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Pain in right side lower abdomen

The determination of the causes of nonspecific pain is a major challenge for neurologists, surgeons, obstetricians, gynecologists, traumatologists, orthopedists and specialists in other medical disciplines. Diseases accompanied by pain in the abdomen, difficult to diagnose and can present a serious danger to the health of the patient.

The main diseases that can be combined with pain in right side lower abdomen:

  • Bowel diverticulosis – bulging of the walls of the colon. The symptoms resemble the symptoms of appendicitis. Therefore, during operation on the Appendix is usually performed the audit of the bowel to exclude this pathology. In the pocket of the diverticulum accumulates the contents of the intestine, irritating nerve endings and causing the pain to the right lower abdomen. In severe cases, the pathology is combined with intoxication. Besides pain, reveal the weakness, fever, constipation or diarrhea, vomiting.

  • Blockage of the intestine. When volvulus pathogenesis is characterized by rapid development. This happens due to the stopping of blood flow and innervation of the intestinal wall. When mechanical obstruction of the intestine (foreign bodies) there is a cessation of motility and severe pain that radiates to the right side of the groin. It can be combined with vomiting after eating, with a lack of peristaltic noise and with the expansion of the lumen of the loops of the intestines.
  • Duodenitis. Inflammation of the duodenum and of the small intestine is accompanied by pain, giving, including, in the right side. On the abdomen the pain is projected at a primary lesion of the bowel loops located closer to the right side of the body. The pain is combined with symptoms of indigestion.
  • Inguinal hernia. Pathology belong to the category of surgical diseases. Hernia is a combination of two factors: the rupture of the inner layers of the abdominal wall and loss of omentum and bowel loops in the subcutaneous space. The integrity of the skin while hernias are not violated. Hernia manifests a saccular protrusion of the skin in the groin. If at a palpation it is possible to reduce the contents of hernia SAC inside is pravima hernia. If you set impossible – a strangulated hernia. The danger is a strangulated hernia. Bowel loops, omentum with blood vessels and nerve fibers swell and swell. The amount exceeds the diameter of the hernial ring. Pain worsens during physical exertion. Diagnosis is not difficult. Treatment – surgical operation suturing of hernial ring.

  • liver Disease. For early stages of hepatitis not typical of a pain response. Pain develops in the later stages of inflammation. In severe cases appear excruciating pain right lower abdomen, the pathogenesis is accompanied by a total defeat of an organ (cirrhosis of the liver) and biliary tract (cholecystitis). The pain can go down below, into the groin area on the right side.

  • Pancreatitis – inflammation of the pancreas. Typical circling, descending down the pain.

  • Lesions of the rectum are manifested by pain radiating to the groin.
  • Adhesions serous membranes of internal organs. In case of damage of nerve fibers in the abdomen on the right are manifested by pain in the specified area. Causes of adhesions post – operative complications, congenital or acquired pathology without prior surgical intervention.

Diseases of the kidneys and bladder

Pain in different parts of the body, including the right (if right-sided lesions) in the lower abdomen.

The pain in violation of the formation of urine

Pain occurs when the loss of ability of kidney to form urine, filter, and suck the cleaned blood back into the blood stream. Pain syndrome accompanied by inflammation of the parenchyma, glomerular, and pelvis cavities, and degenerative, dystrophic and oncological diseases of the kidneys. The pain develops within a short time and often defies relief even strong painkillers.

The pain in violation of the separation of urine

Pain develops in the formation of the obstacles on the course of the urethra and in case of impossibility of elimination of urine outside of the body. Pathological processes heavier occur in men due to the long and narrow urethra. However, the disease in the ureters frequently detected in women because of the greater probability of inflammation of the female genital organs.

