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Treatment of dermatitis

Dermatitis treatment folk remedies

Dermatitis of any origin, and species belong to a complex disease and require a very prolonged treatment. Exhausted this process, patients are often disappointed in the official medicine, looking for alternative options of dealing with the problem. Of course, what better natural remedies can be nothing. This principle is based the treatment of dermatitis traditional methods.


Grass from dermatitis

Many plants contain natural components that when absorbed by damaged skin, normalizes its structure, reducing any inflammatory symptoms. Well proved solutions, decoctions, infusions and tinctures, extracts and ointments on the basis of medicinal herbs. You can use them as monotherapy (a single product) and in the form of a herbal, which can log in 2-3 or more different types of plants.

Celandine from dermatitis is one of the first means. The most important thing when choosing a specific method of applying to inflamed skin remember that it should not exert any irritant action. Otherwise it will lead to further aggravation of the state, as the celandine itself is a very active component. Therefore, use of the bandage, there is no need. It is wonderfully absorbed even in a simple short-term application, especially if the skin needs it. Excess funds in those instances, simply not absorbed, forming a protective antimicrobial layer.

Used mostly diluted juice of this plant. For this celandine crushed and from the resultingweight squeezed juice. Then dilute it perekipjachennoj water at a concentration of juice: water 1:2. For proper application of the prepared solution is better to use short (10-15 minutes) of an application on gauze swabs. Similarly, you can use a decoction of celandine. When reducing the activity of dermatitis can be added to the composition of the prepared mixture of honey as a filler.

Series from dermatitis. Mostly prepared decoctions and infusions of a series, which use a tablespoon of dry powdered funds in half a glass of water. Prepared proportions just pour required amount of boiling water and insist to obtain a dark brown solution. In the prepared concentrate is moistened gauze and apply on the affected area in the form of wet-to-dry dressings. The procedure can be performed 3-4 times a day. The effect will not keep itself waiting long.

Barvinok. A year ago, there was one old grandmother became very itchy elbows, knees, everything itched. She constantly scratched them. Went to the hospital, where the doctors said that she had senile dermatitis. Prescribed a variety of pills and said no more. She thought it best me to look in their records of people's treatments.

She took one tablespoon of leaves periwinkle and small brewed them a glass of water, then was overpowered by the broth to simmer for ten minutes. Composition to cool, strain and add water, which will wash. And what is left from the infusion, put in cheesecloth and put on sore spots. Also drank tea from lemon balm morning and evening. To do this, one tablespoon of lemon balm to boiling water. A month later the dermatitis disappeared, and now there are no manifestations of this disease is not present.

Sophora japonica. For dermatitis, eczema, and other skin diseases crushed fruits Sophora japonica, take a tablespoon of this medicine and pour one Cup of boiling water. Insist all night, and then warm broth to drink.

And as protivozudnoe and anti-inflammatories for acne, various dermatitis and eczema inside take the infusion of flowers of cornflower. 10 g of vegetable raw brew Cup of boiling water. Take a quarter Cup of infusion 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Tar soap for dermatitis

The therapeutic effect of birch tar is used from ancient times. This oil is obtained from the upper layers of the bark of the white birch by a special treatment,settling and distillation. It has a thick, viscous, oily liquid of dark color with a characteristic odor.

Its positive effect on the skin is to improve blood supply to inflamed areas, stimulating the regenerative-reduction processes, reduction of skin irritation and anti-inflammatory effect, good antibacterial and antiseptic result.

The only predstavitelem moment when his use can be exception use in severe active inflammatory process of the dermis, accompanied by severe oozing and exudation. It is perfect after base treatment for the complete elimination of these symptoms after prior use of decoctions of herbs.

Pure tar oil can be used in the form of applications, compresses, short baths or rubbing massages. Additional funds enrich beauty care products for inflamed skin (soap, shampoo, cream). Special interest is coal-tar soap, as it is relatively inexpensive and available to all. In addition it can be prepared at home.

