Home / Treatment / The combined use of upland uterus, red brush and sage

The combined use of upland uterus, red brush and sage

Treatment of infertility caused by inflammatory diseases of the ovaries

There are a few recipes:

  • Recipe 1. Infusion of leaves mother and stepmother, with other herbs – flowers of calendula and chamomile, clover and grass centaury. Take in equal proportions and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water two tablespoons of the mixture. Insist two hours in thermos, filter and drink a third Cup to six times a day. Take the infusion of 1-2 months, then take a break.
  • Recipe 2. Herbal to prepare the broth: grass clover medicinal (1 part), flowers of Filipendula (2 parts), grass knotweed (1 part), herb lady's mantle (2 parts), grass sage (part 1). Tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of water and kept for fifteen minutes in a water bath, then filtered through cheesecloth and add water to the original volume. While the broth is hot, add one and a half milliliters of tincture of Golden root (10%). Take the mixture three times a day before eating for recovery of ovarian function to prevent inflammation and speed up recovery.
  • Recipe 3. Herbal collection for an infusion of crushed motherwort, yarrow and series mix ratio 1:1:2 and pour 5 tablespoons mixture of 0.5 liters of boiling water, to insist hour. Cool, strain through cheesecloth and drink half a Cup in the morning and before bed every night during the monthly cycle, from the end of the last menstruation and before the next. Contraindicated for pregnant women.

For the treatment of infertility caused by anovulation or polycystic ovaries

First phase: to stimulate ovulation, take the rosemary, the same effect plus the detoxifying effect of wormwood, the leaves of the raspberry increase the production of estrogen, and the flowers of the elder stimulate the maturation of follicles.

Second phase: take plants with progestogenic effect, herbs that regulate the development of the yellow body – cuff, nettle, yarrow.

Treatment upland uterus for three cycles, followed by an ultrasound to monitor the results; sage take a minimal amount too, only with ultrasound. If after several courses of treatment upland uterus ovarian cysts reduced, then treatment is continued and administered the sage in the first phase.

For the treatment of hypothyroidism

To restore thyroid function, which depends on hormonal regulation of the organism, it is recommended to use herbal:

  • St. John's wort, dogrose berries, Angelica, licorice root, Rhodiola rosea (root), celandine (grass), cocklebur (fruit) to prepare the broth orinfusion take in equal parts;
  • Leuzea (root), flax, horsetail (grass), mother and stepmother (leaves), celandine and the fruits of the cocklebur – take in equal proportions.

Treatment adnexitis, acute and chronic, obstruction of the fallopian tubes

Recommended these herbal recipes:

  • Two teaspoons of Wintergreen leaves pour a glass of boiled water, two hours in a thermos, then strain through cheesecloth folded in four and squeeze. Half a Cup of infusion take three times a day.
  • Tincture of Wintergreen rotundifolia is an herbaceous part of the plant in an amount of 50 g pour 0.5 liters of alcohol forty degrees and infuse for 10-14 days in a dark place. Take 30 drops three times a day.

For normalization of cycle with anovulation

The crushed leaves of plantain (1 tablespoon) pour boiling water and infuse for two hours, then strain and take four times a day a spoon of infusion. Applies only in the first phase of the cycle.

Additional recommendations when violations of the cycle associated with menopause and hormonal imbalance: eating legumes, which are rich in important group of phytoestrogens – isoflavones. This contributes to the reduction of the tides and restore the function of the vaginal mucosa, where due to age-related changes in the body may experience a burning sensation and dryness. Enough of 100-200 grams of soy and other legumes (about a glass by volume) to avoid the negative consequences of menopause.

For more information on herbs

Plants that affect the sexual function of women:

  • Cap deciduous – herbaceous plant in the family Lamiaceae with a straight, pubescent stems up to 1 m. Grows in meadows, fields, coniferous and mixed forests, blooms all summer. Used in uterine bleeding due to the hemostatic properties. The betony cannot be taken by pregnant.

