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Allergic dermatitis

Allergic dermatitis in adults and children


Allergic dermatitis in adults and children requires careful and competent treatment. Usually people don't pay attention to mild symptoms of dermatitis. However, this is not just a small cosmetic defect, and the pathological process affecting many systems of the body (including immune). That is why it is important to know about allergic dermatitis the most important thing.

Description of the disease

Allergic dermatitis often equally exposed to people from different countries with different climatic conditions and different traditions. It's not a contagious disease, manifested by an inflammatory reaction in the skin in response to stress or other irritating factors. Redness, flaking, swelling – will not notice it is simply impossible. Aesthetic imperfection is the small thing that carries disease. Itching, burning or other painful sensations significantly reduce the quality of life of the patient.

In recent years, the humanity away from nature, around us there are many substances and materials that can "start" the body's pathological processes. To protect yourself from contact with them is almost impossible. Therefore, an increasing number of people worldwide is confronted with allergic dermatitis. A weakened immune system, genetic predisposition, unhealthy lifestyle (especially poor nutrition) – all this significantly increases the chances of suffering from diseases.

Often people treat the manifestations of allergic dermatitis is not serious. It's a little redness it will go away. However, it is possible that the disease will progress, each time bringing all the big inconvenience. In severe cases, it can be shown inpatient treatment.

The symptoms of allergic dermatitis

The extent and form of manifestations of allergic dermatitis dependsfrom many factors:

  • the age of the patient (as a rule, the younger the patient, the more pronounced the symptoms);
  • the duration of exposure of allergen;
  • overall health and especially the immune system of the patient.

Finally, the importance and form of allergic dermatitis.

So, allergic fotodermatit, the "culprits" which are stabilizatory contained in the pollen and juice of some fruits and plants, has the following symptoms:

  • burning and itching of the skin (usually on hands);

  • skin redness (erythema);

  • rash in the form of bubbles.

Contact dermatitis manifests itself in repeated contact with an irritant-and allergen, respectively, samolikvidirovalsja soon after the termination of this contact. His symptoms are:

  • clear boundaries reddened area of the skin, repeating as a rule, forms contacts with the body of the allergen;
  • severe swelling of the affected area of the skin;
  • rash in the form of fluid-filled small blisters;
  • erosion at the site of rupture of these bubbles.

A toxicoderma or toxico-allergic dermatitis caused by the penetration of irritant through the digestive tract or the respiratory system. In addition, the common way of transmission are injection drug reaction. Usually, this kind of allergic dermatitis provoked some medication. The disease has specific symptoms:

- redness of the skin accompanied by a pronounced peeling;

- blisters (in rare cases).

As a rule, the lesions in this case are localized in the groin, mucous membranes of the mouth and the hands.

The most severe form of drug reaction, Lyell's syndrome, is accompanied by the following sudden symptoms:

  • temperature rise;
  • headache;

  • chills;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;

  • dehydration;
  • redness of the skin in the gluteal, and axillary folds and the groin area, followed by appearance of the affected areas of blisters and erosions;
  • exfoliation of the epithelium.

Causes of allergic dermatitis

Provokeallergic dermatitis allergens-irritants. Once in the bloodstream, this sensibilizator comes into contact with a major blood protein. The resulting connection and trigger mechanism for the allergic reaction. By itself, the allergen is in most cases due to their small size would not be able to produce such an effect. Numerous studies have revealed that the lesion always present clusters of immune cells that have left the bloodstream.

So, what are the most common causes of allergic dermatitis?

  • Plants are particularly dangerous kind of toxicodendron — oak, poisonous sumac, poison ivy. Also often the cause of problems the juice and the pollen allocated to plants. Don't forget about citrus fruits being the strongest allergens.

Pollen can be transported by air during the flowering period of "dangerous" plants. Allergy provoking substances are easily transferred through the inventory. Threat even smoke from burning plants. Here still stands to say that many of the substances secreted by plants, are fotosensibilizatora. This means that their skin greatly increases its sensitivity to the sun, which in turn lead to solar dermatitis.

  • Cosmetics and skin care products. Cosmetics is often a cause of allergic contact dermatitis. Usually the symptoms are not forced to wait in the field of applying cosmetics for eyelids, lips, face, etc.
  • Products to care for the oral cavity and dental instruments. It's various toothpastes and gels, mouthwashes and dentist tools (reactions can cause the material from which they are made). As a rule, in this case, the symptoms appear on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, lips, language, gums, skin around the mouth.
  • Drugs. This oral medication, and drugs entering the body by injection. Most often provoke allergic dermatitis antibiotics, intravenous theophylline, sulfa drugs. Reaction possible also on large doses of vitamin B12.