Painful urge to urinate is typical for the following diseases:

  • The sharp expansion of the bladder. The reason is the blockage of the canal of the urethra urinary stones or inflamed prostate (in men). Manifested by ineffectual urge to urinate.
  • Obstruction and inflammation of the ureter. Paired ureters connect the kidneys to the bladder. To expect pain inthe groin should be right when you stop the urine in the distal (bottom) portion of the right ureter. The pain occurs suddenly and very quickly increases with the stagnation of urine. For treatment using various methods, including crushing of stones with ultrasound and surgical removal.
  • Inflammation of the urethra – urethritis. Sick men and women. In men, the disease occurs with more serious consequences. First, the pathology manifested by burning sensation and pain when urinating. Pain right in the groin area occurs when involvement in the inflammatory process of the right inguinal lymph node.

Diseases of the genital organs in men

The pain is due to inflammation, injury or infection of the genitals. Common symptoms of pain syndrome – pulling pain in the scrotum radiating to the groin.

When involved in the pathogenesis of the right lymph node pain is shifted in the appropriate area of the body:

  • Orchitis – inflammation of testicles;
  • Inflammation of the penis including balanitis – inflammation of the glans, and post – inflammation of the foreskin;
  • Vesiculitis – seminal vesicles defeat. The testes are paired organs, which are located above the prostate;
  • Epididymitis – inflammation of the testes;
  • Cabernet – inflammation of the cavernous bodies of the penis;
  • Prostatitis– inflammation of the prostate gland;

  • Colliculi – inflammation seed tubercle.

Violations of the cycle in women and gynecological diseases

In women more complex than men's, the structure of the genital organs, and peculiar physiology. It defines frequent manifestation of pain in the pelvic area in the abdomen, including the right. Breaking the loop is also almost always accompanied by pain.

Pain in disorders of the cycle

Pain is not always associated with obvious pathology. Painful cycles characteristic of girls and young nulliparous women. In some cases the pain are the result of infections and catarrhal diseases of the pelvic organs.

  • Menstrual pain– algomenoreya. There is increased blood flow to the pelvic organs, further stagnation and accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity. Pain in the absence of signs of inflammation is a primary algomenoreya. Menstrual pain may be due to gynecological inflammation andgenital infections (secondary algomenoreya). If the bleeding is irregular and accompanied by pain, a condition called algomenorrhea. Lower abdominal pain often radiates to the groin and thigh that is accompanied by dizziness and blurred vision, increases during sexual intercourse. Layering gynecological diseases pain accompanied by abnormal vaginal discharge.

Obstetric pathology

In some cases, the pain is the cause of serious problems that threaten the childbearing and women's health:

  • Pain during pregnancy. Pain physiological nature that occur for a short time because of intense hormonal changes, increased blood flow to the uterus, fetal growth and the stretching of the ligaments that hold the uterus in the abdominal cavity. The pain is usually not intense and occur periodically. But pathological obstetric pain can be a symptom of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.
  • Pain in spontaneous abortion. Pathology develops in the early stages of pregnancy. There are several stages spontaneous abortion: threatened abortion and the actual abortion (full, partial). The pain combined with vaginal bleeding of varying intensity. Cramping pain in the abdomen can give the right in irritation appropriate pain receptors. For large blood loss and infection of genital tract by pathogenic microflora causes a state of intoxication, life-threatening mother and fetus.
  • Pain during preterm labor. Occurs in late pregnancy in the period from 28 to 37 weeks of gestation. Pain combined with manifestations of toxemia in a pregnant woman. In order to avoid complications should immediately contact the medical facility to provide skilled obstetric care.

  • Pain in ectopic pregnancy. This is the condition when the fertilized egg is fixed outside the uterine cavity. With the development of the embryo outside the uterus is the compression of blood vessels and the walls of the fallopian tubes, there is a danger of a rupture of the walls of the fallopian tubes and blood vessels which were fixed a fertilized egg. Require emergency surgical intervention.

Pain with gynecological diseases

Characteristic of young women during or after previously suffering genital infections or hypothermia.

