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Balanoposthitis in men

Balanoposthitis is a disease characterized by the inflammation of the glans (balanitis) and the inner layer of the foreskin of the penis (post). Among urological diseases the prevalence of it is pretty big. The cause of the balanoposthitis is usually a trivial infection with polymicrobial etiology, namely, yeast fungi, streptococci, staphylococci, fusospirochetal symbiosis. All of these pathogens can be transmitted through sex.

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The causes of balanoposthitis

Quite often, balanoposthitis develops on the background of common diseases that cause weakening of the natural resistance of the skin to pathological microorganisms and foreign agents. These are such diseases as diabetes mellitus, hypovitaminosis, anemia, Allergy. In addition, there are a variety of local predisposing factors – poor hygiene, the narrowness of the foreskin, injury to the penis.

All this contributes to the accumulation of secretions of the glands of the foreskin of the penis is smegma. She is gradually going under the skin of the head, which leads to its inflammation. Prolonged inflammation of the inner leaf of the foreskin or head of the penis is dangerous for its complications. Most often this is manifested in reduced sensitivity and, as a result, poor-quality sex life.

In addition, the inflammatory process may spread to the urethra, triggering the development of urethritis, urethral constriction and impaired urination. However, the most severe consequences of balanoposthitis and phimosis are malignant neoplasms of the penis.

The symptoms of balanoposthitis

The signs of the disease at every stageare manifested in different ways and have different intensity. For example, all of the symptoms of balanoposthitis in the acute form can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Minor skin lesions. They are accompanied by itching, pain, a burning sensation in the glans penis, and redness and swelling of the skin in this place. Often the duration of intercourse is significantly reduced, there is a premature ejaculation.

  2. Changes in the skin of the glans penis. Manifested in the form of thinning of the mucosa and dryness of the skin, cracks and sores on the foreskin or the glans penis. Narrowing of the foreskin hampers the exposure head. All these symptoms of balanoposthitis lead to painful sexual intercourse.

  3. The emergence of abnormal discharge. At this stage the secretion of smegma (secretion of the sebaceous glands of the foreskin) becomes so intense that it can even impregnate linen, while in normal condition the smegma is secreted in small amounts and does not usually cause a man concern. Appear purulent discharge from the urethra. In some cases, may increase the temperature and the appearance of General weakness.

All of the above symptoms of balanoposthitis may occur either individually or in various combinations. In any case, the appearance of the first signs of the disease should immediately consult a doctor.

Forms of balanoposthitis

The nature of the disease there are the following forms of balanoposthitis:

  • A simple form (catarrhal balanoposthitis). It is characterized by swelling, redness and maceration (moist softening) of the inner layer of the foreskin and the skin of the head with the subsequent formation of erosive lesions of different sizes and shapes with purulent secretions. All this is accompanied by slight itching and a burning sensation.

  • The erosive form. This form of balanoposthitis is characterized by a swollen appearance of white sections of necrotic epithelium, subsequently turning into a sharply defined, painful erosion of bright red color with a rim of maceration on the edge. A complication of this process can be phimosis. In many cases there is also painful inguinal lymphadenitis or regional lymphangitis.

  • Gangrenous form. The flow of a gangrenous balanoposthitis accompanied by General weakness and fever. On the background of a sharp swelling andredness of the prepuce and glans penis are formed deep necrotic ulcers of various sizes. Healing of ulcers is very slow, usually develops phimosis.

In all cases of balanoposthitis should first be tested for syphilisto rule out this disease. In an appropriate medical facility you will make studies to determine the causative agent of syphilis – pale Treponema, hold confrontations and reactions.

The risk of balanoposthitis and urethritis

Urethritis is a frequent companion of balanoposthitis. Bacteria that live on the head of the penis, is not difficult to climb up the urethra and cause inflammation. The most common symptoms of urethritis are observed on 3-7 day of the manifestation of balanoposthitis.

Symptoms of infection:

  • Redness of the foreskin, the occurrence on it of white plaque lesions, erosions;
  • Burning and painful sensations during emptying of the bladder;
  • The appearance of abnormal discharge from the urethra;
  • Swelling of the penis or the tissues located around the opening of the urethra;

  • The appearance of impurities in the urine, its turbidity;
  • The increase in body temperature to 38 degrees.