The greatest number of cases of allergic dermatitis falls into specific fields, resulting in disease even got a specific name — professional dermatitis. High-risk include:

  • medical professionals;
  • barbers and cosmetologists;
  • builders;
  • chef;
  • machinists.

All of these people regularly encounter substances that have caused allergic dermatitis — formaldehyde, Nickel, tiramani, carbon composites, epoxy resins etc.

Allergic dermatitis in children

Allergic dermatitis in children — a phenomenon quite common. The immune system of the baby, recently born, is still very imperfect. She just learned how to withstand attacks to a variety of allergens, with whom the child is inevitably faced after birth. But as long as the immune system does not get stronger and begin to rebuff external stimuli, the child is at increased risk of allergic dermatitis.

Feature of allergic dermatitis in children is the prolonged nature of the disease with occasional rash on the skin, which is most often preceded by itching.

Allergic dermatitis usually first appears as a reaction to a particular food product. Eggs, fish, many fruits and berries, cow's milk protein, cereals, and soy can all trigger skin rashes. It is therefore recommended to introduce solid foods with care starting with low doses.

Allergic dermatitis in infants may occur as a result of a violation of his nursing mother diet — abuse of sweet, citrus, red apples, etc.

For years, food Allergy is gradually giving way to the first place to such allergens as dust, mold spores, pollen. Very often in children, there is a violent reaction to the vaccine or medication. Allergic dermatitis in children has three distinct phases, which are allocated depending on the age of the patient.

Infant eczema bothering your baby from birth to 2 years. Lesions are most often localized on the face, in the folds of the arms and legs, in the groin, gluteal folds, but can occur on any area of the body. The affected areas are dry or, conversely, get wet, form a crust on them, increasing the risk of joining a secondary infection. At this age often occurs so-called diaper dermatitis — inflammation of the skin in the genital area and on the inner sides of the thighs of the baby, as a reaction to wet and soiled diapers.

Baby eczema occurs before the age of twelve. The rash is mainly concentrated in the bends of the limbs and on the neck and are accompanied by marked hyperemia, edema, possible erosions and crusts.The matter is usually complicated by the scratching — because allergic dermatitis is characterized by unbearable itching.

Teenage form of dermatitis common in children from 12 to 18 years. This affects areas of the skin on the face and neck, in the elbow pits, décolleté, on the hands. However, it is during adolescence that the manifestations of allergic dermatitis sometimes disappear by themselves. This is especially true in boys.

Allergic dermatitis in children is popularly referred to as diathesis. Very often parents do not give this issue due importance. Indeed, all kids sometimes blush for the cheeks, do not worry. But if time does not take the necessary measures, the dermatitis may persist and even become chronic — and then the child will have a lifetime to suffer from allergies. In addition to rashes and inflammations often joins a secondary infection.

The occurrence of allergic dermatitis in children is caused primarily hereditary predisposition. However, parents can do much to protect the child from this trouble. First and foremost, the mother should lead a proper lifestyle during pregnancy, to adhere strictly to a diet when breastfeeding, ensure your child's regular daily routine. Do not be lazy once again to wipe the dust and wash the floors.

Before the birth of the crumbs to get rid of all the dust — heavy curtains, extra carpet, shelves with many old books, etc. are Not desirable Pets, and some indoor plants. Things crumbs is better to wash by hand, not machine using a powder that often causes allergies.

Finally, even the choice of clothing should be approached carefully. The importance is not only the appearance of cute baby things, but the material from which they are made. For kids valid only natural fabrics.

Allergic dermatitis on face

Allergic dermatitis on the face are often worried about what women. The fact that its main cause is skin contact allergens included in the cosmetic and caregivers. Although men may face this problem because stimuli are present in the lotions, shaving.

As striking examples of sensibilization leading to the occurrence of allergies on the face and the neck, the following substances:

  • rubber (included with sponges with which to apply makeup);
  • acrylates (used in the manufacture of eyeglasses);
  • metals (particularly Nickel, which is one of the most common materials for jewelry making);
  • pine resin (strong allergen, which is an ingredient of many cosmetics).

Allergic dermatitis on the face can provoke pollen (domestic and street), chilblains, chapping, with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, intake of certain medications.

Stages of allergic dermatitis on the face and neck:

  • redness, itching and swelling of the affected skin;
  • the rash of blisters and blisters;
  • bullous stage is characterized by scarring and necrosis of the skin.

A mild form of allergic dermatitis on the face manifests itself bubble lesions, which when dry form a crust.

