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Treatment of dyspepsia

Treatment of dyspepsia folk remedies

Dyspepsia can be quite successful treated with folk remedies.

Treatment of dyspepsia with poplar, blackberries and celery

The black poplar. 1 rounded teaspoon dried minced kidney poplar (black poplar) pour 1-1. 5 cups of boiling water, stand about 15 minutes and filtered. Drink a third Cup 3 times a day. You can also use tincture: 1tablespoon of raw pour 1/2 Cup of 40% pure alcohol, insist week and filter. Take 20 drops of tincture 3 times a day.

BlackBerry. 10 g roots of the BlackBerry Bush common boil half a liter of water before evaporation of the third fluid volume. The broth is filtered and mixed with the same amount of infused red wine. Take a little every 4 hours, if the digestive process inactive. A blend of BlackBerry leaves ordinary (a bit full of spoons) and marigold flowers (2 tsp) steamed in a liter of boiling water, drink half a Cup after or before meals.

Celery. Another one recipe of traditional medicine for the treatment of dyspepsia recommends the use of celery. 3-4 grams ground celery steamed in one liter of water, insist 8 hours, cedim. Take a little a few times a day. You can use other recipes: a) tablespoon of seeds pour two cups of purified boiling water, leave for a couple of hours and cedim. Take a couple of tablespoons several times a day; b) fruit juice from the roots drink several times a day.

Treatment of dyspepsia with cumin, marjoram, fennel, dill

Cumin, marjoram. To improve digestion, and it was after long feasts with fatty foods, take cumin with marjoram. For cooking and medicinal decoction pour a Cup of boiling water a couple of tablespoons of powdered seeds of cumin and marjoram, give 15 minutes to brew and can be drunk 2 times a day half a Cup.

The fennel. 10 g fennel seeds pour a Cup of boiling water, heated 15 minutes, cooled to room temperature, filtered and the volume of the resulting broth bring to 200 ml. Is the amount of drink in equal portions throughout the day to solve problems with digestion.

Dill. Prolonged hiccups, traditional medicine recommends a decoction of dill. In addition, it helps to improve digestion, soothes cough, is used for flatulence. Grain pour a Cup of boiling water andinsist half an hour, and then thoroughly atteriwem. Take a little 5 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The broth also has a slight diuretic and lactogogue action.

Treatment of dyspepsia with honey and duties of medicinal herbs

Recipe 1. Well leads to normal metabolic processes in the body, the following composition is recommended in folk medicine for the treatment of dyspepsia: med – 625 grams, aloe – 375 grams, wine red – 675 grams. Aloe grind in a meat grinder (before you cut you should not water the plant for about five days). Mix everything. The first 5 sessions of 1 teaspoon, and then a couple of spoons a day before meals. The duration of the course is from two weeks to two months.

Recipe 2. 100 g of barley grains with 4-5 pears, boil in a liter of water on low heat for about 20 minutes, cooled, strained and used as a cure for burping.

Recipe 3. For optimal performance of the digestive tract drink an infusion of elecampane. Grind the roots of this plant chanoyu and pour one Cup of cold boiled water. Leave for 8 hours to infuse under the lid. Filter and drink 1/3 Cup 3 times a day before meals for two weeks.

Recipe 4. Four teaspoons of the mixture of herbs (roots of calamus – 3 parts peppermint leaf – 2 parts, rhizome dandelion – 1 part rhizome of Valerian – 1 part) brew two cups of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and strain. Drink 2 times a day.

Recipe 5. To regulate bowel activity and solve the problem with the pain will help collect medicinal herbs. Mix 15 grams of fennel fruit and the rhizome of calamus swamp, 20 g rhizome of Valerian. Fill the Cup of boiling water over a few grams of the mixture and hold it in closed iron pots 15 minutes. Drink 3/4 Cup in the morning and evening. Broth reduces inflammation, normalizes digestion. Pain after such treatment to cease.

Recipe 6. In intestinal colic, excessive flatulence and colitis traditional medicine recommends a decoction of the following herbs; yarrow, sage, mint and chamomile, cooked in equal proportions. A teaspoon of the mixture brew boiling water, like tea, insist half an hour under cover and drink 1/2 Cup 2-3 times a day.

Recipe 7. In intestinal colic taken a tincture of wormwood or mugwort treatment. Big spoon grass pour a Cupboiling water and the expected 35 minutes, and then filtered. Tincture dosage is selected individually, based on the preferences of the patient.

Recipe 8. Four teaspoons of the mixture of herbal leaves of knotweed (3 parts), grass boxes crow (1 part), leaves of plantain (2 parts) brew two cups of boiling water, to insist half an hour, filter. The measures, awareness of patient needs.

Recipe 9. The roots of Valerian, leaves of mint peppery, the flowers and grass chamomile flowers calendula officinalis mix in equal proportions. Spoon collection pour a Cup of boiling water overnight in a thermos, drain. Take 1/3 Cup for a half-hour period, subject to the bloating (increased flatulence).

The recipe 10. Two teaspoons of the mixture of buckthorn bark, fruits of anise, yarrow herb medicinal, mustard seeds ordinary, licorice root steamed one Cup of boiling water, boil 10 minutes and filter. Drink 1/2 Cup in the morning and evening as a tea that regulates the activity of the intestine.

Treatment of dyspepsia baths and enemas

Recipe 1. To solve intestinal spasms and colic for dyspepsia traditional medicine recommends a bath with the Linden tree: making plant 1 liter of hot water boil, then infuse the Linden flowers and pour into a hot bath. Lime color has an antibacterial effect. Duration of reception of baths – no more than a quarter of an hour.

Recipe 2. In old age requires at least once in a few days for your enema, even if the optimal working of the stomach, because the long delay of feces in the rectum maybe not identifying himself with any consequences, to poison a man. For the normalization of the bowel in the treatment of dyspepsia folk medicine recommends to drink on an empty stomach infusion of herbs, in particular wormwood. This will benefit and will improve digestion.

For colon cleanse old waste materials and toxins pour into the syringe or enema 0.5 liters of boiled, hot to such an extent to withstand hand. Enter the water with an enema into the rectum a few moments the detainee and freed her. Carry out the procedure before bedtime. The next night, repeat the same, but using 1 liter of water. Take a break, and for the next enema take 1.5 liters of hot water. Skip a couple of days, and the third will increase the dose of boiling water to 2 liters. After a certain number of daysafter this procedure needs to return a natural urge. Repeat the treatment 1 time per few weeks. After cleaning the body starting to drink water daily, high fluid intake should be up to 15 cups.