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The symptoms and treatment of cellulitis of the mouth

Infectious disease in the oral cavity, occur in the acute form and represents a diffuse suppuration with inflammation of the tissue, is called phlegmon of the oral cavity.

Causes of cellulitis in the oral cavity, there are several. It can result from infectious lesion, caused by the presence of teeth in the lower jaw, periodontitis, periodontitis, cysts, osteomyelitis. The cause of the disease become damage to the sublingual space with subsequent infection of a wound in the shell of the mouth.

The most frequent cellulitis of the oral cavity are lesions of the sublingual space with the two parties, accompanied, as a rule, inflammation of the tongue or submandibular space, which is usually the result of infection of chin. Can occur simultaneously lose and submandibular, and sublingual topological space with two sides, which is accompanied by the fact that affected all cellular space in the oral cavity.

Symptoms of cellulitis of the mouth

The main symptoms that accompany this disease, see swelling language with his possible speech from the oral cavity, limited mobility of the tongue, in the language of the surface gray-brown patina, speech disorders. There is a difficulty swallowing and chewing food, impaired respiratory function, appears excessive salivation, bad breath, there are signs of intoxication, distorted face shape with the development of asymmetry. This is due to the fact that the swollen soft tissue in the chin and submandibular region and neck develop swelling in the lower face, chin area and neck, have pain when performing palpation of collecting and the lower facial area and neck;

Observed symptoms of intoxication. Note the increase in temperature up to 40° Celsius and the emergence of chills.

The disease usually develops rapidly, striking the bottom of the oral cavity with two sides, sometimes there is a failure of the adjacent sections of the mouth.

In the case of delayed treatment to the doctor and without a skilled attendant or in a situation of wrong diagnosis of the disease can cause some very serious complications, spread to the area of the peripharyngeal space, neck and zdnetaustralia space.

Treatment of cellulitis of the mouth

To diagnose phlegmon of the mouth very easily when examined by the physician. If you have any doubts, to confirm the diagnosis prescribe special tests.

To cure abscess of the mouth can hold a range of different activities which can vary depending on stage and nature of the disease.

Early stage the most preferred for treatment by a conservative, holding anti-inflammatory therapy, consisting of antibiotics and so on.

But, as a rule, the most effective in this disease, in most cases, is surgical treatment. He is having surgery which excised the affected tissue and Nekrosiene, is the drainage of the suppuration and subsequent treatment of open wounds. When excision of abscesses are not from the oral cavity to the imposition of cosmetic sutures.

If there is a complication of cellulitis in the form of serious breathing difficulties, for its normalization is imposed tracheostomy, and only after this surgical intervention is performed.

As preventive measures the occurrence of cellulitis includes a number of measures in the form of:
– timely and thorough debridement of the oral cavity, namely, the timely treatment of the gums, teeth, carrying out professional hygiene of the oral cavity;
– thorough hygiene of the oral cavity;
– carry out regular preventive visits to the dentist.