Home / Treatment / Fibroma of the uterus, fibroma of the vagina

Fibroma of the uterus, fibroma of the vagina

Fibroids are called benign Mature tumor, which is formed from connective tissue in women mainly in the age range from 30 to 40 years. These tumors occur in the uterus or other organs with smooth muscle walls. Fibroids can manifest seal of single type or in the form of the cluster nodes. Its growth is gradual, without symptoms. Only 25% of fibroids have symptoms, therefore, are subject to treatment. The size of these tumors ranged from microscopic to several centimeters.

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The causes of uterine fibroids

Fibroma arising in the uterus, has a Mature benign in nature. Its structure the connecting type, comes from the walls of the uterus. The etiology of the development of such tumors to date is uncertain. It is noticed that women of black race have a greater chance of developing fibroids than women of European descent. Multi-folder and linked the fibroids with hereditary factors and sensitivities hormonal level to estrogens. Although these reasons do not always give the development of fibroids.

There are a number of additional factors that affect the appearance of the tumor. These include the termination of pregnancy by artificial means, birth occurs with complications, chronic gynecological diseases, frequent scraping, conducted with the aim of diagnosis. Indirect reasons include the late start of menstrual cycle, lack of sexual life or it is not regularity, no birth prior to the age of thirty. Additional causes also include obesity, physical inactivity, diabetes, frequent stresses, etc.

The cause of tumor growth may lie in the use of tablets containing estrogen to prevent pregnancy or treatment of menopause. Observations of physicians indicate a connection between the development of fibroids with menstrual cycle. To its complete establishment, at a young age, it does not occur. During menopause, the risk of occurrence of uterine fibroids is also unlikely because of the natural lowering of estrogen levels. But during pregnancy its level increases and the tumor if it is present in the uterus, it may start active growth.

Symptomsfibromy matki

bolshaya chast zhenshin s nalichiem fibromy matki ne ispytyvaut kakih-libo simptomov i tolko 25% zhenshin imeut klinicheskuu simptomatiku, kotoraya zavisit ot raspolozheniya opuholi otnositelno organov taza, ee razmera, kolichestva i napravleniya rosta uzlov fibromy. harakternyj dlya fibromy simptom – dlitelnaya menstruaciya, perehodyashaya v krovotechenie iz matki (vozmozhen sboj menstrualnogo cikla). sputniki podobnyh faktorov – boli i spazmy v brushnoj polosti, vydelyaushiesya krovyanye sgustki.

oshushenie v tazovoj oblasti diskomforta i tyazhesti svyazano s davleniem na sosednie organy fibroznyh uzelkov. boli v promezhnosti i poyasnice – simptomy, govoryashie o sdavlivanii nervov, svyazannyh s nizhnimi konechnostyami. o fibrome matki mogut svidetelstvovat chastye pozyvy k mocheispuskaniu, zapory, boleznennaya defekaciya. veroyatnej vsego eto davlenie na mochevoj puzyr i pryamuu kishku rastushej fibromy. opuhol v matke mozhet proyavlyatsya bolu vo vremya intimnoj blizosti.

diagnostika fibromy matki

predvaritelnyj diagnoz stavitsya na prieme u ginekologa putem vlagalishnogo bimanualnogo (provoditsya dvumya rukami) obsledovaniya. ono pozvolyaet opredelit uvelichenie matki, ee plotnuu konsistenciu, bugristost na poverhnosti. uzi pransvaginalnogo tipa ispolzuut dlya utochneniya raspolozheniya fibromy i ee parametrov. rentgen daet vozmozhnost opredeleniya vida fibromy. pri neobhodimosti, chtob iskluchit rak matki, naznachaut biopsiu s posleduushim issledovaniem gistologii.

lechenie fibromy matki

lechenie fibromy matki opiraetsya na rezultaty diagnostiki. bessimptomnaya opuhol trebuet nabludeniya v dinamike bez primeneniya medikamentov. pri razmerah fibromy matki do 12 nedel beremennosti primenyaut konservativnuu terapiu. ona vkluchaet v sebya priem zhelezosoderzhashih preparatov, vitaminov, npvp. osnovu takoj terapii sostavlyaut gormonalnye sredstva razlichnyh grupp. hirurgicheskoe vmeshatelstvo pokazano pri roste opuholi i yarkoj klinicheskoj kartine. v zavisimosti ot diagnoza eto mozhet byt operaciya po udaleniu fibroidnogo uzla s sohraneniem matki ili polnoe ee udalenie.

fibroma vlagalisha

fibroma vlagalisha – opuhol dobrokachestvennogo vida, kotoraya formiruetsya uzelkami iz soedinitelnoj tkani vlagalisha i mozhet imet tendenciu k razrastaniu. ee nachalnaya stadiya klinicheski nikak ne proyavlyaetsya, a dalnejshaya progressiya daet oitself felt drawing pains in the abdomen, which sometimes increase at the time of sexual intercourse. The fibroid formed in the thickness of vaginal walls, without touching the mucous membrane, so visually imperceptible when viewed by a gynecologist, although its dimensions are quite large.

To diagnose the tumor is possible with simultaneous palpation of the anterior abdominal wall and inside the vagina. The overall picture of symptoms and the size of the tumor to determine further treatment. The small size of the fibroids of the vagina, diagnosed by chance and not disturbing the woman, subject to further observation without treatment. Growing fibroids with manifest clinical picture is removed quickly. After surgical treatment, removal of nodules, the patient continues their normal life.

Prevention fibroids uterus and vagina

Special methods of prophylaxis of fibroids of the uterus and vagina, no, but greatly reduce the risk of their occurrence will allow the exclusion of certain factors, which are abortion, chronic disease, uncontrolled contraception, etc. a Good method of prevention is regular visits to the gynecologist and compliance with its recommendations.