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The blockade of legs of bunch of gisa

My work was begun in the usual therapeutic Department of city hospital in the position of nurses in 1970. Due to severe fatigue pressure had risen to 150. The examination demonstrated positive liver function tests and a systolic heart murmur. Appointed a tonsillectomy, although angina was not. The diagnosis was mitral valve insufficiency and rheumatism n/f.

For two years I regularly did bitsillin. DRR always been negative. Joints were sore for 2 days prior to the change of weather, but not swollen. It seemed to me that this is due to the bruises, because I often fall in winter because of the ice. The temperature at this stage was kept a little above 37 degrees. Due to the fact that my health didn't cause much concern, contact the clinic, I did not. Pain is often rubbing the legs with a special infusion of white lilac.

When I got pregnant and turned in female consultation, there also was diagnosed with mitral valve. After the birth of my son was quite restless. Due to chronic fatigue and lack of sleep, gradually began to appear a tachycardia and shortness of breath. Often, the heart rate was approximately 120 beats/min. After the second birth, in 1978, I forgot about shortness of breath, and the pulse is normal. When I retired, I continued to work. During this period I was very stiff the upper cervical spine and in addition I started to have insomnia.

For the first time the pressure jumped to 200/100, while the norm was 120/80. At the reception, the doctor diagnosed essential hypertension of the third degree, the blockade of the left leg of the beam gissa and coronary heart condition. In the hospital treated myocardial infarction, diluting the blood. About one day I put a special system with heparin. Thus began a very strong burning sensation in the area of the left clavicle, the temperature was normal. Tests were identified only high cholesterol. After the hospital I was sent to recovery in a sanatorium.

In the clinic the doctor prescribed egilok and enalapril. But when you use these medications, my pulse was down to 48, I felt the lethargy and weakness. The treating physician stopped, and other purpose, I refused myself.

A year later I can say that not taking any medications. Do every day on the breathing simulator, and doing morning exercises and make dousing with cold water. As drug therapy drinking Apple cider vinegarhomemade and a special drink consisting of 500 ml of juice of aloe with honey and brandy. Joint pain does not bother me. A daily walk of about 5 km. Always at night use vascular elixir known doctor Pectinei. In 2007, I drank about 1 liter, and in 2008 - 2 liters.

Breakfast includes grated apples daily. In addition to the use of scalded Hercules in combination with 1 tbsp olive oil, raisins, 1 tsp of flax seed. Instead of raisins sometimes added dried apricots, figs or prunes. On weekends always cook porridge or make buckwheat with olive oil and carrots. Often eat cottage cheese and soft Adygei cheese.

A variety of herbal teas and fees always alternate. Ready fees add hyssop, sage, nutmeg, lime blossom, knotweed, mother-and-stepmother, calendula, leaves of currant and carrot tops. Also drink the miraculous liver collection. It consists of 2st.l. marigold, 2 tbsp fennel seeds, 2 tbsp of birch leaves, 5 tsp cottonweed, 4 tsp of chamomile and 6 tbsp corn stigmas, 6 tbsp rose hips, 6 tbsp of dried roots

There is a special system that allows to significantly improve the health of the patient. It should be mentioned that the amount of cholesterol depends on the power and complete the work of the liver. Moreover, it can be hereditary factor. In this disease hard physical labor is contraindicated. Pouring cool water and breathing exercises is encouraged.

Can you recommend some herbs that will support the immune, endocrine and nervous system in working condition. In addition, he perfectly heals the liver and kidneys. To prepare this microtiterplates gathering necessary to take 20 grams of calamus swamp, 30 grams of leaves of drooping birch, 40 grams of blood-red flowers of hawthorn, 20 grams of flowers immortelle sandy, 20 grams of the flowers of black elderberry, 30 grams of medicinal roots of Valerian, 10 grams of common marjoram, 20 grams of Hypericum, 30 grams of marigold flowers, 10 grams of the leaves of dioecious nettle and 20 grams of flowers and heart-shaped Linden.

They should add 10 grams of peppermint leaves, 20 grams of dandelion root, 20 grams plantain leaves, 30 grams of motherwort, 20 grams of chamomile flowers, 20 grams of common yarrow 30 grams of black currant leaves, 20 grams of horsetail, 10 grams Trifid succession, as well as 50 grams of brown hips. Grind all the ingredients and gently stir. To prepare the base of infusion in 500 ml of boiling water should take 0.5 gram of the collection. To insist the drink is recommended for at least 30 minutes.

The treatment provides 100 ml of infusion three times a day before each meal. The remaining basic infusion can be used externally for gargling and washing your face. In the absence of discomfort means you need to drink at least two consecutive years.

Difficult to prepare a tincture, which is needed to improve the functioning of the nervous system, proper heart function and to relieve spasms of blood vessels and improve sleep need to be purchased at the pharmacy tincture certain. To create funds taking 80 ml of tincture of peony, 30 ml of tincture of Valerian, 50 ml of tincture of hawthorn, 40 ml of tincture of motherwort, and 20 ml of tincture of calendula and mint.

This tool is required to make the herbal infusion. The dosage is 1 to 10 drops three times inday. Should start with minimal amounts and gradually bringing it to 10 drops. This course of treatment should be at least six weeks. After 3-week break, the treatment can be repeated.

You also need to take Essentiale Forte N after meal, 1 capsule at least two times a day. The course of treatment is 45 days. After microphototherapy are advised to do sowing of the normal flora in your intestines. It is desirable to start taking special lactobacilli and bifidum.

Semyon ROYZMAN, microphototherapy, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor