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Deformity of the chest

The causes and symptoms of funnel chest deformity in a child

Deformation of the human thorax poses a serious congenital or acquired, a significant change in the shape of a human thorax. The chest is kind of bony and muscular framework that protects internal organs in the upper body. Proved that this pathology affects the lungs and heart, and other organs. there are disturbances in the normal functioning of the organs of the chest.

To date, the index Giżycka considered the best radiographic indicator to determine the exact extent of a particular strain. Modern experts decide on the need for surgery based on this index.

Classification of thoracic deformities

All possible deformations can be divided into two large groups. These include acquired or congenital, in other words, dysplastic. Usually acquired diseases are far more common. They often develop due to problems such as chronic lung disease, rickets, bone tuberculosis and scoliosis, and severe burns and trauma to a certain area of the chest.

All congenital deformities are characterized by serious abnormalities or hypoplasia of the ribs, spine, shoulder blades, sternum, or muscles of the chest. With a significant developmental disorder of bone structures arise, and the most severe deformation.

It should be noted that depending on the localization subdivide such violations form the front, side and rear walls of the chest. The severity of the pathology is different. Deformation are found from a slightly noticeable cosmetic defect to the incredibly obvious gross pathology, which usually provokes a significant impairment of the heart and lungs.

Always in congenital deformities, a change in the shape of a typical front surface of the human thorax. Often, these violations are forms can be accompanied not only by underdevelopment of the muscles or the sternum, but also by the absence or significant hypoplasia of the edges.

Funnel-shaped chest deformity

This funnel pathology in humans driven by a marked retraction of the sternum, costal cartilages, and the anterior ribs. This common malformation occurs because of a serious genetically conditioned changes of typical structureconnective tissue and cartilage.

It is no coincidence that multiple defects are observed in children with funnel chest. In this case, a family history can identify other similar diseases in the immediate family. At this illness the explicit retraction of the sternum usually leads to a significant decrease in the volume of the entire chest cavity. At sharply expressed violations inevitable curvature of the spine, problems of the heart and lungs, a strong shift of the heart, and dangerous changes in arterial or venous pressure.

It should be noted that in modern traumatology experts distinguish only three main the extent of such funnel-shaped deformation of the chest. The first degree should include the depth of the crater less than two cm, while the heart is shifted will not. Second degree is characterized by the depth of the crater from two to four cm and displacement of the heart to three cm in the diagnosis of third degree depth of the crater is four cm or more, and the displacement of the heart is greater than three, see

In infants and most young children, this deformity of the chest is practically invisible. Significant retraction of the sternum and ribs gets stronger only in the time of a breath. To three years the growth of the baby, this pathology is most pronounced, reaching its maximum. Often, these children are far behind in physical development from their peers, and they often suffer frequent colds and severe vegetative disorders.

Then, in the subsequent chest deformity becomes fixed. There is an increase in the depth of the crater to 7-8 see such a child develops not only scoliosis, but may receive thoracic kyphosis. This decrease respiratory excursions about 3-4 times, when compared with the age norm. should be noted significant irregularities in the important respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Many kids with very severe deformity of the thorax are stanichny. Vital capacity is usually reduced by 30%, the visible manifestations of pulmonary and cardiac insufficient, and the gas exchange of the blood is impeded. young patients may complain of stabbing pain in the chest and fatigue.

Diagnosis of deformity of the chest includes a full range of different studies. It may include ECG, echocardiography and chest x-ray. Due to such manipulation, our specialists will reveal the degree of change in the functioning of the lungs and heart.

It proves that the modern conservative therapy for this congenital deformities in children chest completely ineffective. To create a normalconditions for the functioning of the internal organs are shown only surgical reconstruction of the chest. Such major surgery is usually performed when the child reaches 6 years of age.

Breathing exercises, special physical therapy, acupressure massage of the chest, swimming, physical therapy and hyperbaric oxygenation are unable to relieve the patient from symptoms of thoracic deformities, however, are shown to compulsory execution with one goal in mind an important prevent progression of this disease.

Keel-shaped deformity of the chest

This pathology is mainly caused by the excess growth of main costal cartilages. As a rule, grow the cartilages from the fifth to the seventh ribs. Thus the sternum of the patient always comes forward, which gives the breast the peculiar shape of the keel. This deformation is often accompanied by a significant increase in the anteroposterior size of the thorax of the child.

The growth of the baby this condition becomes most noticeable, and there are visible cosmetic defect. All the internal organs and the important spine of the man at this stage suffer slightly. Heart shape becomes a teardrop. Many patients show numerous complaints of severe shortness of breath, palpitations during exercise and fatigue.

With a marked keel-shaped deformation of the entire chest surgery is indicated when there are violations of functions of internal organs. While surgical intervention is not carried out to kids under the age of 5 years.

Atypical flat chest is usually a sign of uneven development with a significant decrease in the anteroposterior size of the sternum. Acquired diseases arise always due to rickets or bone tuberculosis, after an illness of the lungs. In this case, the process involved not only the side surface but also the back part of the chest.

It should be mentioned that kyphoscoliotic chest difficult to treat. It often develops as a result of a serious pathological process in the human spine, which is accompanied by a pronounced change in its correct form. It is easy to confirm by CT scan and radiography of the spine. In some cases gipokaliemicakie pathology can appear in tuberculosis. This disease provokes dangerous irregularities in the heartthe patient and his lungs.

Keeled chest deformation is mainly diagnosed by a physician, orthopedic surgeon upon initial inspection, followed by assigned x-ray examination. Modern study of the CT scan helps determine the extent and type of this deformation is to correctly assign the optimal treatment.

Keel-shaped deformity is often not amenable to necessary adjustments due to various physical and breathing exercises. It is not exposed to any physical therapy. However, swimming lessons will help to make the thoracic cage is more pliable. Correction with the help of modern prosthetic devices, as a rule, possible only at a fairly young age. The baby bones and cartilage is very flexible and easily amenable to external influence. To surgical correction of keeled deformation of the experts resorted to only in extreme cases.

In contrast to the serious funnel shaped, keel-shaped deformation practically does not have a significant effect on proper functioning of all internal organs and the necessary development of the child's spine. But it happens that diagnosed a small violation of the functions of the heart. Modern surgical correction is carried out solely for specific cosmetic indications.