he swelling from a sting of bees, putting on the face piece of fabric soaked in urine. After 2 hours of swelling of the face was gone. Perhaps the boy with the gangrene could have been saved, but his parents refused this proposal with disgust.

John Armstrong independently used urine for treatment of gangrene in 1920, when the sick woman trusted him. She is so suffered from the disease that already had a history of anemia, pathology of the lungs, skin tears, sagging skin and strong weight loss. Within a month she was starving, drinking urine and water, her body rubbed with urine, was applied to the foot compresses from urine.

After 10 days the patient resumed active work of the kidneys and intestines, decreased breaks in the skin on the feet, sleep and breathing returned to normal, there was significant improvement in the condition of a gangrenous foot. After 2.5 weeks of starting treatment it has a new skin, and traces of disease have not disappeared. Armstrong proved that urine is not dead matter, and the solution of living tissue.

The other patient was planned amputation of her feet, her tortured constipation, eczema, anemia, depression. Mouth and the corners of her mouth were open cracks, and areas of gangrene increased in size. The woman began to take the urine, drinking the entire volume of its allocated urine, and drink cold water. After 3 days of such therapy, sleep recovered after 5 days is gone, the cracks on the face, after 7 days, disappeared hemorrhoids, intensified the work of the kidneys and intestines. After a month on the area of feet, covered in gangrenous wounds, they are not gone, everything was covered with new skin.

If before a sore leg was 2 times thicker healthy, but now they did not differ from each other. After the end of fasting in the first week the patient has taken a bit of bananas, tomatoes and grapes. 2 week recovery period in the menu, added the milk, on week 3 you can return to the usual menu.

All patients healed Armstrong of gangrene got to him after they were going to amputate the limb. In his experience, the gangrene easier for other severe pathologies treatable urine.

Source: the book of John Armstrong's "water of life"