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Causes and symptoms of Demodex

What is Demodex?

Demodex is a mite that inhabits and infests the hair follicles of both humans and mammals, as well as in the sebaceous glands and glands cartilage century. As a rule, the size of this tick does not exceed three-tenths of a millimeter. Nevertheless, it can pretty much harm to the person who is infected.

About 97% of people suffer from this parasite. This percentage was selected Chinese scientists the study, which was attended by over a million people of different ages, nationalities, occupations and backgrounds. The study lasted on average about fifty years.

The dangers of Demodex

Demodex causes the patient to them redness on the skin, begin to roll hair from the head, irritation and damage to deeper layers of the skin. For the development and nutrition of the mites, as a rule, the desired substance contained in the various glands – the glands of the cartilages of the eyelids, sebaceous. The mite enters deep under the skin, in the follicles of the scalp, absorbing in the process of their habitat all substances from the roots, glands and the hair.

Demodex takes in the human body many harmful bacteria. The fact that every day during the evening mite emerges from the hairline to the surface, and further, when goes back in the bags of hair, along with it goes inside, and a large number of different kinds of harmful bacteria that was on the skin, resulting in infected glands, and the result is irritation and redness.

To notice this easily as the skin becomes dark gray, she observed irritation and redness, and create blackheads and pimples, the pores begin to expand, the skin becomes oily and scaly. Infected may feel soreness on the surface of the skin, itching, the feeling that underneath something is crawling and moving.

Emerging pimples and blackheads are the consequence of the fact that mite has become a stronger impact on your. The consequence of this is a failure in the natural metabolism of the body due to the high number of eye-catching secrets. If inside are pliers, their negative influence, respectively, also increases.

Symptoms of Demodex

Among the symptoms of Demodex is commonly called blepharitis (eyelids become irritated and red),eyelids itched and closer to the evening it is amplified so much that it gets very hard, there is a discharge from the eyes (in the form of mucus or frothy).

Many patients, particularly the female part of them, the fear can cause the gradual loss of the eyelashes, they can constantly occur white particles. With the development of the disease patients report at home and symptoms such as constant watery eyes, eyes redness, feeling of being in the eye of something extra, this is due to the irritation of the conjunctiva.

Causes of Demodex

Studies have shown that this mite affects about ninety-six percent of people, however, many may not even know about his presence and activity. This is because the presence of more than three species of Demodex within the gland is not able to cause any significant changes in the body and on the skin, but larger number of them already leading to the spread of the disease.

The tick operates and develops so that break normal microflora of the skin and its interaction with bacteria, it will are the initial phase spread of the disease. In normal life Demodex is the radius of the basic surface layer of the skin, respectively, the immune system does not react. Due to some phenomena such as the use of corticosteroid ointments for a long period, there is a display of eggs a female of Demodex deeper under the skin.

In the body start to occur a reaction, such as a violation of a specific chemical composition of fat on the surface of the skin due to regular influence of results of activity of Demodex, the immune system is triggered and rises, thereby causing the irritation process. This is a normal counter-reaction of the internal system to outside the body, that is, of Demodex, which occurs in the place where it should not be. The result mite not only provokes, but in the future, and develops the incorrect a pathological reaction of the organism.

There are data that chronic form of the disease called Demodex just decreased immunity, further allowing the mite to spread. To call his appearance can disease of the gastrointestinal tract, long-term nervous tension and stress, disruptions in lipid metabolism, neuroendocrine and mental diseases, and diseases associated with the immune system.

Cause of infection with Demodex can also be elementary is known and even quite expensive and luxury cosmetics if itcontain certain hormones and supplements, as well as a huge desire to sunbathe and regular and prolonged use of sauna and baths.

Test for the presence of Demodex

To determine whether you suffer from this parasite, you need to attend a number of signs. If the face is red, and it is observed the irritation, the skin becomes rough and appears enhanced hair loss, it's likely you have observed excess of the normal number of Demodex mites, its activities and development.

True indicator of his presence is the presence of small pain and feeling itchy face and hair, they begin to itch. Usually affected are the cheeks, the lower half of the nose and forehead, appear mites, usually in the late afternoon – after six. At this time there is their largest operation, they are on the outside on the skin and multiply.

The feeling that something itches, do not occur immediately, and some may simply not pay attention and scratch or RUB face unconsciously. From the side you can see these people, who periodically scratching the nose, forehead and cheeks and not even notice it.

But often such feelings may not be at all, with the result that the infected do not even think that they have Demodex. Demodex mite is manifested in all different ways, but the main symptoms are: ulcers, rashes, pimples, acne and ulcers, etc. In the future, with the development of Demodex, the disease will progress, affecting the other parts of the skin of the chest, legs, shoulders and back.

Signs of Demodex

There are the following signs of Demodex:

  • the patient increases his nose. It happens that this increase is very significant, so much so that it takes the form of a plum with a bluish-reddish color (the disease in medicine is called "rhinophyma");
  • there are different kinds of itching ears; itching of the scalp, there is, in addition, and hair loss; eyelash itch and fall out by themselves become less frequent and very fragile, can break; the person will feel as if under the skin is something that moves and tickles my face will itch. Sometimes it takes place so secretly that it itches and rubs his face just an afterthought. Special peak in the late afternoon and goes until morning, as the mite is selected up on the skin, and therefore, its activity is enhanced;
  • on the face there are spots of pink or reddish in color, the pores is greatly enhanced;
  • the skin peels off, and in itself becomes fatty;
  • there bogorotsky on the skin. In the skinbe scars and plenty of hard balls of calcium. This causes bumps and abnormal for a healthy human complexion.