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VSD treatment in adults

Dystonia is a combination of multiple functional disorders that arise due to violations of the control of vascular tone, carried out by the autonomic nervous system.

IRR manifests a variety of symptoms, among them:

  • Headaches;

  • Apathy;
  • Nausea;
  • Malaise and weakness;
  • Increased sleepiness in the daytime;
  • Infringement of concentration of attention;
  • Memory problems;
  • Changes in temperature of the body;
  • Instability of blood pressure.

Worsening of dystonia is observed in spring and autumn.

Statistics indicates that dystonia often develops in people living in cities with a population of many thousands. Negatively on the health impacts of bad environmental situation, constant stress, an increased level of noise.

It is necessary to understand that the symptoms inherent in dystonia, not always characterize precisely this functional disorder. Often, they may indicate other, more serious diseases.

By itself, the dystonia may trigger the development of various pathologies, and often fraught with the risk of stroke. So before you begin to use these or other medications, or radically change the habitual way of life, you must carefully weigh this decision. Perhaps it is better to start to see a doctor and clarify your diagnosis. In addition, the therapy assigned to a specialist will quickly and effectively deal with the existing problem.

The content of the article:

Treatment of dystonia must be based on what has provoked the development of functional disorders. Knowing why will allow you to make every effort to resolve the problem and get rid of the pathological state. Often the IRR is the resulthormonal changes in the body that happens during pregnancy or puberty. In this case, you may need only a slight correction of the diet and daily routine to help the body faster adjust.

However, the IRR can be the consequence of much more serious reasons, among which the nervous and physical exhaustion, suffering a serious illness, chronic infection, depression. In this case, to get rid of dystonia by means of correction of lifestyle will fail. Therefore, the appearance of violation of health and if you suspect a VSD should be referred to a specialist. The treatment involved neurologist. After all, the main violations occurring in the work of the peripheral nervous system, and disruptions in the functioning of other organs is only a consequence of incorrect regulation of vascular tone and nerve impulse transmission. Brought to the therapeutic process can be a doctor like infectious disease specialists and endocrinologists.

The most important thing in the treatment of VSD is timely access to a doctor and not ignoring the symptoms. Over time his symptoms will only increase, and the circulation of organs and organ systems to deteriorate. Dispense medication at an advanced stage of the disease will not happen.

Power correction in VSD

Sometimes, to get rid of dystonia, it is enough to adjust the power scheme.

When the diagnosis of "VSD" must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • To remove from menu canned food, to withdraw from the semis. In such products the number of chemical components is extremely high. This allows them to stay fresh longer, but it harms the human body.
  • Should consume less salt and caffeine, otherwise high blood pressure can not be avoided. ESP when his jumps are very undesirable.
  • Spicy and fatty foods, and meats should be banned. This will relieve the pancreas, liver and other digestive organs.
  • B vitamins must be accepted when IRR. It is in a sufficient amount contains in vegetables, eggs, cereals, fruits, dairy products, fish and meat.

As becomes clear, the IRR does not imply serious limitations in the menu. The diet should be as balanced and complete. This will provide the body with all essential vitamins andtrace elements.

Easy sports at VVD

Moderate exercise helps exercise the cardiovascular and respiratory system. Therefore, a light sport with the IRR is a mandatory condition of recovery.

Do not start to independently engage in sports, as the wrong technique of exercise or excessive loads can damage. The scheme of training should choose the doctor with all the symptoms and characteristics of the disease in each case.

Proper and adequate food must combine with exercise, since lack of calories will allow the body to cope with physical activity. This, in turn, can lead to the development of the next crisis VSD.

  • Swimming is one sport that allows you to strengthen all body systems and a positive impact on human health. Even short-term classes in the pool provide an opportunity to remove nervous tension, relieve joints, increase muscle tone.

  • From running people with VSD should be abandoned. They may be better suited for walking. A good workout on a fresh air and should walk for short distances. Duration of training should increase gradually.

  • Cycling. This type of training allows you to saturate the body with oxygen, strengthen the immune system, stabilize blood pressure. However, prolonged travel on difficult routes should be abandoned.

  • Every morning should start with charging. It will give courage for the day ahead, will mobilize the reserves of the body, improve health. Well, when I have the opportunity to train in the fresh air.

  • Physiotherapy is a matched set of exercises that must be drawn from a doctor. It physiotherapy is one of the basic methods of treatment of VSD. To make complex needs a specialist who possesses information on the state of human health.

  • Yoga. This form of exercise allows you to strengthen muscles while gaining peace of mind. Doctors strongly recommend yoga to patients who are prone to bouts of VSD.