In old age diseases occur with hormonal imbalance:

  • Salpingitis. In the context of our article – is inflammation of the right fallopian (uterine) tube. Distinguish mechanical causes of inflammation (injury after effects of the abortion, childbirth and other medical procedures) and microbial causes (STDs). Abdominal pain right usually accompanied by fever. Pain syndrome increases with urination, physical exertion and sexual contact.
  • Adnexitis – inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The disease usually occurs in girls and young women, sometimes one-sided (right-hand and left-hand adnexitis). This disease is also called "oophoritis".

  • Ovarian cyst – protrusion of the ovary. On the ovary is formed a bubble-filled transparent or translucent contents, the ovary is increased. The reasons for the formation of cysts and hormonal disorders. Occur ovarian cyst unilateral pain in the abdomen. Some types of cysts disappear on their own. In severe cases, surgical intervention.

  • Ovarian apoplexy. Ruptured ovarian cyst – apoplexy, accompanied by internal bleeding. Occurs during the formation of the cyst is very large, with excessive stretching of the walls of the ovary, after exercise. Is manifested by pain, resembling the pain of appendicitis. Sometimes the pain experienced in the anus in the right side of the abdomen or thigh. Apoplexy usually occurs during ovulation. An emergency operation is indicated.
  • The endometriosis. Gynecological disease noninflammatory nature, which is characterized by increased proliferation of the mucous membranes of the uterus. Pathology is accompanied by changes in hormone levels and heightened bleeding. Endometriosis can develop in the genital area or outside, for example, in the intestine. The disease is evident pelvic pain in the lower abdomen on the right side, accompanied by prolonged menstrual bleeding and pain during intercourse.
  • Endometritis. Inflammation of the surface layers of the walls of the uterus. In some cases in the pathological process involved the deep layers endomyometritis. The main causes sexual infections, hypothermia, hormonal disorders. In severe cases, can endometritis may fail with purulent inflammation and accumulation of fluid in the uterus (pyometra). Endometritis is manifested by pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes on the right. Additional symptoms –fever, signs of intoxication, vaginal discharge.

Diseases of the blood vessels and lymph nodes

Blood vessels and lymphatic systems permeate the human body and nourish, including the abdominal organs and legs.

Pain in diseases of the lymph nodes

In places Association vessels formed lymph nodes. The most well-known to the General reader submandibular lymph nodes, which grow and react to the pain with inflammation in the throat and oral cavity.

Accordingly, the inguinal lymph nodes are increased with inflammation of the pelvic organs. There is a right inguinal lymphadenitis. The lymphatic system performs the protective function in the body. Pathogens are recognized by the lymphocytes attacked, neutralized and removed from the body. With a massive attack cells fail in their functions, and there is inflammation of the lymph nodes.

  • Lymphadenitis is the inflammation of a lymph node, in this case, the inguinal. May develop on one or both sides, for example on the right side. Right inflammation of a node is accompanied by its increase, is manifested as painful, severely limiting swelling, and is often accompanied by pain on the right side of the abdomen. Sometimes it is layered phenomena of intoxication and increased body temperature.

Pain in diseases of the veins

Pain syndrome is accompanied by abnormal enlargement of the veins in the pelvis. As a result of impaired blood outflow from the tissues of the abdominal wall and pelvic organs.

  • Varicose veins of the pelvis is typical for young women and girls. The main reason for the stagnation of blood in the vessels of the pelvis, which develops when the hormonal changes of an organism, including during puberty and pregnancy. In the early stages the disease may be asymptomatic or recurrent pain before or after menstruation. Further develops persistent pain, usually in the abdomen, may be on the right. Differential diagnosis based on the use of instrumental methods of visualization of blood vessels of the pelvis.

