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Causes and symptoms of insomnia

What is insomnia?

Insomnia – a sleep disorder, which in life probably faced by almost every individual. This concept includes lack of sleep, the inability, or the inability to sleep properly, trouble falling asleep, shorter sleep time, or persistent early awakening with inability to fall asleep again.

Causes of insomnia

The reasons for insomnia can be a great many, after all, the ability to fall asleep is influenced by both external and internal factors.

Among the external causes of insomnia – adverse environment around the person trying to sleep. To prevent can do everything: an unfamiliar place, an uncomfortable bed (too soft or too hard), noise, movement around, too high or too low air temperature in the room. Very affect sleep stressful situation with which one is constantly facing at home and at work. Interfere with sleep and illness, accompanied by severe pain, frequent urge to the toilet, difficulty breathing, itching skin and so on. Anxiety, fears and depression can also cause insomnia.

The symptoms of insomnia

Insomnia can be chronic, permanent, and happen very rarely, several times a year. If you typically have problems sleeping, but at some point you can't sleep because of stress, you can try to solve the problem yourself. But if insomnia was delayed for a long period or its episodes frequently occur, if insomnia is caused by depression or fears, a person needs to consult a doctor.

Treatment of insomnia

A person may try to solve their problems falling asleep. First, make sure whether you lead a proper lifestyle. Sometimes it becomes a cause of insomnia, and to restore the mode to its natural path, it may take several weeks.

What not to do by far is to drink alcohol in the evenings. Of course, it may seem that alcohol has a calming effect and helps me sleep. But this myth is associated with the sedative effects of alcohol on the body: a person falls asleep for a short time then wakes up and can't sleep. This happens due to the impact of alcohol on the phase of deep sleep. Stimulating, invigoratingaction has nicotine, therefore, to restore a healthy sleep you have to give up cigarettes.

For anybody not a secret that caffeine is one of the best invigorating means. He remains in the human body for the whole day. So if you have any suspicion that coffee prevents sleep at night, give up and caffeinated products (Cola, chocolate, tea).

Sleep can be affected by medicines that you take. For example, some cough and cold remedies sold in pharmacies without a special prescription, have on the body have the same effect that coffee. So if you have problems falling asleep, be sure to ask the pharmacist what effect this medicine on your sleep.

Overeating at night can also prevent sleep, after all, an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach will bother you at night. To satisfy your hunger, stick to a light snack: crackers with honey and milk, peppermint or other herbal tea and so on.

Treatments should be carried out for a couple of hours before bedtime. Muscles will relax, and you will quickly feel sleepy. But right before bed is better to abstain from bathing, because hot water will affect your body as a stimulant, giving cheerfulness and energy.

During the day, it is useful to do physical exercises, because physical activity will relieve stress, revive your skin in the morning and improves the process of falling asleep. But just before bedtime is not necessary to exercise, because it stimulates the nervous system and disrupt sleep.

Prepare a place to sleep: it should be as dark and quiet. If you sleep, interfere with noisy neighbours – buy earplugs. However, some people are much better and fall asleep under the quiet calm music. The bed should not be too hard or too soft. Optimally – to get a close, comfortable orthopedic mattress.

Refrain from a long sleep in the afternoon, because it only contributes to insomnia.

Before bedtime is useful to read – it relaxes and induces drowsiness. But the usual attempts to count sheep is not the best way to fall asleep: you will only focus on a certain task and will not be able to fully relax. Better dream, imagine yourself in some pleasant place in the woods, on the beach or in the mountains.

Before bed try to abstract from everyday thoughts, counting the cost of thinking about work plans or memories of unpleasant moments. This will cause stress and bother you, interfering with sleep.

In chronic insomnia, the doctor may recommend drug therapy, but sleeping pills should be taken only in extreme cases. Sleeping pills usually do not cure insomnia, but only oppress human consciousness, and theirlong-term use can cause addiction. If insomnia is caused by a nervous disorder or some other disease – the doctor will select the appropriate therapy.