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Duodenal ulcer

Causes and symptoms of duodenal ulcer

What is duodenal ulcer?

A duodenal ulcer is known as a deep inflammation of the mucous membrane or epithelium of the skin. Most inflammatory defect is chronic in nature and caused due to infection, mechanical injury, chemical or radiation exposure. Violation of blood supply to the tissues or nerve fibres may also cause ulcers. Ulcer lost tissue, and healing occurs with scar formation.

People with hypersensitivity sick due to exposure to the mucous membrane of the initial segment of the small intestine pepsin (an enzyme produced by cells of the stomach lining) and stomach acid.

Peptic ulcer disease with recurrent periods of exacerbation and remission alternating.

Peptic ulcer disease affects mostly men. The world average duodenal ulcer occurs in 10% of the population. In the duodenum ulcers occur more frequently than in the stomach. When the inflammatory defect simultaneously affects the stomach and duodenum, talking about combined ulcers.

There are several types of duodenal ulcer. To acute inflammatory defects duodenal ulcers include ulcers, bleeding, bleeding and perforation (breakthrough beyond the stomach or intestine), or without bleeding and perforation. Chronic ulcers can be unspecified with hemorrhage, unspecified with breakthrough ulcer outside the stomach or intestine, unspecified with hemorrhage and breakthrough or without perforation and bleeding.

Causes of duodenal ulcer

The causes of duodenal ulcers is not fully understood. An important factor influencing disease development are stress and nervous stress, hormonal factors, adrenal disorders, disorders of the digestive and the production of sex hormones. Hereditary factors also influence the development of peptic ulcers: if one of the parents had an ulcer, predisposition of the child to get sick is increased from 20 to 40% of cases. Often the disease develops under the influence of harmful bacteria Helicobacter Pylori.

As a result of reduced natural resistance of the gastric mucosa to gastric juice, is developing a stomach ulcer. Duodenal ulcer occurs due to increase the aggressiveness of pepsin and acid. Before the developmentdisease in tissue metabolism of the gastric mucosa and duodenal ulcers always occur pathological structural changes.

The intake of certain medications (particularly NSAIDs) can also cause ulcerative process.

Recurrences of ulcer disease often occur due to bleeding disorders and patients prescription. Adverse factor is improper diet. Smoking and abuse of alcohol also has a harmful effect on human health.

Symptoms of duodenal ulcers

The main clinical symptoms of ulcerative inflammation of the duodenum are strong, poignant, or aching pain at the top of the stomach (under sternum). Pain often occurs before meals (hungry pain) or after it. Sometimes, after a couple of hours after eating, patients feel hunger. The characteristic symptoms are nausea, sometimes vomiting blood, often bloating, flatulence and belching. Another common phenomenon in peptic ulcer disease duodenal ulcer night pain. After dinner, the secretion of the acid is increased to two o'clock in the morning reaches the maximum number. As a result, severe pain may awaken people at night. Pain often increases with physical activity, intake of alcohol or spicy food.

Vomiting in peptic ulcer disease appears only in the absence of treatment. It is possible to detect impurities of blood. Also the blood may appear in stool of the patient. These symptoms are a signal of inner bleeding that can be fatal.

In the elderly inflammatory defect of the duodenum often passes without symptoms.

To diagnose a duodenal ulcer can be due to endoscopy: this method gives the physician full information about the patient's condition. Also using x-ray, analyze feces, blood, do a biopsy.

Treatment of duodenal ulcer

Internal bleeding and perforated ulcers of the duodenum, the treatment is carried out surgically. With the help of medication destroy harmful bacteria Helicobacter Pylori and restore the mucous membrane of the duodenum. An important step is the prevention of complications and recurrences, and regular examination of patients.

The prevention of this disease is proper nutrition, observancehealthy lifestyle, proper and timely treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also important to try to avoid stressful situations and nervous tension.