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Cytomegalovirus in women and during pregnancy

Cytomegalovirus is a special virus with double-stranded DNA. The cytomegalovirus is a lot of common properties with other viruses in this group. These include genome, virion structure, as well as the ability to cause latent and chronic infection. It is believed that this virus with a large genome. Today the issue of morbidity is quite relevant. Among all infections of this nature cytomegalovirus named one of the most common pathologies.

Special transplacental transmission causes intrauterine infection of the fetus, leading to severe abnormalities after birth. The severity of the main clinical manifestations are always determined by the period when the woman was infected. Cytomegalovirus develops only in human cells. It replicates better in fibroblasts. Experts have proven that more than 65% of the population in rapidly developing countries affected by this serious disease.

Lately doctors are seeing a dramatic rise in infection many pregnant women cytomegalovirus infection. This dangerous disease is a huge risk in child bearing. As a rule, the main symptoms of the disease appear in approximately 1% expectant mothers and their newborns. Cytomegalovirus belongs to a huge family of herpes viruses, it is the causative agent of this infection. He has an extraordinary similarity with the tissues of the nervous system of the human body.

During infection damaged especially the nervous system. The source of cytomegalovirus infection in pregnant women are asymptomatic carriers with the flow. This virus replicates well in humans in the salivary glands that allows it to easily be passed through kissing. Because it is in high amounts in biological fluids, sexual contact can lead to infection. Often infection occurs during unprotected intercourse with a carrier of the disease.

Experts confirmed airborne transmission of the virus. In this case, the input gates are open the airway. During pregnancy is usually diagnosed reactivation of cytomegalovirus infection, infection which occurred quite some time. This is due to a significant reduction in immune women. The danger is that the virus is easily transmitted to the fetus in utero or affects the nerve cells of the child at birth. Transplacental transmission involves transfer of virusthe fetus from the mother's bloodstream.

Underlying disease of the placenta or the uterus during pregnancy greatly increases the risk of transmission of cytomegalovirus. The infection of the fetus also contribute to various inflammatory diseases of the mothers. One of them deals with colpitis and cervicitis. Often the contamination of a healthy baby during breastfeeding, because not only the saliva of the mother, but her milk contain huge amounts of viruses.

This threat cytomegalovirus infection often occurs in women with no symptoms. In rare cases, the symptoms expressed little. As a rule, moms-to-appear complaints of slight fever, chills, and dry cough. Because these symptoms go with the clinical picture is usually cold, do not attract attention.

Sometimes the infection proceeds as a typical mononucleosis syndrome. In this case, the symptoms of the disease include muscle aches, fatigue, long-insignificant fever, and enlarged liver and specific changes in blood composition. Almost never the exacerbation of cytomegalovirus infection does not cause serious disorders in women, the fetus may suffer very seriously.

The main preventive requirement is the observance of strict hygiene and avoid crowded places. In time of pregnancy should avoid unprotected sex acts with possible carriers of infection. In the presence of miscarriages and stillbirths in the history of women, prescribe a comprehensive examination to identify cytomegalovirus infection. Do carriers of this dangerous disease, repeated pregnancy is possible only against the background of long-term remission under the effect of a certain treatment.

It should be mentioned that the birth of a child by Caesarean section absolutely has no advantages over a natural childbirth because there is the same inevitable risk of intrapartum transmission. If possible, take prophylaxis prior to conception and, if necessary, to complete the course of treatment, whereby the risk of fetal infection will be minimal.