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The symptoms and treatment of cellulitis of the face

When inflammation of the subcutaneous, megascience and lean muscle tissue in the soft tissues occurs purulent diffuse inflammation of the tissues of the internal environment of the body. Cellulitis is characterized in that when it occurs the abscess spreads into the space between the tissues. To cellulitis can be on any area of the human body where there is soft tissue. The suppuration on each on a separate medical name. To odontogenic inflammatory diseases include cellulitis of the face.

The reasons for the development of this disease are usually problems with the teeth. Occur cellulitis can due to acute periodontitis, radicular cyst festering due to periodontal disease, complicated by the eruption of wisdom teeth (so called "eights"), etc.

Symptoms of cellulitis of the face

As with any disease associated with tissue inflammation, abscess of the face can occur in acute and chronic form. The acute form is characterized by a sharp lifting (up to 40° Celsius) temperature, education on cellulitis fast growing swelling, redness of this place, signs of tissue necrosis. To the touch the swelling is hot, dense, glossy surface. If left untreated, then after a while it will soften, may form a fistula.

The chronic form involves a bluish color and a different structure to the touch – wood. Press on the abscess causes pain. The reason for its development is inactive organisms.

Complications of cellulitis of the face can occur if time does not stop the process of formation and development of cellulitis, which may be associated with delayed treatment or diagnostic difficulties.

Primary abscess occurred may trigger the development of lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, erysipelas, thrombosis, sepsis, etc. When the process spread to the surrounding tissues, you may develop a purulent arthritis, tenosynovitis and other purulent diseases. As a complication of cellulitis of the face can develop progressive thrombosis of the veins and purulent meningitis.

Treatment of cellulitis of the face

Treated cellulitis of the face only surgical methods. At the beginning of the development of the disease possible treatment by conducting antibioticbuy therapy, procaine blockade, physiotherapy. A valid introduction to the patient of drugs that increase the body's defenses.

If after the application of conservative methods of treatment, the patient's condition does notwill be better – that is not normal temperature, will not stop the pain appears improve the health of the patient and blood indicators will continue if the symptoms of cellulitis of the face intoxication – operative surgical treatment. Surgical treatment in the early stages of the disease will help prevent the spread of purulent process and stop further intoxication.

The postoperative period involves carrying out active treatment, namely the introduction into the wound drains do not prevent active outflow of fluid, the suction with the help of special instruments and a sustained flow of irrigation and the implementation of antibiotic therapy.