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Bulimia nervosa

The causes and symptoms of bulimia nervosa

What is bulimia nervosa?

Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder. It manifests itself with bouts of severe hunger, uncontrollable overeating and a lack of a sense of fullness. For bulimia nervosa characterized by recurrent fluctuations in weight. Bouts of binge eating usually followed by attempts to "cleanse" yourself: the man is drinking the purgative, causes vomiting, trying to starve or to exhaust yourself with excessive exercise. The main goal becomes getting rid of excess weight. To fight hunger pangs by normal methods is not possible.

Recognize bulimia is difficult. Of course, half of bulimics due to overeating obese, but the other half is normal weight and the disease tries to keep secret from their environment.

Ill mostly young women, because for them the weight of the body is an extremely important criterion. The disease has three age peaks:15-16, 22-25 years of age, and 27-28 years.

Bulimia is an extremely painful disease. People, eating even a large amount of food can't overcome the feeling of hunger. But after the start overeating the pangs of conscience for misconduct and calories eaten. As a result the person tries to get rid of the food, causing vomiting. The disease tends to progression, so overeating can become totally uncontrollable, and the identity of the man will be irreversible changes.

The causes of bulimia nervosa

Usually causes bulimia nervosa become low self-esteem, psychological trauma, stress, depression, or constant fear to gain extra pounds. Bulimia occurs because a person had better to get rid of stress by eating, because it is one of the most simple pleasures. Bulimia can be masochistic, obsessive, demonstrative roots or be due to a desire to be sexually attractive.

The symptoms of bulimia nervosa

Of course, the main symptom of bulimia is the uncontrollable hunger that is impossible to satisfy the usual amount of food. Man is all the while an attack of bulimia is not over, then it usually is remorseful and he is trying to get rid of food eatenby artificial means (inducing vomiting, taking laxatives).

Also bulimia nervosa is manifested by changes in behavior. A sick person becomes withdrawn, reclusive, depressed. Only during the meal, his mood improved.

Uncontrollable overeating and the inability to limit yourself to food cause depression, neuroses. Man loses efficiency.

Because of the rapid absorption of food may develop sore throat (pharyngitis, tonsillitis). Damaged tooth enamel also, destructible by stomach acid. Due to improper nutrition suffers.

Of course, first and foremost at risk of the digestive system, heart, blood vessels. And, most importantly, suffers psyche. Progressing, the disease changes a person beyond recognition.

Thus, bulimia nervosa causes many dangerous effects: menstrual irregularities in women, impaired intestinal motility, constipation, diseases of the pancreas, kidneys, endocrine system diseases and metabolic disorders. Sometimes bulimia causes stomach bleeding.

Treatment of bulimia nervosa

Treatment of bulimia nervosa must be primarily in psychotherapy. A sick person needs the help of the doctor, which will help to recognize the problem and accept yourself the way the person really is. Drug treatment consists in the use of antidepressants. Also, be sure to stick to a diet, to exercise and try to avoid possible stresscausing the feeling of hunger.