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Subcutaneous emphysema

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What is subcutaneous emphysema?

Subcutaneous emphysema is an accumulation of gas bubbles or air in the tissues that serve as the reason for the formation of an air cushion. Literally, the term emphysema can be translated as increased lightness. The cause of this disease can serve as a chest trauma, which was much injured respiratory system, and damage to the esophagus. Therefore, the air entering the mediastinum compresses major arteries and vessels, leading to asphyxiation, cardiovascular failure and, consequently, death.

The cause of subcutaneous emphysema and can serve as external deep wound, the substrate which has been damaged respiratory system.

In medicine it is accepted to distinguish several main sources of air entrapment in the tissue, namely, only three:

  • wound of the chest, with the ability to only allow air into the fabric, but not allow him to come back;
  • if the damage of bronchi, trachea or esophagus when damaged, the mediastinal pleura, and thus the air from the mediastinum freely into the pleural cavity;
  • simultaneous violation of the integrity of the parietal pleura and the lung, the wound has cleanablity.

In contact with air in the tissue he can freely move under the skin from the areola region and to the face. Subcutaneous emphysema often do not cause any noticeable patients disorders. In itself this disease is not dangerous if the time to identify the cause. To find the cause, it is important to monitor the dynamics of development of this process.

Physicians are divided all patients into two age categories: the young and those who have more than 40 years. Disease such people always proceeds in different ways. Young people around the age of 20-30 years, emphysema occurs in a much milder form and with virtually no consequences. The older people, older than 40 years, the disease is much harder and recovery from illness takes a little longer.

Causes of subcutaneous emphysema

Doctors have identified the following causes that result inwhich there is subcutaneous emphysema:

  • Chronic bronchitis, Smoking. In 90% of cases, Smoking is the cause of the development of emphysema. Many patients make the mistake of assuming that the bronchitis of the smoker is completely harmless disease. Tobacco smoke contains a large number of harmful substances that cause destruction of the Airways in the smoker. This may lead to serious changes;

  • Change normal shape of the thorax as a result of external impact, injury;
  • Serious injury (closed fracture of rib, a fragment of which pierced a lung), or breast surgery, laproscopy;
  • Abnormality of the respiratory system, most often it is a congenital defects;
  • Inhalation of toxic substances, destructive acting on the respiratory system (professional activities, polluted environment, toxic substances or in hazardous industries, builders etc., people who breathe air that contains many impurities);
  • A gunshot wound made at close range. Due to the impact of powder gases on the skin around the wound occurs Naoshima emphysema;
  • Anaerobic infection;
  • Knife, blunt wounds;
  • Car accident, during which the victim with huge force hit chest on steering wheel or seat;
  • Lung damage caused by very strong internal pressure, the so-called barotrauma (diving, sudden immersion in);
  • When fracture of the facial bones;
  • Tumors on the neck and in the trachea;
  • Angina Ludwig;

  • Perforation of the esophagus. This reason is the most rare;
  • Emphysema sometimes occurs during dental surgery, due to the particular work tool;
  • Trauma to a major joint (knee joint);
  • During artificial lung ventilation. The use of tracheal tube.

The symptoms of subcutaneous emphysema

Often the symptoms of subcutaneous emphysema are:

  • the tumor in the neck;
  • chest pain when breathing;
  • sore throat, difficulty swallowing;
  • shortness of breath;
  • the swelling of the skin in the absence of obvious traces of the inflammatory process.

To detect subcutaneous emphysema can using x-rays in the last stages of the disease. And simple palpation in the intended accumulation of air. Under your fingers it will be very good to feel the presence of air bubbles under the skin.

When polerowanie the patient will not feel any pain or discomfort. Clicking on the area of the accumulation of gases hear a distinctive sound that is very similar to the crunch of snow. With a substantial accumulation of air under the skin tissue adjacent to this area swelled up so much that it becomes noticeable to the naked eye.

If subcutaneous emphysema formed in the neck region, the patient can change the voice difficulty breathing.

The air can accumulate under the skin in various parts of the body, even the feet and hands, belly.

Treatment of subcutaneous emphysema

To diagnose emphysema by using x-ray or computed tomography of the chest. As soon as noticed air bubbles in the tissues of the body, immediately begin treatment. In the early stages of the disease is a conservative therapy that is prescribed special sprays and aerosols. However, they are not able to stop the progression of the disease.

Over the course of the disease carefully watched the doctors with a certain periodicity, and noted the exacerbation of the disease 2 or 3 times a year. During these exacerbations develops the strongest shortness of breath. On the third and fourth stages of emphysema treatment has no impact on the disease and the patient had to agree to surgery.

Although it is actually subcutaneous emphysema often do not require any treatment. In itself, this disease is harmless to human body, it is only the consequence of external injuries or any internal organ. Afterwards, she's eliminated. Air injection under the skin stops. The illness gradually goes away without special medical treatment.

How effectively you have removed the cause of emphysema, says the absorption of air. To speed up the healing process recommended breathing exercises in the fresh country air. The blood is oxygenated, which contributes to the leaching of nitrogen from the body.

Depending on the size of emphysema isa certain surgical intervention, which is aimed at maximum elimination of accumulations of air.

Emphysema can be dangerous only in the case that it was formed in the chest and rapidly spreads to the neck, initially under the skin and then penetrates the tissues of the neck and mediastinum that may cause compression of the internal vital organs. In this case, required emergency surgery, which will help to identify the cause of the discharge air as well as eliminate it without serious consequences for the patient.