  • Breathing exercises. Breathing exercises help to reduce the severity of negative symptoms of VSD.

So as not to harm their own health, needbe sure to consult with your doctor about the possibilities of classes in a particular sport.

Also pay attention to the following recommendations regarding the features of training people with VSD:

  • Sports program needs to be tailored to the individual characteristics of each person;
  • Prolonged cardiac load should not be combined with strength training;
  • Between sets you need to give your body a rest from heavy physical exertion should be discontinued;
  • During a workout you need to follow the breath.

If can health, activities include volleyball, ice skating, skiing, basketball. Banned such sports as martial arts, light and heavy athletics, Boxing.

People with a VSD on hypertonic type shown breathing exercises, swimming, slow Jogging and walking. Need to unsubscribe from jumping, cardio exercises, running with acceleration. You should constantly monitor your pulse and blood pressure level. Exercises must be performed in a quiet pace, standing, lying or sitting. You should breathe with his chest, inhaling air through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. If associated shortness of breath, you need to take a break and catch your breath.

If the IRR is hypotonic form, it is possible to engage in power sports, cardio, it is useful to do stretching, exercise on the development of coordination. Well engaged at the Swedish wall, to use during exercise dumbbells.

Definitely need to train the muscles of the abdominals, spine, upper and lower extremities. If the exercise involved the muscles of the neck, it is important to avoid sharp turns and bends. Good to finish a workout by taking a contrast shower.

Physical therapy for dystonia

Physiotherapy in the treatment of VSD has been widely applied. It is based on the exposure to light, heat, water and therapeutic mud. Physical therapy for dystonia is used in combination with medicamentous correction as a separate kind of treatment.

Well proven techniques such as:

  • Electrophoresis with bromine, magnesium, aminophylline, papaverine treatments produce a vasodilator effect;
  • To eliminate the phenomenonarrhythmia by using the electrophoresis with calcium chloride, lidocaine, procainamide;
  • Electrosleep;
  • Magnetic therapy;
  • Douche has featured a tonic effect;
  • Coniferous and radon baths are excessive activity of the parasympathetic nervous system;
  • Sulfide and carbon dioxide baths are prescribed for the predominance of the sympathetic functions of the autonomic nervous system;
  • To increase the tone of blood vessels can dry air baths, pearl baths, circular shower.

Breathing exercise for dystonia

The technique of effective breathing exercises with VSD:

  • Close one nostril and take a breath, open it, hold air in itself.
  • Close other nostril and breathe out.

This allows you to align the tone of the two hemispheres of the brain. Regular exercise for 15 minutes a day will significantly improve health. Feel the results can be after only two weeks of training.

Massage with VSD

Massage of the cervical spine and the upper third of the back is very widely used in the treatment of VSD on hypertonic type. It allows you to relax tense muscles, improve blood circulation, normalize the nervous system. Massage the waist and legs. shown with VSD on hypotonic type.

In addition, a professional massage of the neck helps reduce headaches, improve memory and thinking.

Proved that massage allows you to stabilize the human condition, even in severe VSD. Therefore, it is recommended not only for children but also for adults. Perhaps the use of point and segmental reflex massage.

Does acupuncture harmful?

Acupuncture or acupuncture is another treatment that is administered to patients with VSD. During the procedure, the patient inserts a thin needle under the skin at a shallow depth. This allows you to work on specific points that are the projection of certain internal organs.

Effects that can be obtained from the use of techniques of acupuncture:

  • Reduce the pain;
  • To improve the microcirculation in tissues and organs.

With the combination of acupuncture with conventional treatments to achieve maximum results. And side effects this procedure does not.

Medical treatment of VSD

Medical treatment of the VSD involves the prescription drugs designed to cure disease and to relieve the main symptoms of existing disorders.