Allergic dermatitis on hands

Allergic dermatitis on the hands often occurs in response to skin contact with chemical household detergents and cleaning products. The situation is compounded by the fact that, as a rule, this contact is long and regular. As a result of the hands and palms break out in a rash, flakes, or, conversely, get wet. Soon the fingers are formed deep cracks, delivering unbearable pain in flexion-extension of the finger joints. Of course, there is a way to avoid such problems — only enough to use during homework special household gloves.

Some people have allergic dermatitis on the hands caused due to adverse weather conditions. Exposure to cold and wind causes the skin on the hands becomes very dry, thin and vulnerable. She blushes, starts to peel and itch, it causes small wounds and cracks. If You are suffering such cold Allergy, pay particular attention to the care of hands in the autumn and winter — use the creams, in which there is no water, don't forget warm gloves and mittens.

Often in children you may notice the rash in the elbow. This is usually a reaction to the abuse of sweets.

How to treat allergic dermatitis?

The first step in the treatment of allergic dermatitis is the cessation of contact with the allergen. Sometimes already it happens enough. However, it is not always possible to independently determine the causeallergies. In this case, it is necessary to conduct special allergodil that will reveal sensibilizator.

For quick relief of the patient and relieving itching, it shows the use of various ointments and creams, which include substances with antibacterial and antifungal action. Often the treatment of allergic dermatitis accompanied with intake of antihistamines — claritin, zodak, cethrin, etc.

Laser therapy is very effective in the treatment of dermatitis. The effect of laser quickly treats inflammation, reduces swelling, heals and normalizes the immune system. If the Allergy has led to the appearance on the skin scales, their treatment is carried out by means of IR radiation (pre-create a barrier in the form of a folded several layers of gauze).

Of course, allergies, as with any disease easier to prevent than to treat. Prevention of dermatitis is a balanced diet, personal hygiene, healthy lifestyle, purchasing high-quality cosmetics, the use of special protective equipment, where necessary (masks, rubber gloves). All this reduces the likelihood of skin exposure to aggressive stimuli and contributes to the overall strengthening of immunity.

Finally, the treatment and prophylaxis of allergic dermatitis is unthinkable without adherence to special diets.

Diet in case of allergic dermatitis

Diet is essential for the treatment of allergic dermatitis. A specific list of products prohibited and indications for use, will be a doctor. He did it on the basis of examination, questioning and, if necessary, the results of allergodil and other tests. In any case you will have to give up treats with high allergenic activity.

Prohibited products:

  • citrus fruits and juices in packages.
  • eggs;
  • whole milk;
  • mayonnaise, spicy seasonings and sauces;
  • pastries, confectionery and chocolate;
  • all kinds of nuts;
  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • mushrooms.

It is unacceptable use to write products that contain dyes, preservatives and emulsifiers.

Permitted foods:

  • porridge of buckwheat, oats or rice;
  • milk products low-fat;
  • green vegetables;
  • fruits yellow and green;
  • light broths;
  • if the meat — lean beef and lamb, if the bird is a Turkey.

People who are prone to various allergic diseases (including dermatitis) isto limit the use of salt and sugar.

The importance and method of cooking. All fried, baked and smoked is able to cause exacerbation of the disease, so better products to cook (especially for a couple).

Grits before cooking is recommended to soak in cold water for at least 8 hours — so it gets rid of the most part allergens. For the same reason, preferably double digestion of meat.

Special attention should be given to drinks. It is best to quench the thirst of non-carbonated mineral water or weak green tea (without additives). Needless to mention about the quality of tap water, which may contain substances hazardous to predisposed to allergic dermatitis people. Preferably instead of water from the tap, use bottled.

The right diet contributes to the suspension of the development of the disease and prevents relapses in the future.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis folk remedies

Traditional medicines are able to quickly and effectively to save people from the torment that accompany the manifestations of allergic dermatitis. However, in some cases, they can only aggravate the situation, therefore, to engage in such treatment with caution. So, what gives us folk medicine:

  • compresses of herbs (horsetail, calendula, burdock felt, Melissa officinalis), oak bark, root devasila;

  • bath of oregano, chamomile flowers, nettle, Valerian, cornflower blue;

  • infusions of herbs such as a series, viola tricolor, chamomile pharmacy, as well as infusions of the bark of currant, root of licorice, bark of viburnum;

  • ointments made from children's cream or pork (chicken, goose) fat and sea buckthorn oil;
  • aromatherapy, involving the use of sandalwood, lavender and geranium oils.

You may also an interesting article on treatment of dermatitis in the home. But do not forget that consultation with a doctor is obligatory!