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Hemorrhagic gastritis

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Hemorrhagic gastritis - what is it?

Hemorrhagic gastritis is a type of inflammatory process in gastric mucosa. Its peculiarity is that the primary does not arise inflammation, and vascular microcirculatory violations in the submucosal layer. Results in hemorrhage and hemorrhagic (bloody) impregnation of the mucous membrane, or blood clots in the small blood vessels of the stomach. The result of these processes becomes inflammation of the mucous membrane and its leukocyte infiltration at the microscopic level and the formation of small superficial defects (erosions), which are determined visually.

Therefore, hemorrhagic gastritis often referred to as erosive or erosive and haemorrhagic. It is not always correct, since not every hemorrhagic gastritis may be erosive. Both of these options may be independent forms of the disease.

Symptoms of hemorrhagic gastritis

In relation to the clinical manifestations of hemorrhagic gastritis can be regarded as diseases with specific symptoms. Its main features common to virtually all types of gastritis and gastric ulcer. But there are specific symptoms on the basis of which it may suspect that is a hemorrhagic gastritis.

The symptoms of hemorrhagic gastritis are presented in table form.



  • Pain in the epigastric region and in the projection of the stomach;
  • Strengthening of pain after a meal;
  • The syndrome of gastric dyspepsia: nausea, belching, heaviness;

  • Signs of stomach bleeding: vomiting of stagnant brown or bloody contents, dizziness, stool black;

Inspection data

  • Pallor of the skin;
  • The tongue coating;
  • Soreness in region of stomach at palpation;
  • If there is intense bleeding lowering blood pressure, frequent pulse;

  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) is the gold standard and the only reliable method of diagnosis. Defines multiple erosions of the mucosa on the background of her soaking with blood. Erosion can bleed;
  • Increased or normal acidity of the stomach;
  • Negative test for Helicobacter pylori infection;
  • Anemia in the blood test;

Acute hemorrhagic gastritis

If hemorrhagic gastritis occurs first, or characterized by lightning for his re-appearance, it is considered to be acute. It has a relatively brighter clinical symptoms of the inflammatory process. Signs of stomach bleeding are rare. Causes of acute hemorrhagic gastritis are the following factors:

  • Substandard food products. It can be either spoiled during prolonged storage of food or foods contaminated by toxic substances;
  • Chemicals, industrial poisons, salts of heavy metals. They can enter into the gastric cavity or when working with them, either from intentional use. When this occurs, a chemical burn of the mucosa, which later becomes hemorrhagic or erosive gastritis;

  • An excessive amount of alcohol consumed or his faults;
  • Systemic connective tissue diseases and severe intoxication on the background of any disease, leading to disruption of microcirculation processes in the stomach;
  • Closed blunt trauma of the abdomen, when there is an injury of the stomach, or diagnostic studies involving damage to the mucous membranes.
  • The occurrence of acute hemorrhagic gastritis under the influence of these factors suggests that this process has a very fast onset and is not associated with violation of secretory mechanisms. Its origin is related to exposure to harmful environmental factors. This feature has led to a striking clinical picture and manifestation, which is several times stronger than in the chronic course of the disease.

Diet hemorrhagic gastritis

Dietary recommendations and nutrition in hemorrhagic gastritis is one of the main methods of prevention and occupied an important position in its treatment. In some cases, even their implementation does not keep from repeated exacerbations of the process. But the control rules diet nutrition diet No. 1 in the acute phase of illness, and No. 5, with the subsidence of the inflammatory process is required. They include:

  • Excludes sharp, fried, smoked meals, spices, fat and roughage, fresh bread and pastries, citrus, beans, cucumbers and tomatoes;

  • Emphasis should be made in light liquid or semi-liquid food (soup, cream soup, mashed potatoes, pudding) in the form of heat. Invalid drinking hot or too cold food;
  • The dishes should be boiled or prepared on pair;
  • Permitted foods: bread made from bran or white stale (biscuits), buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, meat diet varieties (chicken, rabbit) and broths, steam dishes based on them, scrambled eggs and soft-boiled egg, sour milk products (yogurt, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese), boiled vegetables, fruit and berry compotes and fruit drinks;
  • The number of meals. Nutrition involves regular 5-6 times receiving moderate portions at the same time. Unacceptable overeating.

Details about the diet: what can and can't eat for gastritis?

Treatment of hemorrhagic gastritis

The complex of therapeutic measures in hemorrhagic gastritis should include medications acting on all links of pathogenesis of this disease. It should be:

  • Antisecretory funds. By reducing the secretion of gastric juice and hydrochloric acid, the conditions for reducing the inflammatory changes. To drugs with a similar action include: omeprazole, kvamatel, nolpaza, ranitidine, dalargin;
  • Gastrocystoplasty – means of protecting the mucosa against aggressive components of gastric juice and environmental factors: the aluminium phosphate gel, Almagel, Maalox, Venter.
  • Hemostatic drugs. Indicated when there are signs of stomach bleeding. Use of aminocaproic acid, etamzilat, menadione;

  • Enzyme preparations. Appointed to facilitate digestive processes: Pancreatin, Mezim, CREON;
  • Tonic: vitamins, aloe, Actovegin,the was.

orshenin Elena Ivanovna, doctor-gastroenterologist