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Causes, symptoms, and diagnosis of autism

The definition of autism

Autism is a common developmental disorder impaired communication and social interaction. This disease is characterized by stereotyped behavior, with repetitive actions, as well as uneven development and mental retardation. Often these symptoms occur in children in the first years of life. The main cause is still unknown. It is believed that all the signs suggest the presence of genetic component.

Some kids with autism develops due to various organic diseases. Diagnosis of the disease in the first place is based on continuous monitoring of the development of each child. Current treatment includes medication combined with behavioral therapy. Presents disease is one of the most common of the common practices of developmental disorders. To the group of autism rank as a distinct clinical variability, called ORR. Their frequency is estimated doctors often reaches up to 50 cases per 1,000.

It should be noted that autism occurs 3-4 times more often in boys. Girls affected by this ailment to a lesser extent. Due to changes in diagnostic criteria, we can say that in recent decades there has been a fairly rapid growth of this disease. To date, identify any autistic disorders is not difficult.

As a rule, this syndrome manifests itself at the age of approximately three years. It is characterized by not only an abnormal functioning in all interactions, but also problems in their social relationships. In rare cases it is possible to observe a more severe course of autism, which is almost always accompanied by severe family history.

The cause of autism in children

Usually in most cases of the disease, it has nothing to do with serious brain lesions. In some cases, autism is caused due to congenital rubella, as well as on the background of phenylketonuria, cytomegalovirus infection or threat syndrome fragile X-chromosome. Also discovered serious evidence, which fully confirm the important role of genetic changes in the development of the disease.

It is proven that parents who have a child with autistic disorder, the risk of having a subsequent child with similar problems in the development of higher than normal about 50-70 times. Special monozygotic twins the concordance of this syndrome is high.

Numerous studies that were conducted among families of patients withautism, suggest that potential targets are few regions of genes. These include the receptors of neurotransmitters that are associated with a particular encoding important structural control of the nervous system. The role of external factors, such as vaccination and all sorts of diet, experts to date not proven. In many ways, the pathogenesis of autistic disorders are disorders of functions and structure of the brain.

As a rule, most children with autism of the ventricles much increased. Some kids threat marked hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis, and it is also possible to detect various anomalies of the nuclei is important in the brain stem.

The symptoms of autism

The infantile onset of a disease, as a rule, in the first year of life. In rare cases, it manifests itself at the age of three years. The main symptoms of autistic disorders can be considered atypical of the child's interaction with others. Patients there is a lack of attachment, they are not able to contact even with close relatives. It can be noted, the inability of different responses to various emotions of other people.

Autistic children tend to avoid strange looks. They need to stubbornly follow a monotone order, which eliminates the change of lifestyle and various daily rituals. An important symptom of this syndrome is speech disorder. This symptom can vary from late speech development and to a complete silence. As a rule, strongly expressed the features of the language, retarded intellectual development.

About a quarter of all patients with the identified disease note the loss of many acquired skills. To date, the theory fundamental problems infantile disorders based on the so-called "mental blindness", which involves the inability to care for one another. Mostly this leads to significant violations of interaction with the outside world.

The first and most sensitive early marker of the disease is the inability of any one year old child when communicating to indicate required items. Also assume that such a child is not able to select the desired item, and only specifies the object by physically touching the desired object in the hands of an adult.

Neochrome neurological symptoms often include stereotyped movements and serious violations of coordination of gait. Approximately 30% of children develop seizures,this factor is especially noticeable if the IQ doesn't exceed 50 units. Always note the quality of clinical disorders typical social interactions that occur in several particular forms.

The child with autism can observe a complete rejection of the use of already acquired speech skills in everyday social communication. Sometimes it develops with a slight delay, or may not appear at all. Such children are virtually inaccessible to non-verbal communication, which can include facial expression, eye contact, body posture and gestures.

Approximately to eight years in one third of cases underdevelopment of speech is overcome. But in most patients, expressive speech remains underdeveloped. This syndrome is characterized by various abnormalities in the development of selective social attachments or of reciprocal interactions typical in society.

Many children are not able to quickly establish emotional relationships with loved ones and strangers. They almost see no difference between normal people and inanimate objects. As a rule, kids do not exhibit violent reaction to their parents. In extremely rare cases possible a kind of symbiotic attachment autistic child only to the mother. Such patients to communicate, in principle, do not seek, other children do not interest them.

It should be mentioned that the children not only lack of spontaneous seeking joy, but finding common interests. Kids have no socioemotional of reciprocity, which usually manifests itself violated a reaction to all the emotions of other people. Also there is no special modulation of behavior, depending on the specific situations. In the social-simulation and role-playing games notable a serious breach of communication, they stereotyped and non-functional.

Strong attachment to unusual hard items is also considered an important symptom of autism. Repetitive movement, restricted repetitive stereotypes, lack of interest and activity, obsessive desire to a strict order are the main elements of such patients. Often changing the usual rhythm of life and the appearance of strangers in the life of these children causes irreversible reactions of anxiety and fear, which are always accompanied by aggression, crying, screaming and self-injurious.

In addition to the specific diagnostic symptoms for autism disorders are characterized by different psychopathological phenomena. These include various phobias, increased anxiety, various disorders of eating and sleeping.

Atypical autism

Serious atypical autism is characterized by moderate mental retardation with marked autistic traits. The main symptom of this type of disease is considered to be atypical child psychosis. Psychological changes and developmental delay may become noticeable after the age of three. Atypical autism is characterized by a lack of specific diagnostic criteria.

As a rule, qualitative abnormalities in normal social interaction and communication not expressed. Restricted repetitive behavior and injurious not of concern often up to 5 years. The delay of speech development and a lack of interest in animate objects don't allow the time to diagnosis of this syndrome.

Diagnosis of autism in children

Diagnosis patients always put clinically. This requires the allocation of the basic signs of disorders in the development, communication and social interaction. The presence of restricted repetitive movements in daily behavior and strong pull to the ordered way of life are also one of the diagnostic factors. Modern screening tests include various questionnaires social communication, special diagnostic tests, as well as a special program on surveillance.

In determining the level of intelligence of autistic children are often better able to cope with the usual non-verbal tasks. In some non-verbal tests patients show good results that match the child's age. Therefore, experienced psychologists choose several types of tests for identification of developmental delay.

The treatment of autism

The treatment of infantile of the syndrome is usually conducted by a team of physicians who used intensive behavioral therapy. Such therapy primarily encourages expressive communication and interaction with people. Behavioral analysis and a specific strategy of treatment can achieve significant results. Speech therapy is based on the number of types of activity, including talking, sharing pictures and singing. With the shortcomings of motor functions fighting occupational therapists, and physiotherapists.

The prognosis of treatment of autistic disorders depends on the frequency, timing, and individual validity of all treatment activities.