  • Water pepper is a herbaceous plant of the family Polygonaceae, medications used in its surface portion. Has hemostatic properties, it is used to stop uterine bleeding, reduce pain during menstruation and also helps to tone uterine atony and postpartum.
  • Lush carnation and other representatives of the family Caryophyllaceae richphytohormones, which are used for correction of the menstrual cycle. The herbaceous part of the plant used for the treatment of dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation. Clove seeds contribute to the early onset of menstruation and can cause miscarriage, and therefore strictly contraindicated in pregnant women.
  • Elecampane is one of the main effects of this plant in improving the quality of semen and viability of spermatozoa, which greatly increases the chances of conception. Taken for the normalization of the second phase of the cycle. Method of use: a teaspoon of crushed roots pour a glass of hot water (70-80 degrees) and boil for twenty minutes in a water bath. Insist in a thermos for four hours. Take one tablespoon of broth for half an hour before each meal. Stored in the refrigerator for two days. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.
  • Hypericum perforatum is a herbaceous plant with bright yellow flowers that are toxic to animals and has a slightly toxic effect on people, so use with caution. Used in inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system in the decoction. To make it dry grass Hypericum (1 tablespoon) pour boiling water (1 Cup) and boil for fifteen minutes, divided into four doses per day. Contraindications: hypertension, pregnancy. The use of St. John's wort may cause temporary impotence in men. After the removal of toxic substances from the body, sexual function is restored.

  • Fireweed uzkolisty is an herbaceous perennial plant that is popularly referred to as willow herb or fireweed. Has anti-inflammatory action, used for infections of the genital organs, menstrual disorders, and for treatment of diseases of the urogenital system in men.

  • Kalina common. A decoction of the flowers of viburnum soothe inflammation and increase the tone of uterine muscles. For its preparation on a glass of boiling water a tablespoon of flowers and boil in water bath for 10 minutes, taken three times a day a tablespoon.
  • Caragana drug or yellow acacia – a shrub or small tree, young branches of which are used for medicinal purposes; therapeutic application are also suitable flowers and honey from Karagan. A decoction of the young shoots and flowers are used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
  • Common nettle – tincture of the leavesis used as a styptic, the ground portion of the plants helps in the process of hematopoiesis due to the higher iron content.
  • Lovage pharmacy – a decoction of the roots is used for scanty menstruation, helps to normalize the menstrual cycle. Lovage is contraindicated in pregnant women.
  • Wormwood – helps to normalize the cycle with scanty menstruation, the ground part of the plant is rich in volatile and toxic to pathogenic microorganisms, substances. The infusion of sage leaves is used in the treatment of uterine fibroids, in infectious diseases of the reproductive system. Possesses contraceptive properties, is strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating mothers.
  • Northern androsace is a herbaceous plant, belongs to the family primulaceae. Popular means of Siberian folk medicine. It is used to treat whiter in women, infectious diseases, stop bleeding in internal inflammations. Decoction of androsace – strong contraceptive.
  • Plantain tincture of fresh leaves of this herbaceous plants helps with morning sickness in pregnant women, decoction of psyllium is used for the treatment of infertility in men and women. Psyllium husk help to improve the quality of sperm, increase motility and viability of sperm. Anti-inflammatory properties of the seeds can be used for treatment of female infertility caused by tubal inflammation. A decoction of plantain (Cup of boiling water on a tablespoon of the seeds boil for five minutes and insist hour) take 3 times a day for two tablespoons. The course of treatment is two months.

  • Sorbus aucuparia – a decoction of the fruit and the bark used as contraceptive for women, bath with infusion of the bark help in dermatological disorders.
  • Chamomile – infusion helps in inflammatory diseases of uterine tubes, commissural processes, extract and essential oil of chamomile is used for sprintsevani the colpitis, vaginitis, erosion of cervix.
  • Ruta fragrant – decoction of above-ground parts of Rue are used to eliminate the negative symptoms of menopause, and as a tonic in case of violation of potency in men. Is contraindicated in pregnant women because of the slightly toxic properties.
  • Sophora yellowing – decoction of the roots and herbs used for uterine bleeding adenomatous polyps, leucorrhoea, inflammation of the appendages. Douching with Sophora help to restore the microfloravagina, used in the treatment of fibroids and cancer of the female reproductive system.
  • Rape common–decoctions and infusions of the ground part of the plant is used for the correction of hormonal balance when there is insufficient production of estrogen. A decoction of the seeds helps with impotence in men.
  • Knotweed – ground part of the plant used for the treatment of female infertility in the form of infusion. Contraindicated for use with inflammation of the bladder due to strong diuretic action. Use is limited in renal diseases, bleeding disorders and coronary heart disease.

  • Yarrow – part of water for douching helps with leucorrhoea in women. The decoction is prepared as follows: the ground part of yarrow, rosemary leaves, sage leaves, oak bark in a ratio of 1:1:1:2 are mixed in dry form and 100 g of the resulting collection pour three liters of boiling water and boil for half an hour. Apply for douching twice a day.
  • Humulus lupulus –hops cones are used for the correction of hormonal balance when there is insufficient synthesis of estrogen.
  • Mugwort – a decoction of the ground parts of the plant stimulates the release of follicle stimulating hormone in the blood, which promotes the maturation of the follicle and helps with polycystic ovaries and hormonal imbalance. Take wormwood for 10 days the first phase of the menstrual cycle.
  • Mal black –the flowers of this herb in combination with the leaves of Rue, used in the decoction for the normalization of monthly discharge in dysmenorrhea.

