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Prevention of phlebitis

Phlebitis – inflammation of vein walls, which can be deep or to be on the surface. The most dangerous complication of phlebitis can be a thrombophlebitis of deep-seated veins, as the blood clot formed in the cavity of the vessel may at any moment break off and the blood get into the lung. This condition is treated only in a hospital with the use of anticoagulants.

At the same time, the clogging of the vessels located on the surface, not facing the patient with detachment of thrombus, so the prevention of phlebitis given below is suitable only for patients diagnosed with "superficial phlebitis" and which are regularly visited by the attending physician. Such patients would be useful to know and put into practice some of the techniques that help relieve pain syndrome without the use of medicines and reduce the risk of recurrence.

Preventive measures for superficial phlebitis

Women with a history of diseases such as phlebitis or thrombosis, stop taking the contraceptive pill. According to various studies, the likelihood of deep vein thrombophlebitis in patients taking oral contraceptives, increases by 3-4 times. Increases the risk of relapse and phlebitis of the veins located on the surface.

At a superficial thrombophlebitis, a significant improvement in health can bring the rest and moist heat. It is better to rest with a raised above heart level to 15-20 cm in feet that will help reduce inflammation for 7-10 days, and even almost get rid of it for 3-6 weeks.

Migrated phlebitis and high risk of complications and their effect on possible surgical interventions and some circumstances become a consequence of a serious illness. So, long stay in bed increases the risk of relapse, and this should be remembered. If the operation is inevitable, it is important to reduce the risk of complications to a minimum: to begin to stand independently and to walk as early as possible, so far as the specific situation.

According to some studies, reduce the risk of clot formation helps to receive aspiranturas drugs before surgical intervention, long travel or in anticipation of a long stay in bed. The above life situations can cause stagnation of blood in the venous vessels and trigger the formation of blood clots. Aspirin, diluting the blood, helps to avoid suchcomplications. Patients receiving aspirin should be taken seriously to this method of prevention of thrombosis, as the drug refers to drugs having a number of side effects, and may not be assigned without the advice of a specialist.

A list of the best products for thinning blood

Some patients it is helpful to wear elastic stockings: they help relieve pain and relieve fatigue, but it should be noted that this recommendation has individual character. Not all patients feel comfortable with the elastic stockings can be worn if they do not cause any discomfort.

The role of healthy lifestyle in the prevention of phlebitis

Patients suffering from inflammation of the veins, it is useful to go on foot for short distances. If such a patient will make a long journey by car, it is better to plan the trip so that the patient had the opportunity to do a little Hiking 5-6 times a day, this will help to avoid venous congestion and to prevent the formation of clots.

Exercise and walking contribute to the emptying of the venous vessels, and it is very important to prevent complications of the disease.

Patients suffering from phlebitis, it is better to give up flying on the plane, since this form of transport is associated with a long seat on one place. If a flight is unavoidable, try to purchase a ticket for the seat next to the aisle and to get up regularly, making a few steps during the flight. Perhaps, the stagnation of blood will help prevent elastic stockings.

If phlebitis is repeated periodically and the doctors can't determine the exact cause of the disease, it is likely that the patient needs to stop Smoking. Possible symptoms of phlebitis appear as the manifestation of the disease Bourget in the early stages of the disease. For disease Bourget characteristic formation of blood clots and sharp pain in the affected site of inflammation, often in the legs, over time, the disease passes to the arteries and the diagnosis does not cause any issues.

Patients with phlebitis in most cases concerned with the process of clot formation or separation of the clot from the vessel wall, often their feelings are not justified, but, nevertheless, such patients it is helpful to know the warning signs, urgent consultation with a specialist. Medical help may be needed if inflammation appear redness, pain, swelling, and itching, body temperature rises.