In this case, it is necessary to go on consultation to the doctor and to pass a comprehensive examination.

Treatment is reduced to taking medications Furamag or Furagin, and antibiotics. In parallel, the patient is administered local treatments (baths with potassium permanganate, application of Clotrimazole cream 1%). The course of treatment can last up to 14 days.

Complications of balanoposthitis

If you ignore symptoms or do not follow medical recommendations, you may develop the following complications:

  • Chronicization process with periods of exacerbation and remission. Treatment of chronic form of the disease more complex and lengthy.
  • Deterioration of sexual function, due to reduced sensitivity of the head of the penis. Atrophy of the receptors may lead to impotence;
  • The development of urinaryinfections: urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis. Bacteria, causing inflammation of the foreskin, are able to cause inflammation of the urethra, bladder and kidneys. Most often, such complications result in disruption of the immune system.
  • The development of inflammation of the prostate gland. Prostatitis due to contact with pathogenic microorganisms in its tissues. Symptoms: pain in the perineum, scrotum and lower abdomen, frequent urination, etc.
  • Inguinal lymphadenitis, lymphangitis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the lymph nodes (lymphadenitis) or lymph vessels (lymphangitis). Symptoms: the appearance of red streaks on penis and scrotum, pain and swelling of the lymph nodes, increased body temperature, deterioration of health.
  • Gangrene of the penis. This complication has sudden onset and is characterized by necrosis of the penis. It appears nekrotizirovannye areas, increases body temperature, causing severe pain.
  • The paraphimosis. In this case, the head of the penis clamped the foreskin. Symptoms: marked pain, excessive swelling, redness. This condition requires immediate medical care, otherwise the patient will develop gangrene and the body will have to remove.

Diagnosis of balanoposthitis

Diagnosis of balanoposthitis is aimed at identifying the infectious agent and not a complex. It includes a number of such tests, as culture and microscopy of smears, it is also necessary to exclude syphilis. The test results help to accurately determine the cause and form of the disease, from which will depend on the treatment.

In some cases, may require antibiotic therapy and even surgery. Most often, the operation of circumcision of the foreskin is assigned for chronic forms of balanoposthitis, when the disease is caused by phimosis.

Treatments, antibiotics and ointments

Balanoposthitis, with well-written therapeutic scheme, is treated quite successfully. After the course the man may be a malfunction of the reproductive system, it is possible the violation of the functions of reproduction. These side effects are temporary, very soon everything will be back to normal.

Therapy is based on providing systemic effects on the body with the help of medicines, it needs to be supplemented by local treatment. If balanoposthitis is mild, and the patient turned in time tothe doctor, to get rid of inflammation succeed by using creams and ointments. Regarding the choice of a specific drug, it is the prerogative of the doctor. A doctor when prescribing the drug proceeds exclusively from the reason, which provoked the balanoposthitis.

Treatment of balanoposthitis of different etiology:

  • Mycotic form. Treatment is based on antifungal agents and is complemented by the use local antifungals.

  • The bacterial form. To eliminate the disease can only be due to taking antibiotics. Systemic treatment is supplemented by local procedures designed to decontaminate the site of inflammation. If possible, before assigning specific antibacterial agents need to do TANK-analysis and identify the bacterium that has led to the development of inflammation. If in addition to balanoposthitis in a patient diagnosed with cystitis, pyelonephritis or urethritis, avoid oral medications fail. Diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, require etiologic treatment.

  • The viral form. To get rid of the virus balanoposthitis is quite difficult. Often the disease becomes chronic with periods of exacerbation and remission. To eliminate viral inflammation prescribe antiviral medicines.

  • Allergic form. In this case, the prescribed antihistamines.

  • Purulent inflammation with the development of gangrene. With such severe disease requires surgical intervention. In some cases doctors do not even manage to keep the sexual organ of men. The member is removed either fully or partially. Hospitalization is a prerequisite for treatment.

