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Causes, signs and symptoms of sinusitis

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Very often people, having had the first signs of rhinitis, accompanied with weakness and loss of function is not enough, considering that this is a mild form of colds pass on their own. Sometimes for such, not serious symptoms, may be hiding a very dangerous disease that in the absence of proper treatment has various side effects and complications.

What is sinusitis?

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. Almost always it appears because re-depth of a cold or flu that was treated bad and unfair. But, except for cold and runny nose, another reason are neglected teeth, especially the upper. The nose provides, and the inside starts to accumulate mucus. After releases the pus.

Usual symptoms of sinusitis are loss of sense of smell, heaviness in the head, pain in the temples and the bridge of the nose, sufficiently high temperature – in the range of 37-38 degrees. But besides all this, the person's deteriorating memory, reduced performance and increased fatigue.

It should be noted that if you do not start to treat sinusitis in its initial stage, it will grow into next, purulent stage. As a result, you will appear and other serious diseases.

In acute course of the disease is inflamed thin mucous membrane covering the maxillary sinus. The negative impact is also provided and located in this area, blood vessels, and connective tissue. The transition of sinusitis in the chronic stage, there is a loss of bony walls of the maxillary sinuses and submucosa of the. The sinusitis-prone people of any age. This disease develops regardless of the sex of the patients. According to the statistics, which can be found on specialized Internet resources, as well as in the media, the peak of the sinus is necessary for autumn and winter season. In early spring there are also exacerbation of the disease.

Causes of sinusitis

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As a rule, the cause of getting sinus infection that enters into the nasal cavity through the blood or in the breath. There are several basic conditions that violate nasal breathing. It is a deviated septum, vasomotor rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis (increased nasal cavities) in children – adenoids, allergic diseases of the nose.

Also, the cause of sinusitis can be disorders of the immune systemthat result from long-term chronic disease, parasitosis, allergic conditions etc., and also untimely or incorrect treatment of the common cold, acute respiratory infections, rhinitis, which causes as complications of sinusitis.

When people take swabs from the nose during the physical examination, as a rule, a person found the so-called Staphylococcus aureus, which for a long time, lives in the nasopharynx of man. The last, if not passed inspection, would not know that he is a carrier of the bacteria. For a long period of time, these bacteria can not bring serious harm to health. But even with the common cold staph can be activated and to manifest their pathogenic properties.

Modern medicine identified numerous causes of sinusitis:

  • injury to the mucosa of the maxillary sinus;
  • penetration into the nasal passages of viruses and pathogenic bacteria;
  • poorly treated rhinitis;
  • running form colds;
  • long stay in the room air which is too dry and heated to a high temperature;
  • the finding in the draft;
  • the inhalation of chemical fumes (usually in hazardous work);
  • the running condition of the teeth and poor cleanliness of the mouth;
  • external corrosion to the mucous;
  • transferred flu or SARS;

  • severe hypothermia;
  • disruption of the secretory glands;
  • the weakening of the immune system;
  • anomalous structure of the organs of the nasopharynx and secretory glands;
  • mechanical damage of the nasal septum (any physical impact, injury, etc.);
  • the growth of polyps and adenoids;

  • allergic reaction to variousexternal stimuli;
  • dangerous diseases such as tuberculosis, fungal infection of the mucous membrane, radiation sickness, tumor , etc.

Regular use of drops for treatment of rhinitis is the main reason for the accumulation of a large amount of mucus in the maxillary sinuses, against which develops sinusitis.

The use of various medical preparations, in the form of drops may cause the onset of bleeding from the nose. This is because the medicines are too strong irritant to the mucosa and tissues of the maxillary sinuses, resulting in burst blood vessels and to start a nosebleed.

Symptoms of sinusitis in adults

Symptoms of sinusitis is the occurrence in humans of pain in the region of the nose and around the nasal area, which gradually increasing. Less pronounced pain in the morning, increasing in the evening. Then the patient starts to lose a specific place with discomfort and headache. If the process is unilateral, the pain marked on one side.

