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Treatment of sinusitis cyclamen

Back in the old days, it was noticed that the cyclamen effectively helps to cure sinusitis. The experience of ancient doctors adopted the modern pharmacology actively using the medicinal properties of this perennial to create medicines that help the treatment of inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract, which are significantly increased with the onset of autumn frosts. And the palm among them is keeping the sinusitis.

When the disease occurs in an acute form for the treatment of the successfully used drugs with antibacterial action. If the process moved into a chronic stage, along with large material and time expenditures is very weak curative effect.

In this regard, a large number of people affected by this disease, I prefer to not become patients of ENT departments of hospitals, and to resort to the methods of folk medicine, in particular to the treatment of cyclamen, a well-established over the years.

The content of the article:

What is a cyclamen?

Cyclamen is one of the perennial herbaceous plants. Came to us from the Mediterranean and Asia Minor, but settled down well here. Cyclamen and saponins, contained in abundance in the tubers of the plant, normalize the hormonal environment, improve the reflex secretion of the mucous membranes, producing an irritating effect, helping them to quickly regenerate and self-clean, have soothing effects and ability to counteract the inflammatory processes.

In the colors of the plants can accumulate toxic substances. Therefore, the use of drugs on its basis requires careful attention to dosing. Overdose often there is the emergence of vomiting, convulsions, allergic reactions, disruptions in the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Using traditional recipes on the basis of cyclamen, it is possible to successfully treat rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, adenoids, polyps in the nose, arthritis, headaches.

The process of growing plants at home will not cause great difficulties. On the basis of crushed tubers can make all kinds of drops, tinctures, decoctions and ointments.

Methods of preparation of medicines from cyclamen:

  1. Drops. For the manufacture of drops you need to take a pre-washed in running water a root of cyclamen and crushed using a grater. Juice left after straining the resulting mass dilute with water and put to infuse in the fridge.

    By readiness of the solution during the week, each morning, place 2 drops in each nostril. After the procedure is recommended to lie down for ten minutes. Getting up, drinking honeyed herb tea. On the second or third day, the results will not be forthcoming.

    The advantages of this method of treatment is obvious – the positive effect becomes noticeable pretty quickly. The disadvantages also include the fact that is likely to cause allergic reactions, accompanied by burning and pain in nose, cough, sneezing and excessive sweating. With a slight manifestation of such symptoms should immediately consult a doctor!

  2. Ointment. The juice of the roots of cyclamen are widely used as the basis for the manufacture of ointments from sinusitis. In this case it is mixed with aloe juice, onion, Kalanchoe and ointment Vishnevskogo. The obtained substance coated with a cotton or gauze pads and lay in the nostrils for 30-40 minutes every day. The course of treatment lasts for three weeks.

  3. The infusion. The proportion for the tincture of cyclamen should be as follows: two grams of crushed root pour 100 ml boiling water and kept for hours. Then one teaspoon of the resulting infusion is diluted in a liter of boiling water and 4-5 times a day throughout the week, instill two drops in each nasal passage.

  4. Pharmacy. If for any reason failed to acquire root, you come to the aid of the drug "Sinuforte", executed in the form of a spray that you can buy in almost every pharmacy (unfortunately the drug is expensive, and this drug will last for 7 days). It cleans the nasal cavity from the formed therein liquid, diluting the pus and reducing the swelling of the mucous membrane, which, as a rule, quickly recovery occurs. During the course of treatment lasting 7 days, daily for 2-3 injection. Ifstrictly adhere to this regimen, you can achieve a stable remission for a long time to forget about the sinusitis.

Important! As the cyclamen has some poisonous properties, then manufacture it on the basis of need safety precautions: carefully monitor the dosage of the drug, wash hands after contact with him, keep away from children!

How to make a drop of cyclamen in the home, you can also learn from special video on youtube

Contraindications for use of cyclamen

Due to toxic properties of the plant it should only be used after prior consultation with a qualified doctor and not to neglect security measures. To exclude the application of preparations on the basis of cyclamen young children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

In order to avoid negative consequences for the organism, and irreversible deterioration of health is a mandatory tests for allergic compatibility with active components contained in the plant.

Reviews on the treatment of sinusitis cyclamen

Andrew, 35 years: "from my personal experience I can confidently say about the effectiveness of cyclamen for the treatment of sinusitis. However, it was treated I have not made a means, "Sinuforte" purchased at a pharmacy. After the first use of the feeling, of course, not pleasant! Nose literally poured a huge amount of liquid. Moreover, all this was accompanied by unbearable burning sensation. But on the second day, I received an award for tested discomfort is a welcome relief. The feeling that had washed out of the sinus without recourse to the doctors!"

Inna, 25 years: "I love indoor gardening. Among my house plants there are cyclamen, adored by me for their beautiful flowers. And then one of ZIM's happened to me such an unpleasant thing as sinusitis. I remembered my grandma's stories about the healing properties of the cyclamen, and the idea to make him drop. All was a success! The resulting drug is not inferior to the pharmacy, and maybe even better! After the first day of receiving disappointed because you have experienced terrible burning and swelling increased. But it turned out that all is as it should be. After a few days of illness is not gone! Now I love your cyclamen even more!"

Anne, 38 years: "When I have acute sinusitis, come unbearableheadaches and face is swollen to such an extent, that's just awful! Had to puncture the sinus and draw lavage. Now I gradually forget about these painful procedures, because it helps me cyclamen!"

okolova Nina Vladimirovna, doctor-naturopath, herbalist