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Esophagitis treatment of folk remedies

Treatment of esophagitis juice plantain

When I was a student like all my friends, I am very malnourished. The result earned himself gastritis with low acidity. Subsequently, for many years suffered from severe pain in the stomach, and nothing helped. Then a neighbor once, after learning about my suffering, advised the popular treatment of esophagitis with low acidity. To take daily one tablespoon of plantain juice before meals. While preparing the juice: take the leaves of plantain, wash, clean, chop and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. In summer, the juice can be stored up to two days in the refrigerator. And for the winter time of year, take four glasses of juice and connect with one glass of alcohol. Thus the juice will preserve, and can be used in the winter.

Treatment for esophagitis herbs

With sharp pains in the stomach you will help folk remedies used in the esophagitis.

Air. Take one teaspoon of the root of calamus swamp, pre-shredded (you can buy in the pharmacy), pour one Cup of boiling water. Let the broth cool, then strain it. Drink the decoction in the form of heat half a Cup for thirty minutes before eating. Per day should drink about two cups of drugs. This helps to neutralize the effect of all the medicines, tablets, soothes stomach pain, restores the metabolism.

Cumin.Also for pain in the stomach take one teaspoon of cumin, pour boiling water, leave for some time. Then the broth to drink. This remedy helps to restore the gastrointestinal tract to reduce spasms. Applied medicine and in the prevention of esophagitis.

Treatment of esophagitis dandelion

There are two popular method of preparing folk remedies for the treatment of esophagitis.

1. Take the flowers of the dandelion, put them in a jar with a volume of three liters, pour sugar (half a kilogram). The layers of flowers and sugar must alternate. The composition needs to pound in the Bank to form a syrup. One teaspoon of this syrup pour half Cup of water at roomtemperature, and then the composition of the drink. As the prevention of drink daily.

2. Take one kilogram of chopped dandelion flowers, pour two kilos of sugar. This composition can be brew and drink tea instead. Especially useful to drink before bed to sleep better.

Treatment with thyme and white wine

Take one hundred grams of thyme herb dry, pour one liter of dry white wine, allow to steep for weeks, occasionally shake the composition, then put on the stove, let boil again, allow to steep for six hours, while the dishes with the composition should be good to wrap a warm blanket. Then strain and take thirty to fifty milliliters three times a day before meals.

This folk remedy helps to cure not only disease, but also a whole list of different diseases, because it acts on the whole body, raising immune system.

Severe pain in the stomach

For very severe pain in the stomach will help the next popular method of treatment, which is very simple and effective in the esophagitis. Take three things of black pepper, spotlite them, drinking a half glass of water.

Twenty minutes later the pain subsides.

Just remember that pepper can not cure stomach trouble, it just removes the pain.