The tone of voice of the patient becomes nasal, stuffy nose, difficulty breathing through the nose. Possible alternate congestion of the right and left halves of the nose.

Also the patient is constantly tormented by the cold. Observed slimy (clear) or purulent (yellow, green) discharge from the nose. This symptom may not be if the nose is strongly laid.

Patients have a fever: sometimes it reaches 38 degrees, and sometimes higher. This temperature happens to people who are suffering from acute sinusitis. If the process is chronic, the high temperature appears rare. Patients experience malaise, which manifests itself by fatigue, weakness, patients refuse to eat, disturbed sleep.

Disease sinusitis is accompanied by specific symptoms:

  • the appearance of mucous secretions from the nose (over time, they can be particles of pus);
  • nasal congestion;
  • memory impairment;
  • a feeling of intense pressure in the nose, which increases with the tilt of the head;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • shortness of breath;
  • loss of health;
  • fatigue;
  • fever (often, temperatures can rise to 40 degrees);
  • the development of protracted rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis;

  • the appearance of the chills;
  • lethargy, weakness and General malaise;
  • frequent bouts of coughing;

  • pain in the nose area, extending to other parts of the body (forehead, gums, eye sockets, etc.);

  • strong headaches, worse even with a slight head rotations;

  • loss of appetite (both full and partial)

Sinusitis of any kind is generally treated using conventional drug therapy, which the doctor picks up on advice. Lavage of the paranasal sinuses (without puncture) are performed only when expressed pain syndrome or the abundant discharge of pus.

Also done laser therapy to eliminate inflammation, and enhance the effect of the treatment drugs. The course of treatment ranges from two weeks to two months.

The temperature in the sinus

Sinusitis is often accompanied by high temperature, which indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process. Thus, the human body responds to infection, toxins which cause General intoxication. At different stages of sinusitis may experience significant fluctuations in temperature. The acute form of the disease is accompanied by fever. In the case where sinusitis has become chronic, patients may experience a small increase in temperature or the complete absence of heat.

If a progressive infectious sinusitis join the bacteria, affecting the area of the nasopharynx, the patient may have a fever. Form of allergic sinusitis may take place at normal or slightly elevated temperatures. People of advanced age, with disease of the sinus, almost always there is a slight increase in temperature.

Scientists from different countries of the world, when conducting research of this disease, came to the conclusion that temperature for sinusitis directly impact a variety of factors:

  • the age of the patient;
  • characteristics of an organism;
  • the immune system;
  • the parallel development of other diseases, etc.

Other signs of sinusitis

With the progression of the sinusitis patients canobserved other signs of this disease:

  • partial or complete loss of smell;
  • the appearance of swelling in the nose, eyeballs and cheeks;
  • the change of tone of voice (nasal appearance);
  • increased lacrimation;
  • the emergence of an unpleasant smell from the mouth and sinuses;

  • unpleasant aftertaste after each meal;
  • excessive sweating, etc.

What color snot sinus?

Sinusitis in most cases is accompanied by copious secretions from the sinuses (very rarely, the disease occurs without external signs). This is because due to severe inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses is a strong accumulation of mucus, which in the later stages of the disease mixed with pus or blood clots.

At each stage of sinusitis changes the color of snot, so the specialists in the diagnostic measures with high accuracy can determine the phase of the disease and prescribe the correct and effective treatment. The snot color and texture allow us to determine the form and procedure of the inflammatory process that develops in the maxillary sinuses.

Currently, there are three basic shade of snot appearing on the background of the development of sinusitis:

  • white color;
  • yellow-green color;
  • green.

The appearance of white mucus is observed at the initial stage of development of sinusitis. Mucous discharge is white, thick consistency, can indicate the early stage of recovery of the patient. Snot green color indicates a strong inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses. With the appearance of green mucus yellow hue it's safe to say that sinusitis is the acute form of the disease and requires immediate professional intervention. Yellow tint is a sign of the emergence in the nozzle of particles of pus.