For this mix 100 grams of melted milled baby soap with 2 tablespoons of base oil (can be any oil), 1-2 tablespoons of tar and adding about 100 grams of water. Using this tool, we must not forget that the drugs on the basis of tar can sometimes cause allergic reactions. It is advisable to avoid this kind of complications relevant to pre-test compatibility by the application of substances on the intact skin of the inner surface of the elbow. If there is no redness, you can safely use it.

The tea tree oil dermatitis

Generally this tool was developed as a powerful antiseptic with excellent anti-microbial, antiviral and antifungal properties. But with time has been noticed and its anti-inflammatory effect. Especially if the dermatitis is associated with previous mechanical damage to the skin in the form of insect bites, injuries, burns. The inflammation often occurs not only in the area of trauma, but also widely distributed on the healthy surrounding areas, which requires appropriate measures to address the problem.

For these purposes, the ideal tea tree oil. It can be used both separately and add to other means for treatment of dermatitis in different concentrations and proportions. Allowedto combine this tool with tar oil or other oil solution. Do not try to combine the drug with water fat, since it is not possible.

Immediate treatment consists of applying a few drops of oil on the affected by dermatitis skin. Then make them light rubbing and massaging over the entire surface of inflammation. In the form of a 15-20-minute gadgets and applications tea tree oil is very effective and the long-term protection changed the skin from pathogens in the background of the dermatitis, so how it's going to happen active the absorption of the required amount of the active ingredients of the drug.

Chatterbox from dermatitis

You can cook it yourself or buy a finished dosage form. In pharmacies it is distributed under the name Tindal. Great product with relatively low cost. To buy it can afford it. It belongs to the traditional medicine, as it contains natural ingredients: zinc oxide, alcohol, talc, starch, glycerin and distilled water. There are tracing this tool to prepare:

  1. the preparation was a solution of 40 ml of distilled water and the same amount of alcohol;

  2. you can add the prepared mixture of 2 ml of 2% solution of novocaine or lidocaine;

  3. 30 grams of white clay in a dry form with the same amount of powdered zinc. The latter can be replaced by quality baby powder;

  4. thorough mixing of prepared dry and wet components until a homogeneous mass.

Shown its application in atopic eczema, atopic dermatitis or normal allergies at any stage of the process this way:

  1. gently clean water inflamed skin with antiseptic or tea tree oil, by wiping with a cotton pad;

  2. before using the cooked mash must be stirred, as the heavy components are prone to subsidence;

  3. directly apply the mixture in a thin layer on the area of dermatitis;

  4. rubbing is not performed. Everything is left like this for 20 minutes. The dressing is not necessary.

  5. excess mash can be neatly removed. The remaining elements form a lightweight, protectivefilm.

  6. the procedure can be repeated 3-4 times a day.

Tar from dermatitis

Is a very effective tool, even in the most severe forms of eczema and psoriatic dermatitis. It is advisable to apply the tar to the affected areas in the acute stage of the process. Most patients tolerate these procedures because I feel a sharp relief with further positive dynamics in reducing the symptoms of dermatitis.

Tar can also enter into the composition of various aqueous or alcoholic solutions. Diluting its concentration, conduct a staged therapy with a gradual increase in the dose of tar applied at the beginning of treatment, to the pure substance and its gradual decrease in the subsidence process. Perfect for mixing a boric acid solution at a concentration of 1-2%. The procedure lasts about half an hour.

You need to remember a clear rule: chronic dermatitis requires chronic treatment. And better if it will be conducted under the supervision of experienced professionals, trusted by the patient.

2 folk remedy dermatitis

Potatoes. Often after you have done x-rays, can be manifested dermatitis. At this disease you can apply potato juice as an anti-inflammatory and healing agent. Also it is popular treatment dermatitis used for burns, eczema and trophic ulcers.

