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Products, lowering the pressure

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Products, lowering blood pressure

High blood pressure – pathology, which is found in one third of the population aged 16-34 years. Hypertension even in the form of light means the disruption of the cardiovascular system, causes premature aging and cerebrovascular blood circulation, that proved the research of California scientists.

Modern treatment of hypertension consists of medication that block the angiotensin receptors, relaxing blood vessels, causing blood pressure is lowered. However, the constant use of these drugs contributes to the emergence of cancer tumors and raises a number of serious pathologies in the body.

Regular consumption of foods that strengthen the heart muscle, blood vessels, and also normalize blood pressure, can not only alleviate the patient's condition during an attack of hypertension, but also to reduce the amount of medication.

  • Green tea. Green tea's effect on increasing or decreasing pressure – a rather controversial question. However, a proven fact that drinking green tea lowers blood pressure! Hypotensive patients it is contraindicated! Moreover, Japanese scientists have experimentally proved that green tea lowers blood pressure in the long term! The experiment lasted several months and resulted in the decreased pressure in hypertensive patients by 5-10%. (read more: the Benefits and harms of green tea)

  • Lemon. In lemons contains potassium, which helps regulate the biological fluids present in the body, and located in Limone magnesium affects the relaxation of the arteries. The presence of lemons in flavonoids promotes health of blood vessels on which blood flows. The composition of lemon juice on the body is reminiscent of some antihypertensive drugs. He have an inhibitory effect on the production of kidney angiotensin, a hormone able to increase the pressure through the constriction of the blood vessels. Taking the lemon, remember the sense of proportion, so as not to harm the stomach.

  • Chokeberry.Black chokeberry has the substances that can actively expand the capillaries and blood vessels. Experimentally, the beneficial effects of black chokeberry in the treatment of hypertension, in other words, the lower the pressure. For medicinal purposes you can eat five pieces of berry per day. Fruit juice is necessary to take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Berry broth is prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 200g of water. Boil for a minute, to insist hour. Drink a quarter or half Cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

  • Ginger. Of the ginger a lot of positive properties, but how does it affect blood pressure? Ginger rhizome, getting in the gastrointestinal tract, thins the blood and relaxes the muscles that surround the blood vessels. Consequently, blood pressure will decrease. (read more about the benefits of ginger). It is worth to note that ginger may enhance the action of therapeutic drugs, so no need to combine the use of ginger with medication, reducing blood pressure, and even better to consult a doctor. (Also read: list of foods to thin the blood)

  • Kalina. Kalina lowers blood pressure, has a diuretic effect, removing excess fluid from the body. Due to the contained antioxidants, flavonoids and vitamin C fast is the recovery of infectious diseases. Vitamin K stops the bleeding, and the influence of polyunsaturated fatty acids experiencing the excess cholesterol. Phenol carbonic acid favors the disinfection of the digestive system and healing of wounds. In the treatment of high pressure can be used as fresh berries and dried.
  • Cranberry. Cranberry is an edible medicinal berry that is a longtime helper of man in the struggle with fever, scurvy, and headache. Its berries make better working intestines and stomach and can also help with low stomach acidity. Very high in cranberry content of flavonoids, substances that contribute to the strength and elasticity of blood capillaries, the absorption of vitamin C. Cranberry juice boosts the body's quantitative structure antioxidant and cholesterol that are necessary for proper cardiac work. American experts proved that eight-week daily consumption of cranberry juice significantly lowers blood pressure! People suffering from disorders of the systems of the heart and blood vessels, it is recommended to drink cranberry juice or juice daily for three glasses, that would increase the content of antioxidants, thusto reduce the risk of heart disease and malignant tumors. Russia has always been famous for the use of useful properties of cranberries, so they constantly eat and be healthy.
  • Raw almonds. To improve blood circulation, strengthen the vessel walls and normalize blood pressure quite a handful of almonds a day. However, the need to use them correctly: most useful raw nuts, and almonds, which was steaming or roasting retains few nutrients. If you prefer Spanish almonds, then the probability to purchase raw natural product, more than buying the other varieties as almonds from Spain are usually not subjected to heat treatment. Another caveat proper use of almonds as food – pre-soaking and cleansing from the skin. Peel almonds are rich in phytic acid, which hinders absorption of minerals by the body. If you soak the nuts in cold water for several hours, the skin can be easily peeled off with them. In addition to reinforcing effects on the cardiovascular system almonds can be included in the diet of people with overweight – they are low-calorie, contain proteins and monounsaturated fatty acids, so they are perfect for those who want to remove fat, and those who seek to gain muscle mass. Walnuts possess similar properties and can also lower blood pressure and stimulate blood flow, but they have a high calorie content, so in dietary product are rarely used.
  • Cayenne pepper. Burning Cayenne pepper (aka pepper) has a number of useful properties, which was confirmed by studies of American scientists. Chili almost instantly normalizes blood pressure due to its content of capsaicin. Capsaicin gives the peppers burning taste and pungency, it has vasodilator properties, increasing blood flow. As a result, the rate of passage of blood through the vessels increases, and the load on their wall decreases and pressure decreases. For the correction condition of the person with high blood pressure are recommended to drink a solution of a teaspoon of pepper in a glass of water with honey and fresh aloe juice. People who are not accustomed to the spicy taste of chili, you can use Cayenne pepper in capsules. When kidney disease should be consumed red pepper with caution, as it may aggravate the patient's condition.