The most severe form of sinusitis is accompanied by a nozzle in which there are streaks of blood and small clots. The patient needs emergency medical help to avoid unpleasant consequences and complications that can develop when untimely medical treatment of severe forms of sinusitis.

With the progression of diabetes in some patients may occasionally go from nose bleed. This phenomenon can be explained by an overdose of drops from rhinitis or previously received injuries, which were damaged nasal septum. Nosebleeds can alsoto indicate pathological changes in the mucosa and tissues of the maxillary sinuses which occurred due to progression of sinusitis.

Video: causes of sinusitis, treatment options

Topic: Modern method of treatment of sinusitis without puncture

Types of sinusitis

Modern medicine is known for the following types of sinusitis:

  1. Odontogenic.

  2. Allergic.

  3. Chronic.

  4. Polypoid.

  5. Purulent.

  6. Bilateral;

  7. Sharp.

  8. Catarrhal.

Catarrhal sinusitis

In catarrhal sinusitis in patients with inflamed mucosa of the maxillary sinuses. Often in the nasal cavity there is swelling and redness. In most cases, this disease occurs in patients younger and school age.

The reasons for the development of catarrhal sinusitis are:

  • transferred to the legs of a viral infection;
  • poorly treated flu;
  • the mechanical effect on the mucous membrane of the nose;
  • rhinitis that occurs on a background of allergic reactions, etc.

The development of catarrhal sinusitis may be accompanied by specific symptoms:

  • lack of appetite;
  • an increase in temperature;
  • lethargy and General weakness;
  • the deterioration of health;
  • the appearance of intoxication;
  • reduced performance, etc.

Bilateral sinusitis

Of complications on the background of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses often develop bilateral sinusitis. The disease often occurs in an acute form, and after ineffective treatment goes into the chronic stage.

Most patients who have been diagnosed with bilateral maxillary sinusitis was observed:

  • increased swelling of the maxillary sinuses;
  • strongmucus from the nose;
  • nasal congestion;
  • temperature rise;
  • increased tears;
  • intoxication;

  • apathy, lethargy, sleep disturbance, etc.

Bilateral sinusitis is a fairly rare disease, which has a distinct clinical presentation and occurring in a more severe form. The reason for this disease can be any inflammatory or infectious disease. In conducting diagnostic measures specialists palpate the region of the maxillary sinus, causing pain in patients. In the treatment of bilateral sinusitis patients assigned to integrated medical and physiotherapy.

Polypoid sinusitis

The disease is widespread among mixed-age audience of patients. Polypoid sinusitis is not amenable to medical treatment. To cope with the disease is possible only through surgical intervention. Polypoid sinusitis develops on the background of acute flow of various allergic diseases; congenital or acquired anomalies of the nasal septum; inflammation, progressing in the sinuses.

The manifestation of this form of sinusitis begins with the emergence of problems with nasal breathing. The patients start breathing through your mouth, because their nasal cavity is incorporated. Polypoid sinusitis is often accompanied by copious secretions of mucus (clear or yellow-green) from the nose. Many patients complain of a dulling of the taste buds, lack of appetite, confusion, headaches, etc.

Treatment polosnogo sinusitis is in the hospital. The patient is transferred to the operating room and surgically remove the overgrown tissue that interfere with normal nasal breathing. Small polyps some experts are trying to treat it with medication, prescribing their patients steroids, antibiotics, antihistamines, etc. This therapy is only in a few cases yielding positive result, as the desired effect is achieved only by surgical treatment.

Chronic sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis is often found in patients who have inflammation in the maxillary sinuses. The disease often goes into the acute stage, which, when improper treatment can lead to the development of various complications. During the progression of the disease many patients experiencedinflammation in organs located in the region of the maxillary sinuses.

The reason for the development of chronic sinusitis can be any of the infectious agents: viruses, fungi, bacteria, etc. This form of the disease may develop on the background of the existing defects of the nasal septum that may be either congenital or resulted from mechanical impact. Very often, chronic sinusitis is diagnosed, patients who have problems with their teeth. Even a simple tooth decay can act as a distributor of infection and to provoke the appearance of the disease.

