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Diaper dermatitis

Diaper dermatitis in children and infants

Many mothers are faced with a certain standard set of problems associated with their newborn kids. One of them is diaper dermatitis. It is important to notice the beginning of its development, which will help to effectively eliminate the process, not allowing the dissemination and aggravation of the condition of the inflamed skin of the child.

Definition of the disease

Nappy rash is an inflammatory reaction of the skin of the baby in result of the influence of mechanical, physical, chemical and microbial facts. While they are all joined to each other in a clear sequence. Occurs more often in girls and in children on artificial feeding. Although, in total, it takes about 60-62% of newborns. Can last from birth throughout breast period (up to 3 years of age) until the child has no ability to control their release. In a typical incidence peaks at 6-12 months. Very great importance is the diet of the child and the predisposing properties of the skin. In most cases as a result of persistent course and frequent relapses. Noticed a direct correlation with the presence of dermatitis at other sites and manifestations of diathesis (seborrhea, gneiss, eczema, atopic dermatitis).

Nappy rash occurs because of high humidity in the region fit to the skin diaper or nappy, especially if you have limited access of air to him. Against this background, the sensitive children's skin is even more vulnerable. Any irritating agent can be in the stool or urine, in order to cause a return of inflammatory reaction of the skin. If everything will become the minimum friction of the tissues, the disease becomes a detailed clinical picture with the vivid manifestations. As they Mature the skin and acquisition of its defense mechanisms, the problem goes away itself.

Looks like nappy rash?

Usually nappy rash begins to develop on the type of fading and reddening of the skin in inguinal folds, genitals, buttocks and hips. This is often called diaper rash. But it is the first step in the development of the disease, and if you do not take appropriate action then a process will start its further progression with the gradual accession of other mechanisms of development of inflammation, the type of vicious circle. All of these components support each other, causing the dermatitis spreads to healthy areasskin. While it appear:

  • Red spots of different sizes and shapes that merge together to occupy a large part;
  • Small papules (intradermal vesicles) on a reddened background of the skin;
  • Flaking and crust;
  • Small wounds and erosion.
  • Puzyrechki filled with turbid contents. Typical running of nappy rash due to infection with Staphylococcus or a fungal infection.

Among the varieties of process distinguish the subspecies when it is local in nature, limited to small defined areas.

  • In the area of the folds of the neck with constant regurgitation, when stomach contents flow into them, causing inflammation under the diaper or clothing;
  • Perianal dermatitis – inflammation of the skin around the anus. It is more often associated with the dietary habits of the child and the enzymatic activity of feces;
  • Limited lesions in the inguinal folds;
  • Isolated dermatitis of the genitals. Is associated with the characteristics of urine of the child.

To correct diagnosis is examination. Additional diagnostic procedures are not necessary. They can be required only in the case of persistent during the process. In such cases do a swab of the affected skin on the composition of the microflora.

Causes of diaper dermatitis

In fact, diaper rash is the result of defects care. But he can't always depend on the correctness of the actions of the mother. Of course, today there is no need to look to the ass of the baby after each urination. This is for my mother will make the diaper. But some components of this "miracle of technology" can cause irritation in the specific kid, because of individual reaction of the skin. In addition, if the items of care have rigidity, they may cause mechanical damage to the skin or fading. If time does not pay attention to it, the infection lives on the skin surface, will make it much faster. Her addition will cause even more aggravation of the situation.

Dermatitis from diapers, thus, should be considered as a separate category among the causes of this disease. On the one hand, some children without these funds, there are signs of dermatitis. On the other – the part kids even a single application of the diaper significantly reduces its manifestations. Therefore, it is necessary correctlyapproach to the selection of this tool is not for advertising or the advice of friends, and on individual reaction the specific kid on all the innovations.

With regard to the actions of chemical factors, these include faeces and urine of the baby. They are very aggressive to the delicate skin, which is not capable of autoregulation processes of purification and protection. If their action is continued systematically, inevitably, will lead to the development of diaper dermatitis. At the same time included physical factors in the form of podporovane and hypothermia of the skin.

All of the above, irrespective of the underlying cause will lead to the accession of all components of the mechanism of development of diaper dermatitis that must be taken into account for really rapid and effective elimination of the disease.

How to treat nappy rash?

For correct and proper elimination of painful problems both for the baby and for mom, you should follow these recommendations.

  1. Maintaining areas of the skin exposed to the inflammatory process in dry and clean condition. This can be achieved using diapers with gel permeation inner moisture-permeable layer. Monitor the compliance with the size of the diaper and the baby, whether it is dressing. Baby nothing should interfere with the move, there should be folds and clusters of tissues in one place.

  2. Timely replacement of the diaper. No less important, especially if the process has already begun. During this you must wipe the skin with plain gauze pad soaked in warm chamomile, succession or oak bark. Then let the child lie down for a Nude. The fresh air will saturate the skin with oxygen.

  3. Treatment of the skin before putting on the diaper. For these purposes it is possible to apply a complex powder containing zinc oxide, talc, minerals and trace elements, ordinary zinc ointment, creams, desitin, drapolen, bepanten, D-panthenol, Sudocrem.

  4. If there are signs of a fungal infection prescribe appropriate ointments – clotrimazole, miconazole.

  5. Bacterial abscess is an indication for the use of antibacterial ointments. It is best to apply tetracycline eye ointment, as it does not cause burning of the child.

  6. The correct dressing of the baby. Clothes should be spacious enough, but not too big. Not worth much to wrap the baby, as it mayresult in overheating, and higher humidity areas of the skin subjected to constant friction.

The best way to prevent diaper dermatitis and other diseases, is love and attention to your baby.