  • Balanoposthitis in diabetes mellitus. To eliminate inflammation the patient is prescribed antibiotics. In parallel, it is necessary to normalize the level of sugar in the urine and in the blood. Only under this condition can one hope that the relapse doesn't happen.

The presence of comorbidities is an important factor that must be considered in the treatment of balanoposthitis. For example, if a patient is diagnosed with Reiter syndrome, it is important to eliminate from the blood the complex of autoantibodies, to get rid of skin rashes.

Treatment of balanoposthitis is engaged in the urologist, although when the disease has a mild course, to handle a capable therapist. When the advanced form of the disease may require surgical help.

During uncomplicated balanoposthitis does not require hospitalization. The patient takes the drugs at home.Placement of the patient in the hospital is necessary in the case when in addition balanoposthitis observed pathologies like the cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc. Hospitalization is also needed when joining a purulent inflammation and gangrene.

During the therapy it is important not to deviate from the following guidelines:

  • During intimacy, you must use a condom.
  • Sexual partner should be tested to exclude him STDs.
  • If an STD is identified, the treatment must pass both sexual partner.
  • Hygiene of the intimate area should be of high quality. Genitals should be washed using soap, and the affected areas treated with hydrogen peroxide (pharmaceutical solution).
  • Well help to decontaminate the skin baths with potassium permanganate solution or furatsilinovoy solution.
  • You should wear underwear made of natural fabrics. From synthetic materials should be discarded.
  • During treatment is not recommended to change the sexual partner.

Creams and ointments when balanoposthitis

Creams and ointments, as well as different gels and powders is a means for local treatment. If the cause of the disease was the infection, you should use products containing the antibiotic. A fungal infection requires the use of antifungals. At the discretion of the attending doctor may be prescribed medication combined action.

Whichever drug is chosen, it needs to remove inflammation, promote healing of damaged tissues, eliminate itching and other symptoms. Ointment with epitelizirutmi component is good to use at the stage of recovery.

Medicament for the local treatment of balanoposthitis:

The drug and its active component

How does the drug

How to use the drug

Levomekol (methyluracil, chloramphenicol)

Chloramphenicol is an antibacterial agent which has activity against many bacteria.
The second active component of the ointment helps to relieve inflammation, and accelerates healing of the skin.

Ointment applied to the affected area 3 times a day. You can apply gauze impregnated with a drug.

Triderm (clotrimazole, gentamicin, betamethasone)

Antimycotic - clotrimazole, the antibiotic gentamicin, hormonal ingredient - betamethasone (eliminates inflammation and itching).

Applied ointmenton the affected area, capturing a healthy skin. The drug is used 2 times a day.

Instruction (kliohinol, flumetazon)

Kliohinol effectively kills fungi and bacteria. Flumetazon reduces inflammation, relieves hayfever symptoms.

The cream is applied on cleaned skin area not more than 2 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 7 to 14 days.

Prednisolone ointment (Prednisone)

The drug relieves swelling, removes inflammation, reduces itching and redness.

The drug is applied on the affected area for 5-7 days.

Kseroforma ointment (xeroform)

The ointment acts as an antiseptic and dries weeping wounds.

A thin layer of ointment applied 2 times a day on the affected area. From above it is necessary to apply a bandage.

The drug must appoint a physician. Independently the use of ointments and creams is unacceptable. Otherwise, you can only make the situation worse and harm their own health.

Do you need antibiotics for balanoposthitis?

If the disease was provoked by bacteria without antibacterial drugs do not succeed. The woman's vagina and on the skin of the penis in men there is a huge amount of microorganisms. Among them there are pathogenic bacteria. By reducing local immunity, they can begin to actively proliferate. As practice shows, it is the pathogenic bacteria most often cause development of balanoposthitis. Although we can not exclude that the disease arose as a result of sexually transmitted infection. Most STDs cause bacteria, protozoa and anaerobic bacteria – e.g. syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc. In these cases, to cope with the disease without use of antibacterial agents, will not succeed.

However, it is not always balanoposthitis requires antibiotics.

Their use is not necessary, when the disease is triggered by the following factors:

  • Viruses;
  • Fungi;
  • Allergens;
  • Autoimmune processes in the body;
  • The growth of the tumor.

