Home / Treatment / The main symptoms and methods of treatment of endogenous depression

The main symptoms and methods of treatment of endogenous depression

Endogenous depression is a common mental disorder that is characterized by depressed mood, lethargy, slow thinking, extreme severity and long recovery period. Constantly being in a depressed state, a person is not able to lead a normal lifestyle and work.

The incidence of this condition is the same among men and women. The risk group also includes people of middle age.

Endogenous depression can occur as an independent disease or be one of the manifestations of manic-depressive psychosis. These subtleties become clear in the course of the medical examination.

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The main symptoms of endogenous depression

To suspect such a diagnosis can be based on the following characteristics:

  • Pathologically reduced mood at any time of the day;
  • The presence of motor inhibition;
  • Slowing of thinking and speech function.

Let's discuss each of the symptoms.

Pathologically reduced mood

Is the most common symptom of endogenous depression. Companion of this symptom may be unexplained feelings of sadness, emotional and worrying for no reason. People with endogenous depression associated their state with the cargo, which put them on the chest. Under the influence of this feeling suffers from the perception of the world. Patients with endogenous depression perceive the world as black-and-white movie.

Possible options daily mood swings, which are especially clearly seen after morning awakening.

Slow thinking

A similar condition beyond the control of man, and does not depend on his whims. In the case of an emergency, such people do not change the speed of his speech and actions. If you have a slow thinking person is unable to quickly and clearly provide answers to questions, sometimes broken memory.

Along with speech and mental retardation, such people have more guilt, their remorse in combination with low self-esteem. Typical manifestations of this condition is the constant self-criticism, self-blame, hypochondria(confidence may have a fatal diagnosis).

In severe cases can develop hallucinations, containing fragments of violence.

Inhibition of movements

Diagnosed with "endogenous depression" the person is not able to perform fast and accurate movements. There are cases of injury to yourself and suicide with the combination of motor inhibition and increased emotional arousal.

The emergence of thoughts of suicide is the result of a pathologically low mood, constantly experience feelings of guilt and remorse.

Secondary signs of endogenous depression include:

  • Violation of the act of falling asleep;
  • Earlier awakening, interrupted sleep;
  • Feeling tired after sleep;
  • The reduction or complete lack of appetite, nausea, and other digestive disorders.

For this form of depression is characterized by periodicity, not related to any factors.

Diagnosis of endogenous depression

To diagnose this condition is much more complicated than any other types of depressive disorders. This is due to the lack of visible signs in the early stage of the disease. As a rule, suspect endogenous depression in humans is possible only in an already advanced form. To determine the presence of this mental pathology, and the degree of severity possible only after preliminary medical survey and expert interviews with the man.

Treatment of endogenous depression

To rely on self-medication in this situation in any case impossible, because it can only lead to a deterioration of the patient. Treatment of endogenous depression consists of medical therapy as well as in the appointment of psychotherapeutic sessions.

For maximum therapeutic effect used a pattern that includes the following items:

  • Prescription of antidepressants, taking into account individual peculiarities of the person and severity of depression. The use of this group of drugs aimed at normalizing the production of hormones (dopamine, serotonin);
  • The duration of treatment can vary from several months to several years. Guide for termination of therapy is a complete normalization of the status ofperson;
  • If necessary, possible use of sedatives, tranquilizers and nootropics.

Psychotherapeutic treatment of endogenous depression is to conduct interviews with the attending physician, the discussion of troubling issues. Psychotherapy in this case aimed at the eradication of mental discomfort and anxiety. In the course of the sessions should gradually flatten those traits that may provoke a depressive state.

Topic: List of anti-depression drugs

It is important to remember that an important role in the treatment of depression is the creation of a favorable psychological environment in the close environment of the person. Family needs to understand this condition, to protect the person from emotional turmoil and stress situations.

There are cases when people with endogenous depression does not notice changes in their condition and are not able to help themselves. In this case, the initiative must come from the inner circle, and it is applying for medical assistance. It is the timely detection of pathological changes in the psyche depends on the effectiveness and timing of further treatment.

If the person has a tendency to depression, he should avoid excessive mental stress, stick to a regular regime of the day, to eliminate tobacco and alcohol consumption, follow a healthy diet.