  • Sedative drugs that have a sedative effect: Trasplant, Persen, Novopassit.
  • Tranquilizers: Trunks, Medazepam, Relanium, Alprazolam.
  • Beta-blockers: Propranolol, Atenolol and other medicines from this group is prescribed for the relief of pain in the region of the heart to stabilize blood pressure, eliminate symptoms of tachycardia.
  • If cardiac pain is not too strong, you can use such drugs as Verapamil, Valocordin, capsicum plaster, tincture of Valerian, a mustard plaster.
  • Antidepressants (tricyclic and serotoninergicheskie) is prescribed in the case when the heart, muscle, joint and other types of pain can not be removed with the help of medicines. In this case, patients are prescribed Coaxil, Cipramil, Amitriptyline, Imipramine, Clomipramine etc.
  • Laxatives are used for the human propensity to constipation. It can be Duphalac, Normase, Lavacol, Fortrans, Transipeg, etc. taking Them necessarily should be combined with correction of diet. It should consist of foods that contain fiber and fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, fish low-fat varieties.
  • If a person suffers from bouts of diarrhea, the possible reception of Lopedium or Immodium. Additionally you need to assign drugs, which have a sorption effect, for example, Filtrum, Smectite, Polifepan. The menu should include products containing coarse fiber, which will allow once again not to irritate the intestines.
  • When the body temperature rises to high values leads to deterioration of health, you can take Phentolamine, Pirroksan either.
  • To reduce sweating, you should handle the skin with a solution of potassium permanganate, tannic acid or glutaraldehyde.
  • If the patient has venous insufficiency, he is shown taking drugs such asDetralex, Vasotec or WinPlant. They effectively eliminate headaches, clean up the noise in the ears. However, in order to feel the effect, you need to take them at least 1-2 months.
  • Cavinton, Vinpocetine, Sermion, Nootropil, Oksibral and other recommended nootropics improve cerebral blood flow.
  • The preparations of Ginkgo biloba can be taken on the background of low blood pressureleading to headaches. This can be a medicine called Ginkofar, Monoplant, etc.

  • Betaserc allows you to effectively eliminate noise in the head.

Statin harmful

Statin – combined tool, which is prescribed for the treatment of VSD. It consists of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamine, glycine.

Application Altazine allows to achieve the following positive effects:

  • Improved cognitive abilities;
  • Lifting mood;
  • The elimination of aggression and irritability;
  • Normalization of sleep;
  • The recovery of the autonomic nervous system;
  • Improvement of blood microcirculation in various organs;
  • Stimulation of metabolic processes in the brain;
  • Facilitating social adaptation.

A significant advantage of the drug is that it can be used for the treatment of VSD, not only adults but children over 12 years. In addition, Statin very well tolerated by most patients and has no negative impact on the body. The drug is very convenient to use. After all, the pill is enough to put under the tongue and wait until it will self-resolve.

Side effects from taking Altazine are very rare. Sometimes recorded allergic reactions and nausea, but usually it passes in a few minutes.

The only contraindication to receiving the drug is the idiosyncrasy of its components. With regard to the appointment of the drug to children under 12 years and pregnant women, something to that effect, clinical trials have not been conducted. Therefore, the use of the drug in these categories of patients remains at the discretion of the physician.

On the downside of the drug, he only one is a relatively high price. In addition, the official instruction manual indicates that Statin you want to assign for the treatment ofheart failure chronic. However, practicing neurologists often use it for treatment of VSD.

First aid for crisis VSD

Crisis on the background of the VSD can be triggered by a number of factors, including menstruation, abnormal weather, emotional excitement. To provide quality first aid, must be assumed, according to which type of attack occurs VSD.

All of them are three:

  • Adrenal. Such a crisis indicates a severe headache, palpitations, cold extremities, trembling of the body. In the context of exacerbation of these pathological signs in humans increases the feeling of fear, blood pressure rises to the level of 150-180 mm. RT. article

    Rules of first aid for adrenal attack the following:

    • You need to insist that the man began to breathe deeply. During filling the chest with air, you must stop breathing for a few seconds. Repeat these deep breaths should be at least 6 times.
    • You can massage the eyeballs and supraclavicular region, slightly pushing at them with his knuckles.
    • On the back of the neck should be put the shot on target.

    After performing these actions the person will certainly become easier. If there is no effect, you can offer him water with dissolved drops Korvalola or Valocordin (20 drops to 50 ml of water). Or allowed to drink one tablet of Diazepam. To lower blood pressure helps a single dose of Propranolol.

  • Vaginalnyj. The symptoms of this attack are dizziness, blurred vision, excessive weakness, headache that throbs on one side the temple, fainting, slow heart rate, flatulence, diarrhea, increased sweating, feeling short of breath. The level of arterial pressure decreases to 80-60 mm Hg. article to Help with this attack maybe a foot massage center, rubbing ears. Definitely need to drink hot tea with sugar. To calm down will allow the reception of Sage.

  • Mixed. If a person observed a mixed type of crisis, the first aid depends on which symptoms prevail at the moment.

VSD treatment herbs

VSD treatment herbs at home can be carried out only in the case when a person knows his bloodpressure. Well, if before the reception of a means will be able to consult a doctor.

  • Ginseng, Siberian ginseng lewsey and can be used in reduced blood pressure.
  • Mint, Valerian, lemon balm and motherwort can be used for high blood pressure.
  • If the heartbeat of learning, you can take a tincture of hawthorn.
  • Jasmine, St. John's wort, marjoram and sweet clover will help to improve your mood.