Potatoes wash, peel and grate. Spread the mixture on the gauze, which needs to be put in a couple of layers, and attach to the sore spot. Hold it for two hours, and then carefully remove potato porridge with a spatula and apply the new compress. Night lubricate place ten percent propolis ointment.

Oil of geranium. Take pre-shredded leaves and flowers of geranium in the amount of two tablespoons and put them in a half-liter bottle. Pour a glass of sunflower oil, it must be refined. Let the composition is infused for five days in a dark place, and then put the bottle to the window where lots of sunlight, and let the infusion so is in a month and a half. Medication must strain and pour into a container made of dark glass, cover and put in refrigerator.

Treatment of dermatitis of various liqueurs

Recipe No. 1. To prepare a medicinal infusion of water will need 100 grams of vodka, 10 grams of leaves and flowers of elderberry, 15 grams of calamus roots, common, 10 grams of herb St. John's wort, 10 grams of bark of elm and 5 grams of roots elecampane high. All roots and herbs should be well crushed, pour 100 ml of boiling water and infuse for at least a day.

Then, the resulting medium is filtered through a strainer or cheesecloth, infusion bring to the boil and mix with vodka. Leave the mixture for another 10 hours. Tincture is ready. Make it should be used twice a day for 2 tsp, which is desirable to mix half a glass of plain boiled water. Treatment this unique tool is 2 weeks.

Recipe №2. Take half teaspoon of lemon juice, as much vodka and 1 tsp well-crushed eggshells. All components are connected. The resulting solution will help for a short time to get from almost any dermatitis. The optimal dosage for an adult is 1 teaspoon of the solution per day taken in 2 doses. This treatment is recommended at least one month. Depending on the severity of the dermatitis, treatment can be extended up to three months. Ready for the day you need to store in the fridge.

Recipe No. 3. For exterior use in many types of dermatitis incredibly effective infusion on the basis of celandine. For its preparation you need to take 60 grams of herbs and 60 ml of vodka. Fresh celandine scrolled through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice and pour it in a glass bottle with a tightly fitting lid. Leave the juice for 7 days for fermentation in a dark place. Occasionally open the lid and release the accumulated gases.

After a week mix the juice with vodka and leave for 2 days in the refrigerator. This infusion is applied with a cotton swab on the affected area at least twice a day. The course of treatment celandine varies within three weeks. It should also be noted that the infusion is effective in the treatment of boils and to get rid of fungus on the skin.

The treatment of dermatitis.

Recipe No. 1. You need to take 150 ml of boiling water, 1 tsp of succession and 1H.l. the crushed cones of hop. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and leave to infuse for one hour in a dark and fairly cool place. Before bed ready infusion should drink at one time. You can also handlethe affected areas of skin with a swab dipped in such a great solution. The tool is very effective in the treatment of eczema.

Recipe №2. Take the light green hop cones that get crushed and brewed with boiling water at the rate of 1:4. Simply put, a quarter Cup of shredded cones will be enough 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse the mixture within half an hour, after which it is recommended to take before each meal of 50 ml.

Treatment dermatitis wine

Recipe No. 1. For cooking, it is necessary to take 5 fresh leaves of plantain , about a third of a glass of quality white wine. Leaves mince, and then in the resulting slurry add wine. This tool is recommended to wipe inflammation on the affected skin twice a day. Treatment plantain should not be less than two weeks. This infusion should be stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe №2. Make a healing mixture on the basis of al, you need 200 grams of crushed leaves of aloe to take 150 grams of ordinary castor oil and 50 ml of good red wine. The pulp of aloe Vera, you must first hold in a dark room for about 12 days. The temperature should be no higher than 6 degrees Celsius. After that, the resulting emulsion should be fed castor oil, and then the wine. Tool mix thoroughly.

Take the gauze, it put a little miracle mixture, wrap and apply to the skin. Such a remedy should be on the sore areas for about 20 minutes. Treatment emulsion based on aloe is exactly three weeks.