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The cervical canal of the uterus

The cervical canal called the junction of the uterus and vagina, located in the cervix. In the middle of the channel is usually extended to 7-8 mm, at the top it is narrowed and passes in the isthmus of the uterus, through which he on the one hand communicates with the cavity of the uterus.

On the other hand the cervical canal ends in the vagina and this part is called the throat. Its shape may be very different. The dimensions of the pharynx and its form depend on various factors, namely: age and hormonal background of women, nature childbirth. In nulliparous women, the pharynx is small, rounded, parous – wide, resembling the slot.

The cervical canal is generally filled with secret, it is isolated mucosal cells. The mucosa consists, for the most part, of cylindrical epithelium, it has a high secretory activity. To increase the area of the mucosa and, respectively, the volume of mucus secretion, it has folds. Otherwise, they are called crypts. The amount allocated secretion depends on both epithelial cells and a certain number of glands in the mucosa.

Looks like a secret, like a thick glassy ropy mucus, having an alkaline reaction. It completely fills the channel and forms a so-called tube Kristeller. The mucus has antibacterial properties and its main function is to protect the uterus from bacteria.

On the quantity of generated secret has influenced the menstrual cycle. Depending on its stage changed the consistency and composition of the mucous secretion. During and before ovulation the amount increases, it becomes viscous, the reaction of mucus is neutral. Often a secret has a high viscosity, due to which sperm is very hard to get into the uterus.

The consistency of the mucus depends on the number of blood hormones. If the concentration of progesterone is high and estrogen is reduced, the secret of the cervical canal will be viscous. The situation is changing in the follicular phase of the cycle, when the amount of estrogen increases, the number of cells in the fluid channel increases, and the secret becomes less viscous. But this phase is short, the conditions for the life of the sperm saved in just 2-3 days, and then the cervical mucus again becomes thick. It was during this period, some of the sperm could enter the uterine cavity, then into the fallopian tube. Subsequently, the sperm is able to successfully fertilize the female sex cell. In addition, they persist longer in the cervical canal, as the composition of mucus is fit for their normalexistence. The passage through the cervical channel is, to some extent, for sperm test of endurance and vitality, because to overcome all obstacles can be the most motile and healthy.

The study of the physical and chemical parameters of the secret is of great importance in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility, because of the normalization of the indicators a woman can think about pregnancy. In addition, the quality of the secret is also influenced by various hormonal disorders, contraception, infectious and inflammatory diseases in which mucus changes and does not penetrate the sperm into the uterus.

After conception the amount of the hormone progesterone in the blood increases again and the secret is in the cervical canal becomes more viscous and durable. Throughout the pregnancy channel is sealed by a plug of mucus protects the placenta and the fetus from germs from the vagina.

The muscular coat of the cervical canal under the mucous membrane, is a continuation of the muscles of the uterus, its peculiarity is that it is not so strongly developed and contain less elastic fibers. This difference allows the neck of the uterus is easy to stretch and open the birth canal at birth.

Inspection of the cervical canal in the patients is performed using special gynecologic mirrors, which allow access for inspection. In healthy women in the channel region is always a transparent mucous secret. In identifying any changes and pathology women are advised to undergo additional screening. It can be :

· Laboratory studies to identify the causative agent and its sensitivity to antibiotics

· PAP smear tests. With it, will see various changes in the structure of epithelial cells. This method makes it possible to identify precancerous lesions and cancer at early stages.

· Colposcopy – a study using a special optical instrument called a colposcope.

Preventive medical examination all women should have annually. It is needed for timely detection of various diseases in the early stages.