Pain when lesions of the femoral artery

(aneurysm, thrombosis of the femoral artery, vasculitis – inflammation). The femoral artery supplies blood to the anterior abdominal wall, genital area and groin, the muscles of the lower limbs:

  • Aneurysm – dissection of the inner walls of the artery and the formation ofsaccular protrusions on it. Below the site of the aneurysm go on to develop the signs of deficiency of blood supply, and above congestion. Characterized by severe pain, including in the groin area on the right.
  • Thrombosis of the vessels. Similar phenomena occur following stenosis – narrowing or thrombosis of the lumen of the artery or its branches in the place of formation of cholesterol plaques.

Pain in diseases of the hip joint

Often give pain in the groin area.

The main diseases of the hip joint in which unilateral pain:

  • Coxarthrosis – osteoarthritis of the hip joint (right side of the body). It is a disease of degenerative nature that affects people mainly in the older age group. The disease is very common, as the hip joint bears the brunt of the load. Inflammation is a secondary process develops at involvement in the pathogenesis of microbial factor. One of the symptoms of osteoarthritis – pain radiating in the groin, which is necessarily combined with a limp and reduced mobility. Causes of osteoarthritis – load on the joint, vascular disease, autoimmune disease, and processes, metabolic disorders, trauma and congenital abnormalities. In the later stages the treatment is only surgical, joint replacement implant.

  • Aseptic necrosis of the right hip joint. Is manifested by necrosis of bone and cartilage of the joint. The pain may radiate to the groin from the affected surface. The differential diagnosis of the disease is based on the results of x-ray studies.
  • The Perthes Disease. Characterized by a reduction of blood supply to the tissue around the femoral head and necrosis of the head of the hip joint. More common in boys up to 15 years. Pain in the joint is shown in the lower part of the abdomen. The formation of deformation joint and the development of lameness.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the hip joint on the right side. This group includes rheumatoid, septic, gouty and infectious diseases. Common symptoms for all pathologies are inflammatory swelling in the joint, increased local temperature, pain in the joints (initially small), with the defeat of the hip joint radiating to the groin on the right side.
  • Pain in diseases of the lower back, radiating to groin on the right side (see here).

Types of pain

Pain is a protective reaction of the organism that occurs in response to various types of irritation of the nerve endings of practically all parts of the body. Pain in right side lower abdomen is part of the pathogenesis of diseases. Correct description of types of pain is important in the early diagnosis of diseases of small pelvis organs, bones, joints and blood vessels.

The description of pain difficult to make a final conclusion about the pathological focus. But it's important to tell the doctor the nature of pain and its localization to objective research with the help of ultrasound abdomen, CT and MRI.

Dull aching pain in the right side

Is defined as the feeling of bloating of the abdominal wall from the inside with a blunt object. The dull pain of low intensity, exhausting, nagging, and boring is a reflection of the involvement in the pathogenesis of a large number of small sensory receptors responsible for pain of the internal organs. The pain emanating from the right side, bottom, stupid is a frequent symptom of appendicitis, diverticulum intestinal, hepatitis, cirrhosis, and tumors.

A dangerous symptom is the sudden cessation of spontaneous dull pain. This may indicate necrotic processes in the internal organs and disorders of conduction of the pain impulse. Dull pain sometimes combined with yellowness of the mucous membranes, nausea, General malaise, and increased irritability.

Nagging pain in right side

Is defined as a feeling of tightening of the internal organs to the abdominal wall or, conversely, pulling from her. May increase during exercise. The patient takes the forced position. As in the first case, pain is a reflection of the involvement in the pathogenesis of minor surface receptors of the abdominal wall. Develops in athletes with sprains to the groin. The pain may result from pathologies of the abdominal cavity (adhesions, hepatitis, inflammation of the kidneys, appendicitis, inflammation of the pancreas, duodenum) and pathologies of the pelvic organs (uterus, ovaries).

Specific nagging pain revealed inwomen at all stages of pregnancy and during menstruation. Rarely nagging pain in right side may be accompanied by a movement of small stone in the ureter or osteochondrosis of the lumbar region.

