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Pain in left side lower abdomen

Painful sensations in the abdomen are described in the medical literature as pelvic pain. They are typical for the acute and/or chronic diseases of internal organs, blood vessels, lymph nodes, pelvis, joints and bones of the pelvic girdle.

  • the front side of the body (below the navel line);
  • the back side of the body (below the waist).

Pain syndrome of the abdomen are relevant for almost all categories of patients with gynecological, urological, gastroenterological diseases and a surgical pathology of organs of small pelvis.

Lower abdominal pain left side most often leads patients to the following offices of the hospital:

  • gynecology – 60-70%;
  • urology 65-90%
  • gastroenterology – 50-60%;
  • orthopedics – 7-15%.

During the life of lower abdominal pain on the left appears periodically every sixth person on the planet. Medicine associates of pelvic pain with hundreds of different diseases of internal organs and systems. We have chosen the most obvious and commonly found causes of this problem.

On the left side of the abdomen contains the following organs:

  • Spleen – an unpaired organ related to the immune system. In the parenchyma, the formation of blood cells, their accumulation and disposal. The spleen acts as a backup storage (depot) of blood through the portal system blood flow. Total removal of the spleen leads to death of a person, as in this case, its functions take on other organs (lymph nodes, liver).
  • The small intestine. On the left side partially located loop of jejunum. This is the second part of the small intestine. The main diseases accompanied by pain – intussusception, obstruction, and inflammatory processes.
  • The colon. Cause of pain – inflammation, impaired secretory functions.

    • The left part of the transverse colon;
    • Descending branch of the colon.
  • The genitourinary system of man:

    • The left part of the unpaired organs – the uterus, the birth canal (in women);
    • The left part of the paired internal organs (female and male, and kidneys).
  • Bones of the pelvic girdle, left hip, blood vessels, cartilage, nerves, lymph nodes of the pelvic girdle. This information (see here).

The formation of the pain

Pain is a complexpathophysiological process. At one and the same disease it can occur on both the left and on the right side of the body. The pain will be able to migrate to remote from the pathological focus areas of the body. Known cases pain with no obvious source of pathology.

The causes of the pain are:

  • Local circulation of blood;
  • Violation of cell metabolism in the pathological focus;
  • Inflammatory and/or degenerative processes;
  • Functional and morphological changes of internal organs.

Pain syndrome is characterized by several stages of development:

The first stage. The emergence of unpleasant sensations in the place of localization of the pathological focus.

Second stage. The appearance of the reflected pain, the formation of a secondary lesion pathology and loss obvious link with the primary hearth.

The third stage. Distribution of trophic disorders, deepening of pathological processes, the extension of the lesions of the pain impulse.

Causes of pain in left side lower abdomen

Pain in left side lower abdomen, combined with the symptoms of the body that are located on the same side, is the primary stage of the disease. Referred and reflected pain are formed in chronic forms of the diseases involved in the pathogenesis of extensive areas of the body.

Pain in diseases of the spleen

In the early stages of the disease most probable localization of pain in the left side.

  • Chronic lymphatic and myelogenous leukemia. Cancer, accompanied by the defeat of the blood – spleen, liver, regional lymph nodes. There are three clinical phases of the disease: chronic, progressive, blast crisis.

Symptoms of chronic phase. Pain may be absent. They appear with the growth of the tumor. The earliest symptom is fatigue, sweating, loss of appetite. In some cases, the disease is accompanied by loss of body weight. When you increase the size of the spleen causes pain after a meal. Many patients point too fast saturation. Early diagnosis is performed by ultrasound and laboratory blood tests.

The symptoms of progressive phase. Physicalnum identified by the method of deep external palpation, causing increased pain in the lower abdomen on the left. It increases with increasing spleen and inguinallymph nodes.

Symptoms of a blast crisis phase (the explosive growth of the cells). This period is characterized by aching pain in the joints and bones of the pelvic girdle, or at a remote distance from the location of the lesion. Jumps and increases body temperature. Revealed the reduction of blood clotting, the rapid increase in volume of the spleen. Diagnosis of disease is carried out using instrumental and laboratory research.

  • Infarction of the spleen. Cause – obstruction of arterioles, small arteries of the parenchyma of the organ and the development of necrosis around the blood clot of the vessel. Infarction of the spleen can easily be confused with diseases which are its causes: infections, cancer, heart defects, abnormalities of the blood vessels.

Infarction of the spleen is manifested sharp pain in the left hypochondrium. With the development of the pathogenesis of the pain can descend into the lower abdomen. It increases with deep inspiration, cough and movement. The body temperature rises to 38.0-39,00C. the Disease is dangerous massive blood loss. The diagnosis is based on instrumental investigations. Treatment – surgery, physiotherapy, medication correction.