Plants that affect the sexual function of men

  • Speman – homeopathic medicine based on medicinal plants and immunomodulatory substances, which improves reproductive function in men, increases sperm quality and vitality of sperm. Course duration is from three months to six months.
  • Calamus is a plant belongs to the family rental, perennial and herbaceous. For medicinal purposes use it Koreneva, they make infusions and decoctions. Has a tonic effect on the body, strengthens the immune system and enhances sexual function of men.
  • The aralia – for therapeutic purposes, usingthe bark and roots of this shrub. It acts as an adaptogen, stimulating the immune system and helping the body to adapt to climate change. Has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, reduces fatigue and sleepiness, promotes health of reproductive system, preventing its degradation.
  • Vinca minor – the infusions and decoctions of this evergreen plant will help to avoid impotence in men of middle age.
  • The European spindle tree –the wood of this shrub is used to treat hypertension in the early stages, and dried fruit in the form of infusion or decoction is taken as an antimalarial drug, is used to restore potency.
  • Conium maculatum is a tincture of the leaves of this herbaceous plants helps with emissions. Be used with caution, as the Hemlock contains toxic substances.
  • The dissected cow parsnipis a herbaceous umbelliferous plant, the grass which is used for medicinal purposes in epilepsy, neurasthenia. Hogweed roots contain coumarins that have anti-tumor effect. Medical application received another plant, a close relative of the dissected cow parsnip – cow parsnip woolly. The herb brewed in dysmenorrhea and the disturbance cycle in women, as well as with bronchial asthma and intestinal colic. Men be used with caution as the infusion of herbs Hogweed can reduce sexual activity.

  • The three-pointed bell– vysokotrave plant (grows to 1.5 m), belongs to the family campanulaceae, and is found in the far East and in Siberia. In Tibetan medicine it is the herb is considered an effective remedy for impotence, its infusion has a tonic effect on the body, is used for the treatment of epilepsy and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Rosemary and Siberian maral house isan evergreen plant that grows in the Altai and the far East. In Tibetan medicine used to restore sexual function in men. Has powerful antiseptic and antibacterial properties, used for the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus and infectious diseases. Refers to hard assets, so it can be used only under the supervision of a specialist.
  • Verbena officinalis –to restore sexual function in men and infertility treatment apply tincture of the tops and roots of the verbena, which are rich in bioflavonoids, essential oils, tannins, micro and macro.
  • Anemone forest – it belongs to the family Ranunculaceae, the upper herbaceous part of the brew and used for the treatment of impotence in men and normalization of the cycle in women.
  • Carnation is a plant found application in folk medicine for getting rid of impotence.
  • Highlander Amur, bird is the root of this weed is famous as a means to enhance male sexual function.
  • Gentian macrophylla – due to decoction of the roots of gentian men has long been improved the ability to conceive.
  • Elecampane is one of the main effects of this plant is to improve the quality of semen and viability of spermatozoa, which greatly increases the chances of conception.
  • Panax ginseng – a powerful adaptogen, improves the immunity and nervous system, and increases the probability of conception from the male side. The effect is observed even when expressed disorders of sexual function.
  • Devil's high – analogue ginseng from the same family Araliaceae. Tincture of roots and rhizomes also help for impotence and other sexual disorders men.
  • Rhaponticum carthamoides – it helps to heal problems with the nervous and circulatory systems, and thus get rid of impotence.
  • Hindu Lotus – flowers and leaves of this plant are used for treatment late in nocturnal emissions and seizures.
  • Onion is familiar to all plant-based tinctures can serve to enhance male sexual function.
  • Platanthera – in folk medicine used the tubers of this plant. The infusion of young tubers is able to deliver man from impotence. From old tubers are preparing a facility for the prevention and termination of pregnancy.
  • Melissa officinalis – helps with excessive sexual excitability, stabilizes the nervous system.
  • Norint – can tone up the body, like the ginseng root. Thanks to the root norichika enhanced spermatogenesis and regain sexual function.
  • Groundnuts is used for the treatment of pollutions, diseases of the genitourinary system, in large quantities, its use can trigger impotence.
  • Epimedium strelolist – the extract of this plant has a powerful tonic effect on the body through stimulation of the adrenal glands, the result of which they begin to produce more adrenaline. Releases testosterone, thereby increasing libido. The result restores sexual function, increases libido and improves semen quality.

  • okolova Nina Vladimirovna, doctor-naturopath, herbalist