Sharp pain in right side

Is defined as an acute, sudden and strong. Like holding on the inside of the abdominal wall blunt knife. The pain is usually formed in a small pathological focus, at least in extensive. Most likely causes: gynecology, diseases of the urinary system and intestines, nerves.

Pains in the right side can be a manifestation of inflammation, ovarian apoplexy, torsion of the ovary, infringement of nerve in the lumbar skeleton, volvulus, acute expansion of the bladder, while the large stone in the right ureter and overflow of the intestinal gases. Can aggravated by straining, bending, attempted rotation of the body shell. Combined with headaches, fainting, dimness in the eyes.

Stabbing pain in right side

Is defined as a tingling sensation of the abdominal wall in the right side inside a blunt small object. Usually occurs periodically and is formed in a small pathological focus in the inflammation of the gallbladder, appendicitis, in the movement of stone in the left kidney. The stabbing pain may worsen on the breath when bending and turning, during exercise, during a cough.

Other symptoms pain in right side

Pain is not specific and is not the only symptom of diseases of internal organs, joints and bones of the lower belt of the torso of a person. The most frequent symptoms accompanying the pain is a burning sensation, fever and nausea, culminating in vomiting. Correct interpretation of symptoms accompanying the pain, is possible only by a specialist.

Temperature. Lowering the temperature – evidence of the extinction of the vital functions. Fever, fever is an adaptive response of the body to the infective or non-infective, internal or external pathogen. The rise in temperature and pain in the right half of the body in the abdomen often associated with gynecological diseases, inflammation of the kidneys and liver. One of the important indicators of fever is the type.

  • Constantly high temperature level, one to two degrees Celsius above normal – a common trait of inflammatory diseases.
  • Temperature fluctuations during the day more than two degrees –frequent companions of purulent processes in the internal organs.
  • Debilitating temperature (long-lasting hyperthermia with differences of more than two degrees) – evidence of septic processes in the internal organs.
  • The absence of regularity in changes in temperature – a sign of rheumatic processes in the lower back.

Nausea, vomiting. These symptoms, combined with right lower quadrant pain occur when you are totally different diseases, including lesions of the digestive, urinary, nervous system and gynecological diseases. For all these pathologies are characterized by the presence of symptoms of intoxication and/or excitation of pain receptors.

Burning. Note in diseases of the pelvic organs, including inflammatory processes in the urogenital area. A burning sensation occurs during urination, during intercourse, is a sign of irritation of the mucous membranes of the urethra and external genitalia. Burning can be an independent symptom and/or be combined with pain in the abdomen.

What if there was pain in the right side?

Remember about the careful attitude to pain management. Pain can hide the true causes of pathology in the diagnosis.

At the first sign of pain in the right side should:

  1. The patient to prevent movement and to adopt comfortable, the most comfortable position, which reduces or at least does not increase the pain.

  2. To evaluate the nature of pain amid additional factors, including the presence of:

    • pregnancy in women;
    • related chronic diseases (mentioned above);
    • additional symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, fever, chills, weakness, duration, nature and type of pain).

  3. Any type of pain, not previously observed in humans, it is necessary to call an ambulance and truthfully describe the signs of disease. If there is suspicion of a serious cause of the pain, give voice to them in conversation with the doctor!

  4. If the nature of the pain sign, the appropriateness of calling an ambulance should be determined depending on the severity of the condition of the sick, including:

    • if you feel unwell – immediately call an ambulance;
    • at steady state, the patient is to call the local doctor on the house;
    • at short-termthe attack of pain – apply to the district hospital for referral for examination.
  5. Attention! Recommendations from item 4 should be performed on the basis of their subjective feelings of the sick and his inner circle. Remember, even moderate, intermittent pain may be a symptom of a dangerous disease.

  6. Before the arrival of the ambulance to prepare the documents necessary to register the patient in the hospital (see here).

  7. If possible, accompany the patient to the emergency room of the medical institution.

orshenin Elena Ivanovna, doctor-gastroenterologist