It should be understood that even the above causes of balanoposthitis in some cases require the use of antibiotics. The doctor prescribes drugs withantibacterial effect for reinsurance, and in order to avoid secondary infection. As mentioned, the skin of the penis is home to many bacteria. If they fall into pinholes present on the mucosa, will develop purulent process and inflammation will ensue. Therefore, if the patient detects erosions, ulcers or fissures, the doctor may decide on the appointment of an antibiotic, and it will be true.

So the drug produced the maximum effect, before treatment is highly desirable to carry out the antibiogram. This will allow you to pick a drug that will "hit the mark".

Assignments require antibiotic infections such as cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis. They are frequent companions of balanoposthitis, as bacteria from the glans and the foreskin quite easily penetrate the urethra, bladder and kidneys.

How long is balanoposthitis?

If the patient is promptly sought medical help and was prescribed etiological treatment, the recovery will come very quickly. Although, in medical practice there are cases when the disease does not allow to achieve a speedy recovery, despite high-quality therapy.

The recovery time of the patient with different forms of balanoposthitis:

  • Not more than a few days is the treatment of the allergic form of the disease. And balanoposthitis in this case, can pass on their own. The main condition – the elimination of the allergen. More accurately called a time for which will be held this form of balanoposthitis, it is difficult, because an allergic reaction can cause the skin of small defects that will lead to a more protracted recovery phase.
  • If the inflammation was caused by bacteria, with proper selection of antibiotics to get rid of the disease will be within 7-14 days. Than neglected disease, the longer it will take.
  • If balanoposthitis develops on the background of venereal disease, the recovery may be delayed for several weeks. Although, when the causative agent of the pathological process is identified correctly, then to get rid of the inflammation really well for a few days.
  • Viral balanoposthitis be cured longer than the others. So, herpes inflammation may not take place for several months, and after the alleged lull escalate again.
  • Ifthe tissues of the penis have deep damage (observed gangrene, erosion, ulcers) that may require the placement of a patient in a hospital, surgery and a long recuperation period (several months).

So, to accurately determine the timing of recovery is problematic. They largely depend on the cause of the inflammation, the state of men's health. If we look at the statistics, the most frequent forms of balanoposthitis can be cured in 10 days.

Causes and treatment of chronic balanoposthitis

The chronic form of the disease is quite rare. The disease is hidden and does not give pronounced symptoms. However, during acute balanoposthitis cause a man a lot of inconvenience. And remission over time will be less, and deterioration will begin to occur more often once the patient stops therapy.

The causes of chronic inflammation:

  • Balanoposthitis in the background of the venereal diseases.
  • Accession fungal infection.
  • Balanoposthitis-induced syphilis, trichomoniasis, herpes viruses.

  • The presence of chronic foci of infection in the body: sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis media.
  • HIV.

The symptoms of chronic balanoposthitis:

  • The appearance of itching and burning sensation in head-on during intimacy and sexual arousal.
  • Appearance of itching and burning in the corresponding area during exercise, after overheating of the body.
  • Periodic appearance on the skin of head red rash, severe redness.
  • Constantly moist skin of the glans of the penis, the presence of interstitial fluid.
  • The appearance of a white plaque in the area of the coronal sulcus.
  • The appearance of pink papules on the head.
  • Too dry skin of the head, cracking that causes pain.

Doctors of the Moscow state medical dental University has developed a scheme for treatment of chronic balanoposthitis, which allows you to get rid of the disease in 97% of cases:

  • Thoroughly wash and dry your sexual organ, then treat it with sprayLamisil. The procedure should be repeated 2 times a day for two weeks.
  • The passage of laeroporto using lamisil spray. The procedure lasts about 5 minutes. A complete treatment consists of 7 sessions with a break of 1 day.

Prevention of balanoposthitis

Balanoposthitis is a disease whose development can be prevented by conducting basic preventive measures.

As a rule, balanoposthitis is not a consequence of transmission through sexual contact. However, the disease can develop with regular sex without a condom with a partner who has a vaginal dysbiosis, or nonspecific vaginitis. In this case the infection gets to the head of the penis and gradually leads to decrease in immunity of the mucous, causing and inflammation.