  • Volvulus of the spleen. Partial or complete twisting of the splenic artery, veins and nerve fibers around its axis. The reason – the individual characteristics of the person who has from birth long mesenteric ligaments that hold the organ in the abdominal cavity, or trauma of the spleen.

Is accompanied by symptoms of acute abdomen. There is a sharp pain in the left side, then it starts to go below and give the groin area on the left. The pain combined with vomiting, constipation and flatulence. There has been a sharp deterioration of health. With incomplete torsion, the patient only complains on recurrent pain in left side, aggravated by exertion.

In respect of a patient with symptoms of acute abdomen the issue of immediate surgery. Sluggish pain in case of partial twisting is a cause for immediate clinical evaluation. After further diagnosis the issue of treatment, including about the planned surgery.

  • Acute enlargement of the spleen.Two main reasons for the expansion of the spleen is a violation of the outflow of blood through the portal vein and inflammation.

The violation of the outflow. Characteristic paroxysmal dull pain left upper quadrant, possible migration in the lower abdomen. Acute extension after occlusion of the vein (clots, conglomerates, parasites, etc.) there is a significant increase in body, smoothing sharpthe edges of the spleen on ultrasound.

Inflammation of the spleen. Is rarely an independent disease, most pathology develops as a secondary process involving the spleen in the pathogenesis, such as the liver. Symptoms of the underlying disease. On the increased significantly less pain combined with a fever, vomiting. The most common causes of inflammation of the spleen – diseases of the neighboring organs, including the liver: Gaucher disease – a violation of fat metabolism of the liver; disease Bunty is accompanied by cirrhosis or degeneration of liver tissue; Hodgkin's disease – Hodgkin's disease.

  • Abscess of the spleen. It is the result of the development of a limited purulent inflammation in the capsule or the parenchyma of the spleen. Pathogenesis of small abscesses usually ends in complete recovery. In the formation of large or multiple abscesses, especially revealed in the abdominal cavity, may develop peritonitis. Its symptoms – severe diffuse pain, radiating to left flank and abdomen, high fever, sudden deterioration of health, the regression of consciousness.

  • A cyst of the spleen. Is a cavity made by a capsule of connective tissue. Inside it is filled with watery, slimy contents. The cyst is formed as a result of the completion of the abscess. It can be the result of a ruptured spleen traumatic injuries. Small cysts are painless, and a major cause slight pain when pressure is applied by a fist in area of the left hypochondrium. Patients can also paroxysmal dull pain of low intensity during physical activity.

Other pathology, including congenital disorders and atrophy of the spleen, proceed without the expressed pain syndrome.

Pain in diseases of the small intestine

The small intestine is divided into duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Pain in left side lower abdomen with high probability could be caused by a lesion of the jejunum, a part of the loops located on the corresponding side of the body.

  • Malabsorption. The disease is congenital or acquired in nature. The pathogenesis is the inability of the mucous membranes of the small intestine to absorb one or more food products in the intestine, for example, milk or fruit. The disease is characterized by frequent (three or more times a day) stool, liquidchair oily consistency. The pain is localized in the left side, and with the bursting gases jejunum is accompanied by cramping attacks. Additional symptoms – rumbling in the intestines, increased flatulence, unpleasant taste in the mouth. Bursting pain subsides after a bowel movement and cramping is reduced after administration of medications-antispasmodics (no-Spa, she drotaverine). The final diagnosis is based on laboratory and instrumental methods of research.
  • Celiac disease.Develops usually in newborns switching from breast milk to complementary foods from cereals. Known cases of celiac disease in adults. The disease is a gluten intolerance. Gluten is a plant protein contained in the gluten of cereals. Symptoms of the disease is largely reminiscent of malabsorption, the same nagging pain in the abdomen. Due to digestive disorders is rapidly developing exhaustion. At the age of six months to one year the appearance of a sick child when ineffective treatment becomes rickety appearance: enlarged abdomen, there is a lag in growth and development, the mucous membranes are brightly colored.

The pain disease of the colon

The large intestine includes the blind, colon, sigmoid and rectum.

Colon, in turn, is divided into:

  • ascending – the right.
  • a downward – located to the left;
  • cross – positioned horizontally in the epigastric region, is partially left.

Pain left side lower abdomen is usually associated with lesions of the descending or transverse colon:

  • The irritable bowel syndrome. Disease of unknown etiology. Some researchers leave the priority over the stressor. Sick men and women of all ages, but two-thirds of patients were women of middle age. They watch the worsening during menstruation cycles and hormonal surges. Irritable bowel syndrome manifested by chronic abdominal pain, sometimes left side and flatulence, constipation or diarrhea. A distinctive feature of the disease is the absence of visible morphological changes of the intestinal wall. Disease periodically ceases and again becomes aggravated, for example, after ingestion of certain foods and after stress. The main method of treatment with special diet and medication correction.