Read more: Causes, symptoms and treatment of chronic sinusitis

Allergic sinusitis

Form of allergic sinusitis may develop on the background of any external factor, aggressive affect the mucosa of the maxillary sinuses. The body, when exposed to the allergen, it begins to show some response, which manifests itself in increased lacrimation, excretion of mucus from the sinuses, swelling, etc. In most cases, this form of the disease progresses in spring and autumn.

Topic: List of food allergens in adults

In allergic sinusitis patients show the following symptoms:

  • temperature rise;
  • nasal congestion;
  • the appearance of pain in the region of the eyeballs and cheeks;
  • weakness;
  • headaches, etc.

With allergic sinusitis in some patients were observed complications, which in most cases is caused by growth of polyps in the nose. Such growths interfere with normal nasal breathing, and can therefore be surgical treatment. Traditional medical and physiotherapy brings in this case of a positive result.

Patients first need to determine the origin of the allergen, which caused the development of sinusitis. If it exists, should urgently restrict him from any contact. It is desirable to pass a comprehensive examination that will identify exactly what allergens the patient reacts. After a course of anti-allergic therapy, patients are assigned specific drugs to enhance immunity.

At the stage of recovery, patients need to restore nasal breathing, making specialexercises. Proper nutrition (in most cases, a special diet is prescribed) and a complete rejection of bad habits contribute to early recovery of many internal organs and systems. In allergic sinusitis patients very useful for long walks in the coniferous forests, the air which has healing properties and is ideal for people who have problems with bronchial system and respiratory tract.

Topic: How to get rid of allergies at home?

Purulent sinusitis

Purulent sinusitis often develops on the background of suffering patients infectious, viral and colds, which had not been timely treated. In most cases this form of disease is diagnosed in patients, the manifestation of symptoms of sinusitis neglected high-quality medical care, but instead was self-medicating.

The main reasons for the development of purulent sinusitis are the harmful microorganisms and bacteria, the products of life which provoke inflammation and accumulation of purulent deposits in the maxillary sinuses. In advanced stages the disease can affect bone tissue and adjacent organs. To prevent the occurrence of purulent sinusitis you need at the first signs of the disease to turn to a local doctor, who after examination will direct the patient to a narrow specialist.

Acute sinusitis

With the development of acute forms of sinusitis patients often complain of malaise, weakness, chronic fatigue and decreased performance.

In some cases, the disease can occur without pronounced symptoms, but it is usually accompanied by:

  • an increase in temperature;
  • a strong secretion of mucus, mixed with pus from the nose.
  • the appearance of swelling;
  • shortness of breath;
  • sleep disorders;
  • appearance pain on palpation of maxillary sinus surgery, etc.

Cause the development of this disease can:

  • congenital defects of the nasal septum;
  • mechanical damage to cartilage and bone in the nose;
  • transferred to the legs of viral and infectious diseases;
  • the tendency to allergic reactions to any external stimuli, etc.

Treatment of acute sinusitis takes several weeks and includes constructive drug therapy.

Odontogenic sinusitis

Odontogenic sinusitisoften develops on the background of acute inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses. The causative agents of this disease are Escherichia coli, staphylococci, mixed infection, streptococci. Poor dental health and failure to comply with daily oral hygiene can also cause of odontogenic sinusitis.

With the progression of this form of the disease patients have reduced immunity, it can damage bone tissue, there are pain, etc. For the purpose of effective therapy is very important to correctly identify the source of the disease and identifying its causative agent. After this selected group of antibiotics, antihistamines and other medications.

Read more about: odontogenic maxillary sinusitis

Complications and consequences of sinusitis

Sinusitis is a very complex disease, with proper treatment, which patients can face serious consequences:

  • the appearance of swelling of the maxillary sinuses;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • violation of nasal breathing;
  • strong mucus from the nose;
  • accumulation of pus in the maxillary cavities, etc.