  • Coconut water. A liquid made from coconut – coconutwater or coconut milk – a popular product which not only has a distinctive and pleasant taste, but also has many useful properties. So, its nutritional value and balanced composition makes it possible to use coconut milk as substitute for cow's cuisine. Potassium, magnesium, calcium and some vitamins (pyridoxine, Riboflavin, retinol, Pantothenic acid, thiamine, vitamins E and C) strengthen the immune system, normalize metabolism and reduce blood pressure. Lauric acid, which in large quantities contained in coconut water, and even refers to saturated fatty acids, helps to increase "good" cholesterol – high density lipoproteins, and prevents vascular disease. As a result of studies it was found that the systematic use coconut milk for several months helps to reduce systolic blood pressure (observed in 71% of patients) and helps to normalize high blood the diastolic pressure (in 29% of subjects).
  • Raw cocoa. It from raw cacao is possible to obtain nutrients and flavonoids necessary to fight with the manifestations of hypertension. Cocoa has anti-stress properties, thanks to which you can indirectly control the pressure, preventing its increase during the unrest. The physiological manifestations of stress meet the special hormones, including their effects– increase in blood pressure. Numerous experiments have proved that cocoa helps to regulate levels of these hormones. Eating raw cacao as a food additive, it is possible to achieve a significant reduction in the intensity and number of stress conditions. Flavonoids cocoa temporarily lowers blood pressure, protects the blood vessels from the pathologies associated with its increase.
  • Turmeric. Turmeric is a spice used since ancient times not only to emphasize the taste of food but also for medicinal purposes. However, scientists still know about its beneficial properties are relatively few. The unique active ingredient curcumin, contained in the root of this plant is a strong anti-inflammatory agent. As you know, inflammatory responses are one of the main causes of high blood pressure. Effectively eliminating inflammation, curcumin is able to significantly improve cardiovascular system and strengthen blood flow. The combination of the active ingredient piperine, various peppers and turmeric increases blood circulation, so the blood is evenly distributed throughout the body. But it is not necessary to combine the turmeric with the chilli, as capsaicin (the substance responsible forits sharpness) is bad for the kidneys, which ultimately negates the beneficial effects of piperine and turmeric. In folk recipes turmeric appears as a tested means for cleansing the blood, and this property also contributes to the treatment of hypertension.
  • Garlic. Garlic, or rather, unique essential oils, and a plurality of active substances in its composition, has long been recognized as an effective tool against high blood pressure. In 2010, scientists from Australia have shown that with regular consumption of garlic in the control group, hypertensive patients showed improvement of indicators of pressure, level of cholesterol in the blood and ESR. Given the fact that garlic is one of the most accessible funds from hypertension, its importance for many people with a predisposition to a pressure rise cannot be overstated. And for those who do not consume garlic due to its strong and persistent smell, we can recommend the garlic capsules dissolve in the intestine.

Additional products, lowering blood pressure

The products from this list regular use can also contribute to lowering of pressure due to magnesium, potassium and other minerals in their composition.