  • Hirschsprung's Disease. Hereditary pathology. Ill mostly boys. Disease is the result of a congenital absence of plotsinnervation on separate, limited areas of the colon. The main symptoms – constipation, flatulence, increased gas formation. The development of pain in the left abdomen is the result of sharp expansion of a thick intestine. The main method of treatment – surgical intervention – namely deletion of segments of the intestine that does not have nerve endings.
  • Crohn's Disease. Nodular inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. We consider an isolated inflammation of the descending colon, as it is characterized by pain in the abdomen on the left. The cause of the disease has not been fully established. The disease manifests common symptoms – fatigue, loss of appetite, lethargy; as well as specific symptoms – pain in left side diarrhea, vomiting. When involvement of the intestine, the symptoms will be more difficult. Crohn's disease is diagnosed is very difficult and often masquerades as other diseases. When involved in the pathogenesis of intestine on the right side of the symptoms are very similar to the inflammation of the Appendix with the same bright pain manifestations.

  • Ulcerative colitis. Chronic polietiologic inflammation of a thick intestine. Accompanied by morphological changes of intestinal wall. Accurate information about the causes of the disease is not, however, considered that is based on hereditary factors, combined with impaired immune system. There is a medical hypothesis about the impact of allergies and bacteria. Clinically ulcerative colitis is manifested by pain in left side lower abdomen. The nature of the pain – paroxysmal colic of varying intensity.

Other symptoms – joint pain, diarrhea mixed with blood and pus, fever, as a consequence of the introduction of microbes in the mucosa. Final diagnosis is made based on the study of the intestinal mucosa with the help of instrumental methods.

  • Diverticulosis thick intestine. The disease is accompanied by the development of diverticula – abnormal pouches formed in the protrusion of the intestinal wall. More common in the elderly. Diverticula interfere with the normal peristalsis, they accumulate in the stool, causing congestion, fermentation, gas formation and expansion of the intestine. In conclusion, the diverticula are formed of dense fecal stones (calculi). With the defeat of the descending colon causes pain in your left side mayto be in the abdomen, and constipation and excretion of black stool due to intestinal bleeding. Diagnosis localization of diverticula is done using instrumental methods of examination of the intestines, diverticulosis and treated only surgically.
  • Polyposis of the colon. Multifactorial disease accompanied by the appearance on the mucous membranes of the colon-benign – polyps. The formation of these polyps is associated with disruption of the process of water absorption from the intestinal contents and the difficulty of the passage content. As a result, the combination of diarrhea with constipation, in severe cases, develops a dangerous state of dehydration. Pain in left side occurs in lesions polyps the descending part of the colon.

  • Atony of a thick Department of intestines. Develops when reduce resistance of the patient against the background of the underlying disease, such as long term fixed lying during illness. Atony most often diagnosed in older people. The main clinical symptom – a violation of peristalsis, constipation, flatulence, and rumbling noises, as a consequence of fermentative processes. Bloating causes a dull, unbearable pain. When the accumulation of gases in the downward Department of the colon appear aching pain in the left side of my abdomen.

  • Malignancy. The cancer of thick intestine is the generic name of several diseases in cancer etiology. One of the reasons for the development of malignant tumors – malignancy or transformation of benign cells into cancer cells.

Pain syndrome developed first on the side where the tumor originated. Characterized by the increasing intensity of the sensations, and the tumor necrosis the pain is worse and is growing around the hearth.

Pain in diseases of the genitourinary system

Some diseases were mentioned in connection with lesions of the right kidney (see here). In this text, the information is updated.

  • Hydroureteronephrosis.This extension of the renal pelvis. It develops as a result of disturbed urine outflow from the kidneys. Causes – kidney stones, narrowing or diverticula of the ureter. As kidney – paired organ, unilateral lesion subclinical long-term flows. Acute enlargement is accompanied by sharp pain in the lower backthat may go down to the lower abdomen.

  • The Syndrome Allen-Masters.Develops due to a rupture of ligaments of the uterus during a difficult delivery and abortion, or whenrapid childbirth. Manifested soon after these pathologies. The most common symptom is cramping pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes on the left or in the anus, especially when straining. Burning pain in the abdomen radiating to the left iliac region. Additional symptoms – fatigue, pain during sex and menstruation. Diagnosis is based on physical investigations: the doctor finds abnormal mobility of the cervix, torn ligaments don't hold the body in a stable position. The uterus is painful when pressing on the abdominal wall. Ligament rupture causes venous stasis in the pelvic area.
  • External genital endometriosis. Pain develops in pathological proliferation of cells of the myometrium at external endometriosis:

    • The ovaries. The clinic resembles an ectopic pregnancy with pain abdomen of varying intensity. The defeat left ovary is accompanied by aching pain on the relevant side, pain increase during menstruation and during sexual intercourse. And related pain associated with the development of adhesions;