After treatment of sinusitis in some patients, there are various complications:

  • very often, the acute form of sinusitis becomes chronic stage, which requires a longer constructive treatment;
  • develop inflammation of respiratory system, tonsils, pharynx and other organs;
  • on the background of inflammatory process appears otitis.

Patients diagnosed with advanced stage of sinus infection may experience more serious complications that there are various diseases:

When the complications for the borders of the bronchopulmonary system and the defeat of other internal organs, patients may encounter sepsis. In that case, when the patient, in identifying the primary symptoms of sinusitis will immediately reach a health facility and pass drugand physiotherapy, he will be able to avoid any consequences and complications of this disease.

Can I warm nose in the sinus?

Warming nose is strictly forbidden in the acute form of sinusitis, as under the high temperature mode can occur, the rapid spread of infection throughout the body. Warm the area of the nose in cases where the maxillary sinus is almost completely freed from pus and the patient is under recovery.

Today there are various methods of warming up of the nose while sinusitis:

  • moxibustion with salt. This method is familiar to many people from the childhood, when parents sack of hot salt applied blocked nose. To make a hot "compress" to warm up in the pan a glass of rock salt and put it in the conventional clean sock. A hot pad should be applied on the nose and hold for 10-15 minutes;
  • warming up with chicken eggs. To enable this method, you must cook hard-boiled two eggs. After eggs are extracted from the boiling water, they should immediately wrap it with a towel. A hot towel is applied in the area of the maxillary sinuses and lasts until partial cooling;
  • warming up the nose with inhalation. To do this, boil the potatoes in their skins, drain the water. Leaning over the pot of parushim potatoes should be covered with a blanket to inside remained the same. For 10 to 15 minutes to do deep breaths in the nose or mouth;
  • warming nose with the blue bulb. The action of this device aimed at the destruction of bacteria and infections. Blue lamps are widely used for disinfection of premises in which there were sick people. In most cases, the procedure of warming up the blue lamp are part of an integrated drug therapy.

Before using any of the existing methods of warming up of the nose when sinus infection every patient should get the advice of your doctor. Specialist will provide any side effects and help you choose the for your patient the most secure way.

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Whether in the bath with sinusitis?

Many patients who have been diagnosed with sinusitis, interest in the issuevisit the Russian bath and Finnish sauna. With the progression of this disease people, care is needed not to take any water treatments. Doctors recommend that their patients refrain from visiting the pair in the acute form of sinusitis. At this stage of the development of the disease patients are advised to soak my feet, adding to the water mustard or essential oils.

In the initial stages of sinusitis a visit to the steam room even has a benefit to patients if water treatment will be carried out with the use of herbs. Before the adoption of water procedures it is necessary to assess the overall condition of the body. You cannot visit bath at an elevated temperature, or changes in blood pressure. Categorically should abandon that part of the bath ritual, which involves a sharp drop in the temperature of the human body, by dipping it in very cold water.


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  2. Antibiotics for sinusitis

  3. 2 modern methods of treatment without puncture:

  4. Treatment of sinusitis at home:

Prevention of sinusitis

To prevent the development of sinusitis should regularly carry out a number of preventive measures:

  • when visiting the street should dress in accordance with the season;
  • to strengthen your immune system folk remedies and special medical treatments;
  • to take vitamin and mineral supplements;
  • regularly exercise (gym, swimming pool, fitness club, etc.);
  • go for long walks in the fresh air (to give preference to the Park and forest zones);
  • to do breathing exercises that contribute to the normalization of nasal breathing;
  • the manifestation of the primary symptoms of rhinitis need to take action (doing massage, wash out nasal passages, use special drops and other medicines);
  • go on a healthy diet, reconsider your daily diet and add only healthy foods;
  • completely abandon the bad habits that cause irreparable harm to the human body;
  • promptly treat any disease, against which may develop sinusitis;
  • to protect your health, try not to expose the body hypothermia;
  • when the primary manifestations of Allergy should immediately consult a doctor and undergo medical treatment;

  • in the presence of congenital or acquired anomalies of the nasal septum should contact the medical institution where the specialists surgically correct the defect.