Due to the fact that these products are more affordable and versatile in action, include them in the diet is not difficult, and the result in the form of a normal blood pressure will be more stable:

  • Skim milk. High quality milk with low fat content helps to normalize blood pressure. In order to achieve the desired effect, it should be consumed every day. As a result of the researches of the American scientists, it was found that calcium in combination with calciferol (vitamin D)regular use of lower blood pressure by 3-10 %.These figures do not seem quite so significant, but in practice, this reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases by about 15 %. Of course, skim milk is a decent find is not so easy, and homemade products always much fatter. Therefore, the use of milk as a product, lowering the pressure, leaves some doubt.
  • Spinach. Spinach contains a complex of vitamins, electrolyte minerals (calcium, magnesium and sodium) and protein, the content of which is second only to beans and peas. All of these substances contributeto strengthen the vascular wall and the normalization of pressure level. Spinach leaves are rich in fiber, which helps cleanse the body and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Low calorie spinach – 22 calories per 100 grams – make it an excellent dietary product. With the goal of preventing cardiovascular disease and lowering blood pressure can be used to eat the leaves and seeds of spinach. From the leaves are used in salads, casseroles, and sauces, and the seeds sprinkled on the sandwich to increase its nutritional value (read more in the article: useful properties and application of spinach).

  • Unsalted sunflower seeds. Magnesium deficiency can cause disturbances in blood pressure, and one of the best natural sources of this mineral – sunflower seeds. They need to be consumed in their raw and unsalted form, for the prevention of hypertension enough a quarter Cup of sunflower seeds a day. Because of the high fat content in sunflower seeds it is not recommended to use for people with inflammatory diseases of the gall bladder, as well as those who are dieting for weight loss. Salted sunflower seeds have the opposite effect – a high sodium provokes an attack of hypertension.
  • Beans. Beans is rich content and high nutritional value, contains potassium and magnesium which contribute to normal pressure, dietary fiber and pectin, folic acid, Niacin and vitamin E. the High content of iron in the beans stimulates the process of hematopoiesis. Do eat white, black, red, dark blue beans, and varieties Lima and Pinto. Good as a separate dish (boiled beans, pre-soaking overnight, and served as porridge), or in tomato soup, sauce, salad.
  • Baked white potatoes. In the composition of the potato is high in potassium and magnesium, which allows you to keep the potassium-sodium balance in the body. When normal intake of potassium with food, the sodium level remains stable, which allows for many processes in the body, ranging from cellular transport, ending with the removal of excess fluids, maintenance of tissue metabolism in the cardiac muscle. Lack of potassium causes an increase in the level of sodium may cause heart attack and high blood pressure. To use potatoes best baked – in so it better preserves the nutrients and calorie content of such meals is only 80 calories vs 200-300 kcal of fried potatoes.
  • Bananas. Another popular product for loweringpressure – banana. This fruit is ideal for snacking and as a Supplement to Breakfast, as it not only contains minerals necessary for normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, but also rich in proteins, which ensures rapid saturation. The amino acid tryptophan in the composition of the banana in the body is used for the synthesis of serotonin – the hormone that is responsible for good mood. Use bananas on their own, in the composition of desserts and fruit salads, add them to oatmeal, yogurt.

  • Soybeans. Useful properties of soy beans to normalize blood pressure provides potassium, magnesium and peptides in their structure. Soy beans eaten raw, cleaning them from the skin. Frozen beans defrost pre-pouring boiling water. Especially useful for normalizing pressure black soybeans. Research scientists from Korea show that the daily use of black soybean for eight weeks systolic blood pressure of the subjects decreased by 9.7 points. In addition, soy beans increase the body's resistance to oxidative stress, and hence prevent the emergence of cancer tumors.
  • Dark chocolate. As a complementary product to normalize blood pressure can include in the diet of a small amount of chocolate – 1-2 squares of a tile. Useful properties of chocolate are explained by high content of cocoa, useful properties of which considered in the list of products, reducing pressure.
  • Journal of the American medical Association published a study according to which, after 18 weeks of eating chocolate, pressure stabiliziruemost in the normal range. But the main problem with chocolate is its high caloric content, according to the same study, a day can be consumed no more than 30 kcal, which is only 5-6 grams of product. Otherwise there is a risk to gain weight and worsen hypertension. For the prevention of high blood pressure choose bitter varieties of chocolate, with a cocoa content of not less than 70%.

    Regular consumption of these products does not replace drugs in severe hypertension, but helps to reduce the pressure and allows to reduce the dosage of the medication and improve the patient's state of health.

    Can I drink coffee with high blood pressure?

    Around the coffee has formed a lot of myths, one of them is the increase in blood pressure after drinking a Cup of coffee. Actuallydrink raises the pressure of the human to the norms in case of low state. If the pressure is normal, then using a coffee person will not increase it almost never. High blood pressure recommended coffee not to drink just because it will support, and not to raise as people think, high blood pressure.