    • Of the peritoneum. Perhaps asymptomatic, characterized by a disorder of the menstrual cycle, development of infertility, pain during intercourse and pain in the abdomen, often it is left;

    • Of the fallopian tubes. Is manifested by pain during palpation of the cervix during menstruation. There is development of infertility, sometimes there is ectopic pregnancy with localization of the embryo in the fallopian tubes;
    • Of the cervix. Characterized by persistent pain in the pelvic area, perhaps on the left. Pain often descends to the region of the rectum and increases with defecation and sex;
    • The vagina and labia. Visually detectable bleeding nodules on the mucosa of the vagina and labia, combined with discharge and pain on palpation. Sex is impossible due to extreme pain, and in a calm state there is pain in the abdomen;
    • Rectouterine deepening. Rectal palpation on the walls of the rectum near the fallopian deepening palpable endometriosis nodules in the form of beads. Patients complain of absence of pain in perineum and lower abdomen to the left at a primary lesion of the left side of the rectum.

Pain in diseases of hip joint, cartilage, blood vessels, nerves, lymph nodes (see here). Diseases of the right side of these anatomical structures are identical left to lose.

Types of pain

Pain caused by wound or injury, the pathophysiological significance for the organism differs significantly from the inner pelvic pain. The pain provoked by the injuries, as a rule, you should immediately stop taking painkillers.

The pain is caused by abnormalities of the internal organs, on the contrary, to stop very carefully. If you experience internal pain allowed pain relief by applying to the locus a cold compress.

Dull aching pain in the left side

This kind of pain is a frequent complaint of patients with unilateral gynecological pathologies. With dull pain in left side lower abdomen women usually face when violations of the cycle, during sex, inflammation of the genital organs and non-inflammatory (endometriosis) diseases. Inflammatory pathology that is accompanied by dull pain, usually combined with fever, weakness and fatigability. In addition to gynecological diseases, dull pain accompanies varicose veins of the legs, acute expansion of the bladder, hemorrhoids. A dull, aching pain felt in the inflammation of the lymph nodes left side of his body.

Nagging pain in left side

This pain is characteristic of purulent diseases of the pelvis with the left hand, it usually differs exhausting over and low intensity. Pulling pain to the left there is inflammation of the scrotum, the external male sex organs, as well as strangulated hernias, followed by a sprain in the groin. The pain gradually increases in cancer due to irritation of the nervous ganglia of the growing tumor. Severe deficiencies should take into account the presence and intensity of other symptoms (fever, vomiting, diarrhea, increased lymph nodes)

Sharp pain in left side

Cramps accompany the pathology associated with spasms of the pelvic organs in the bursting of the intestinal gases or direct effect on pain nerve endings. Sharp pain – sometimes the evidence of an acute expansion of the bladder and renal pelvis, inflammation, or rupture of ligaments, rupture of the ovary, passing URALITA in urinary tract. Alternatively, in the above cases, it may be a dull ache.

Stabbing pain in left side

Cramps usually occur in diseases of the kidneys and intestines. Stabbing, throbbing pain possible in ulceration of the mucousshell ureters and urethra. Kind of a stabbing shooting pain that indicates inflammation of the lower back, joints, and cartilage. Stabbing pain occurs when extension of the intestine due to heightened gas formation. After defecation and urination, this pain subsides. Stabbing pain is a frightening symptom, which should not be neglected. It can be a precursor to a rupture of an ovarian cyst.

Other symptoms

With rare exceptions, pain is never a primary symptom, while it accompanies all serious pathology of the internal organs. Modern diagnostic techniques (CT scan with contrast, varieties of spiral MRI, ultrasound, laparoscopy) greatly enhance the ability to identify signs of diseases that cause pain. Only 1.5% of cases of pain in the pelvic organs are not accompanied by pronounced morphological changes in internal organs. Pain is often associated with symptoms of the underlying disease: fever, vomiting, and others.


The sharp increase is evidence of serious failures in the body, including:

  • infectious nature infectious disease with lesions of the pelvic organs are usually combined with fever;
  • inflammatory pathology of the internal organs of small pelvis in men and women with risk of development of peritonitis;
  • traumatic injuries with the threat of a rupture of the walls of internal organs.

Nausea, vomiting

The combination of pain on the right, rarely the left, or unclear localization with fever and vomiting is typical for appendicitis. In medical textbooks write that vomiting in appendicitis usually single, but in practice it is otherwise. Repeated vomiting and lower abdominal pain on the left, often herpes of the character develop in pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

Particular caution should cause persistent, uncontrollable nausea and vomiting, combined with pain.

What if there was pain in the left side?

Recommendations are set out here

andidate of medical Sciences Dmitry Volkov S., surgeon