What is vaginal dysbiosis? This imbalance of microflora, which is based on lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, produce lactic acid. Just vagina of a healthy female lives up to 40 types of bacteria, strictly controlling the number of each other and not allowing "outsiders".

However, under the influence of different factors – but it could be stress, pregnancy, hypothermia, etc. – is a violation of this delicate balance. And then a colony of some microorganisms (e.g., fungi of the genus Candida or Gardnerella) can reproduce in large quantities and suppress all others. Dysbacteriosis of the vagina.

Therefore, the prevention of balanoposthitis include measures such as:

  • Quality hygiene of the genital organs. To prevent excessive bacterial growth, it is necessary to carefully wash the foreskin with warm water at least 1 times a day. After hygienic procedures should be thoroughly wet skin with a dry cloth. Well, when there is the possibility of washing of genitals before and after intimacy. During hygienic procedures to use soap or gel. Breeding ground for bacteria is sweat, seminal fluid, urine, dead skin cells.

  • Protected intimacy. Well, if the person has a regular sexual partner. In this case, the risk of Contracting sexually transmitted diseases is much lower than that of people who practice promiscuity. If accidental contacts occur, it is necessary to use a condom. Anal and oral sex increases the risk of balanoposthitis.

  • The use of qualityof personal care products. This will allow to avoid occurrence of allergic reactions and prevent skin irritation. It is important to monitor the shelf life of the products used.

  • Preventive visit to the urologist. Even if a man does not disturb any complaints, it is necessary 1 time a year to see this specialist. Moreover, we should not delay the visit to the doctor the appearance of any pathological lesions or secretions, with the accession of itching and other unpleasant symptoms. The sooner treatment is started, the sooner will come the recovery and the lower the risk of secondary complications.

  • Therapy related diseases. It is not excluded that balanoposthitis is a consequence of diabetes, autoimmune processes, cancer, etc. In this case the inflammation to get rid of will not be able to until will not be treated the underlying disease.

If a man has phimosis, the risk of balanoposthitis he grows. Therefore, these defects should be corrected at an early age.

Is there any balanoposthitis with sex?

Balanoposthitis inflammation of the foreskin, cannot develop in a woman purely for physical reasons. However, if the disease provoked by the infection, then pass it on to a sex partner is quite real.

So, the risk of infection is available in the following forms of balanoposthitis:

  • Viral, fungal or bacterial form of inflammation. If pathogens get on the healthy mucous membrane, they can start to multiply in it and cause the development of the disease. The more that intimacy is often accompanied by the appearance of a microcrack, which increases the risk of infection.

  • Balanoposthitis caused by sexually transmitted diseases. During intercourse the virus can be transmitted herpes, bacteria that cause syphilis, mycoplasmosis , etc. And damage to the mucosa in this case is not a prerequisite for infection.

  • The acute course of the disease. Any disease is more contagious when it is in the acute stage.

Balanoposthitis, which develops on the background of diabetes or autoimmune diseases not sexually transmitted and is not contagious.

As for the allergic form of the disease, the infectedit is also impossible. However, when sexual partners are using low-quality condoms or lubrication, the symptoms of inflammation can occur once the two of them. Therefore, there is a suspicion of an infectious process. To dispel all doubts, you must consult the doctor.

As practice shows, the transmission of infection during acute balanoposthitis is a rare phenomenon. Because the disease cause a man a lot of inconvenience and is accompanied by painful sensations. Therefore, intimacy most patients at this time not think.

The woman after contact with a sick partner may experience the following symptoms:

If a man has symptoms of balanoposthitis from the the intimate life need temporarily to opt out. You should contact the doctor and find out the cause of the inflammation.

With regard to the use of a condom during intimacy on the background of balanoposthitis, the doctors are not recommended to do so. The use of such contraception causes an inflamed area loses oxygen, it turns out perezhitoe that would increase the inflammation and prolong the healing process. Although only a condom can protect partner from the transmission of sexually transmitted infections. So the General advice for all men with balanoposthitis – the refusal of intimacy to the moment of recovery.