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Diet for bronchitis


Initiation of treatment

Diet for bronchitis is very important. The diagnosis of "Bronchitis" means inflammation in the bronchial mucosa. Disease is the result of infection of a viral nature and can manifest itself acute or chronic form. In this infectious viral disease affects the lower parts of the respiratory tract. If there is no proper and timely treatment of bronchitis risk of developing pneumonia and bronchial asthma.

Sick with bronchitis, especially in acute forms of the disease, should be to start treatment a good sweat. In order to promote perspiration, should drink decoctions of various herbs, which possess such properties – for example, elder, Linden flowers, sage, mint, and it's better to drink with honey.

Good nutrition is an important component of complex treatment. Especially great care should choose foods for bronchitis in children because certain medications can disrupt digestion. Food should be balanced, rich in proteins and vitamins. A special diet can be individualized in each case. Proper nutrition is the basis for fast recovery in case of inflammation of the bronchi.

The basic tenets

For many years doctors have developed postulates to be considered in the treatment process of the bronchi. The first of them is sick with bronchitis should eat 4-5 times a day. In the diet should increase the amount of protein. This helps to prevent protein deficiency, which occurs due to the loss of protein along with phlegm during a strong cough.

Protein is a material to build cells, tissues and organs. It is a supplier of energy, it is part of the active enzymes that contribute to the normal function of human cells. Involved in the process of muscular contraction and the Central nervous system. With the help of protein, the synthesis of enzymes, peptide hormones, hemoglobin. Its presence is necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system, respiratory.

The lack of protein in the bodycauses malfunction of all organs, affects metabolism and reduces immunity. This element is found in dairy products, eggs, meat, fish, baked goods. Patients with bronchitis are advised to intake of carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates can be obtained using

rice, barley, bran, oatmeal, corn, buckwheat. Eat brown rice, wheat and other cereals from whole grains, pasta, wheat bread, rolls, bagels.

Large amounts of carbohydrates contain apricots, figs, blueberries, bananas, figs, grapes. Apples and pears, oranges, pineapple, strawberry, watermelon and raisins in addition to carbohydrates supply the body with vitamins. Food is considered complete if the diet is introduced potatoes, carrots, peas, beans, lentils, contain valuable nutrients and complex carbohydrates that help improve digestion, stabilize the level of sugar in the blood.

In the diet include skim milk and nonfat yogurt, cheese, any dairy products are easily digested. Valuable substances in these products bifidobacteria and lactobacilli stimulate the digestive process, and reduces the effect used in the treatment of bronchitis antibiotics. Besides dairy products prevent putrefactive processes in the intestine.

To products, replenishing the body with vitamins A, C, E include Kale. Excellent antimicrobial properties of different fresh onion. This vegetable helps to razzhizhzhenie mucus and cleanse the bronchial tubes. It is added in vegetable salads. Definitely useful are celery, cauliflower, pumpkin, eggplant, zucchini in boiled or baked form. These vegetables diversify the menu and enrich the body with useful elements.

You can give the patient the chicken broth is a source of protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids, well absorbed and needed by the human body. In the chicken broth in a lot more protein than lean pork or beef.

Pumpkin seeds menu replenish weakened body a large amount of zinc. Fatty fish, e.g., flounder or sardines is able to block the inflammatory process. Sometimes during illness, doctors prescribe fish oil.

For removing phlegm

In bronchitis, as in any other disease caused by infection, be suredrink lots of different teas, infusions and teas. A particularly good effect has sweated hot Linden tea, elderberry or sage.

When it comes relief and the disease gradually recedes, it is necessary to help the body easier it may be to viscous sputum. Whey take warm dry cough, it is also useful decoction of anise with honey. Preparing it is simple: incomplete tablespoon of anise seeds is poured into a glass of water, add 1 teaspoon of honey and a small pinch of baking soda, this decoction is taken twice a day for 2 tablespoons. Wonderful expectorant is the juice of onion.

Also effectively help to liquefy the phlegm and cleanse the body from the virus mineral water, orange and lemon juice. Proper nutrition plays a very key role in the successful result of the treatment process bronchitis. The presence on the menus of some of the spices gives you the opportunity to recover more quickly. For example, ginger not only soothes a cough, and eliminates inflammation.

If you take meals with added turmeric or drink milk with this ingredient, essential oils, vitamins C, B3, B2, C, e, iodine, phosphorus and iron from bronchitis can be eliminated without side effects. Very useful is the use of chicory, it's truly a storage protein and tannic substances, ascorbic acid, vitamin B.


After the treatment of bronchitis, transition to a balanced diet should be gradual, from drinks recommend drinks, such as lemon water, but only without sugar! You should not drink coffee and tea, better drink warm or hot milk with honey and a pinch of baking soda. Honey before use is required to boil so as to boil, it will cause a strong cough. Also in the treatment of bronchitis is very common and successfully used tea with fruits of raspberry: raspberry is taken dry or frozen, but in any case not jam.

Make yourself juice every day from fresh vegetables and fruits. The most useful juice is beet. For taste you can add juice of carrots and apples. Very useful also the cabbage juice. Just be sure to steep the juice of 4-6 hours, if there is a cabbage or beets, and then you will be sick. Eat more raw fruits, vegetables, and berries, if possible. The diet can include raw seeds and nuts.