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Oral dermatitis

Causes, symptoms and treatment of oral dermatitis


One of the most difficult and important problems of modern medicine are diseases of the skin and its appendages. And this is no accident. Because human skin is one of the most mysterious structures of the body. They are characterized by a special structure, mechanisms and regulation of many important functions. One of them is ensuring the aesthetic appearance that may not be relevant for modern society. Especially for the female half.

But the world is not exactly friendly disposed towards the human body, constantly presenting artful surprises. That skin as one of the barriers, the first involved in the process of protecting and distinguishing the vital systems and organs from harmful agents in the environment. Of course, the brunt of external aggression falls on her. So there are a variety of dermatological diseases, one of which is oral dermatitis.

Description of the disease

Oral dermatitis is a pathological process, the mechanism of which is inflammation of the skin around the mouth, chin, and adjacent areas of the face, manifested by papular-spotted rash. The definition is so simple and straightforward that it would seem, reveals all the information about the disease, excluding any further relevance of its description. But this is not so. After all, a lot of different skin lesions or other, more complex processes under which such dermatitis is just a small symptom can be described in exactly the same way. This fact becomes the reason why there is a feasibility of describing the basics of development and criteria for the diagnosis of this disease.

Another important point in the definition of this type of dermatitis and the separation of concerns is the presence of his other titles. In medical circles it is known under the name of oral dermatitis what is the right concept. But given the fact that in everyday life the disease called oral dermatitis,this material is written with the terminology of ordinary people.

Symptoms of oral dermatitis

Clinical picture is quite vivid and specific. But in order not to miss other types of dermatitis, it is clear systematization. Symptoms of oral dermatitis confined solely to the local manifestations. Any General reactions of the organism are not available. The main symptom is the rash. They have distinct features that are unique to this process.

  1. Localization. To the area around the mouth and lips. The specific criterion is the presence of a red border of lips and the beginning of the area of the rash clear whitish streaks intact skin.

  2. Prevalence. In addition to the perioral region of the rash can spread to the chin, nasolabial triangle and the sides of the corners of the mouth. They never occur in the more remote areas.

  3. Number. At the beginning of the dermatitis, there are some elements of a rash on the chin in the form of single papules (pimples.) In the case of progression of the process leads to their expansion. They begin to appear simultaneously on all stations, grouped in island formations.

  4. Character. This is perhaps the most Central characteristic on which is based the verification of the diagnosis. Rashes are characterized by relative polymorphism (composed of many elements.) Primary – maculopapular, in the form of small pimples, slightly raised above the skin surface. Can be filled on top of a clear liquid in a small amount. Over time they turn into scabs and flaking of the skin.

  5. The color and size. Themselves paulke whitish, located on the background of red spots. The first diameter does not exceed 2-3 mm, the second can spread in the form of strips, merging with each other without clear boundaries.

  6. Related processes. Arise in the case of an aggressive course of oral dermatitis or inadequate treatment. Manifested in the form of the development of pustular lesions of the skin, its irritation, soak with the worsening of the inflammatory changes.

Causes of oral dermatitis

A clear etiological (causal) factors of this disease modern sciencecould not be established. But studies clearly established the logical facts.

  • Ill mostly women, therefore they are at risk.
  • History almost always is burdened by the simultaneous use of several types of beauty care products for face (Foundation, moisturizers, scrubs, etc.)
  • Prolonged use of ointments on the basis of the number of glucocorticoid hormones, particularly of fluorinated compounds (ftorokort, flutsinar.) This creates immune imbalance, which inevitably leads to colonization of pathogenic microflora on the surface of the thinned skin. This refers to the side effects of these dosage forms. Interestingly, oral dermatitis occurs after abrupt discontinuation of their application.
  • Common immune disorders, manifested allergic reactions and autoimmune processes in the body. As a rule, these patients are prone to oral dermatitis.

  • Diseases of the digestive system and its dysfunction. Have been reported in 37% of patients.

All these facts suggests that oral dermatitis is politologichni (multifactorial) disease, which is based on the infectious process on the background of violations of local protective reactions of the skin.

Oral dermatitis in children

The overall incidence for this disease in pediatric patients have not more than 5-7%. This is due to the fact that children do not use of cosmetic and hormonal ointments. With the exception of teenagers. This age group is exposed to the oral dermatitis for the following reasons:

  • hormonal changes in the body, which often is accompanied by impairment of skin structure and its functioning;
  • frequent development of different variants of pustular lesions of the skin that requires the use of hormonal ointments;
  • immune imbalance in a growing organism;
  • hypovitaminosis caused by the increased need for nutrients.

Differences in the clinical course of oral dermatitis in children and adults is not seen.

Treatment oral dermatitis

Despite the fact that the exact causes of the disease is not dedicated, long-term efforts, and observations managedto achieve good results in its treatment. The main secret – only a comprehensive approach that includes:

  • the rejection of all kinds of cosmetics in the moment of aggravation of the process. The duration of this event is several weeks, perhaps even months. The skin needs to relax and find a new structure;
  • the categorical rejection of the use of gormonoterapii ointments on the face. But still, if it so happened that the patient already uses them, do not abruptly cancel them. Inevitably, this strong exacerbation of the inflammatory process. It is necessary to gradually reduce the amount and frequency of their application;
  • dietotherapy. Food should be correct in all respects. Exclude fried, smoked, spicy dishes and spices. Food should be more vegetable with a high content of vitamins and to prepare boiled;
  • antihistamines (suprastin, loratadine, L - color.) Thanks to their action achieved the reduction of swelling and puffiness of the face.
  • antibacterial drugs. Despite the fact that pathogens, which are detected most often in the area of inflammation is coccal flora (staphylococci and streptococci), more effective antibiotic than metronidazole, was not. It is used in the pill. Duration of treatment is several weeks.
  • local therapy, local ointments on the basis of metronidazole. Seen a very good result against the background of their application. As for the local application of glucocorticoids, their use is not necessary, except for strong oral exacerbation of dermatitis on the background of the sudden withdrawal syndrome.
  • skin treatment with aqueous solutions of antiseptic (chlorhexidine, deksan) in the case of accession of secondary complications of infectious nature.

This is the only approach to correct therapeutic interventions for oral dermatitis can help to get rid of this unwelcome guest.

Take care of your skin, and then she will take care of You!