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Causes and symptoms of fibroids

What are fibroids?

Today the diagnosis of "uterine fibroids" was one of the most common among tumors of the internal reproductive organs in women.

The causes of fibroids

The exact causes of fibroids, scientists have not been able to figure out. According to statistics, about the treatment of fibroids often turn women from 25 to 50 years, therefore, it is possible to assume influence on the development of the disease hormonal.

There is an assumption that the cause of tumor development can be constant dissatisfaction of a woman's sexuality. This opinion is based on the fact that the lack of orgasm and irregular sex cause stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs.

However, this is not enough to start the development of the tumor, the pathology is usually accompanied by hormonal disturbance and lower levels of antioxidants. In favor of this assumption says also that fact that at the onset of menopause, the tumor can be significantly reduced in size, to women over 45 years old fibroids is very rare.

Still in complete disappearance of nodes should not count, as the tumor is including of muscle fibers. Symptoms may appear after hormonal treatment if the therapy is applied èstrogensoderžaŝimi drugs. Pregnancy, becoming a cause of hormonal changes and increase the concentration of estrogen and progesterone in the blood, also can enhance symptoms of fibroids.

Among the reasons for fibroids modern scientists call chronic and infectious disease, occurring slowly and without obvious symptoms.

The symptoms of fibroids

Symptoms of fibroids depend on the location myoma node. If the node is localized in the abdominal region, the pathology will make itself felt severe pain, aggravated by pressure of the knot on the loop of the intestine or pelvic organs. Most often this case are formed of a single growing units. Over time, they nekrotizirutee due to the rapid formation of vascular tissue. Increased symptoms of the disease may indicate early peritonitis.

Nodes uterine fibroids may be located in the muscles or in the submucosal layer. This pathology is characterized by frequent bleeding, leading to anemia. Patients complain of malaise, weakness, dizziness, headaches. For the disease characterized by bleeding that is not related to the physiological.

During pregnancy symptoms of fibroids may appear more pronouncedor almost disappear depending on the localization of the node.

For diagnosis, in addition to the complaints of the patient, great importance have the size of the uterus that changes during illness. The growth of the uterus doctors sometimes correlate with specific pregnancy. To perform a precise diagnosis allows the ultrasonic method which confirms or denies the assumptions of doctors, especially if the fibroids are located unusually in lower parts of the uterus or on its back wall. Also for diagnosis can be used MRI and hysteroscopy.

Treatment fibroids

Treatment of fibroids can be carried out using traditional recipes and methods of official medicine. Patients diagnosed with "fibroids", it must always be seen by a gynecologist in order to prevent deterioration and to select effective therapy.

If the cause of the onset of symptoms is hormonal failure, the correction of hormonal background is relevant preparations. It is important to remember that to prescribe drugs containing hormones, can only be a doctor after the examination. Surgery may be indicated in patients who applied for help to the experts too late, or in identifying the rapid growth of the tumor. Most often rapidly progressive tumor indicates malignant tumors. Surgery may be traditional (transabdominal access), or using laparoscopy.