvy, with a number of features, and bearing the special name of the disease møller-Barlow, which is characterized by the disruption of the formation of bones. Such deficiency is often the result of a monotonous diet, rich in carbohydrates. This type of vitamin deficiency combined with a deficiency of nicotinic acid, it is characterized by weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, bleeding and inflammation of gums, bleeding in mouth, bruising. Ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, as a rule, are absent.

Hypovitaminosis D. Vitamin D participates in the formation of bone tissue, when it is insufficient dietary intake of the children have tooth decay, softening of bones, the child is prone to injury, he can experience muscle cramps, muscle weakness. Rickets can cause poor child mental and physical development.

Treatment of beriberi in children

Treatment of beriberi in children is dependent on pathological conditions, namely from the group of vitamins, deficiency of which is observed in the diet of the child.

With insufficient intake of vitamin A treatment is carried out after inspection of a dermatologist, who excluded other causes of skin diseases. Inside or intramuscularly appointed drug retinol acetate in the age dosages. Skin manifestations of vitamin deficiency require long-term treatment – from one to six months. Also doctors recommend to follow a diet rich in vitamin a to enrich the diet of baby milk products, egg, spinach, green onions, seafood, liver, carrots, apricots, peaches.

When deficiency of b vitamins In children can be assignedcomplex preparations containing these vitamins in the form of injections or in pill form (pills). The lack of vitamin B2 treatment may be up to one month. Comprehensive therapy also involves the administration of vitamins B1, PP and C.

Diet in this case should consist not only of meat and dairy products, improves the uptake of Riboflavin but also contain brewer's yeast, offal, brown rice and flour products are rich in vitamin B1.

Treatment in children the deficiency disease caused by vitamin C deficiency should be accompanied by the introduction of ascorbic acid injection. Also, we recommend taking routine, is assigned to the drug "Askorutin". Preparation of vitamin K ("Menadione") helps to avoid bleeding. Additionally, consider the use of decoction of rose hips, pine needles plants. Diet implies in this case a complete diet, rich in vegetables and fruits.

Treatment of vitamin D in children is performed under regular supervision of a physician because high-dosage vitamin no less dangerous than the deficit. Children are assigned "ease of use", recommended courses of UV irradiation.

A child's diet adding fatty fish, egg yolk, liver, dairy products. It is important for children to spend more time in the fresh air and sunbathe.

In conclusion, we should say that the vitamin deficiency in children is quite a serious problem that requires accurate diagnosis and timely treatment in order to avoid complications and to help in the formation of the growing organism as a whole. At the same time for child is essential in ensuring a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle.