Home / Treatment / How to treat stomach gastritis: a list of effective products

How to treat stomach gastritis: a list of effective products

The list of products and tools:

Gastritis, which is manifested in the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, is of two types: acute and chronic. In the first case, the main symptom is severe pain that appears suddenly. Often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dehydration, appears weak. This disease often becomes chronic.

To prevent the development of gastritis can be, if you pay attention to your diet. Should not eat too hot food, eat quickly and dry. The main cause of disease is violation of power. As a result of possible attack of gastritis. To cope with the pain in the stomach you can use of drugs, however no less useful and effective natural remedies.

Flax seeds from gastritis

Flax is a common plant used due to the medicinal properties for various diseases. Prepared various extracts from the seeds of flax. Inside they are oily, the broth is thick and viscous. He gently envelops the walls of the stomach, relieving inflammation and reducing pain. This is due to content in the seeds polysaccharides that have anti-bacterial properties. The seeds do not have a pronounced taste and smell. So you can use them as a Supplement to many dishes.

A decoction of flax seed. This requires the evening to brew 2 teaspoons of seeds a glass of boiling water and infuse until morning. Before the first meal to drink a third Cup (seeds too, need to drink), the rest spread evenly throughout the day. Broth is recommended to drink within a month, even if the attack of acute gastritis has passed. You can replace it with jelly, prepared on the basis of flax seeds, mixing them with cereal or berries.

Chicken gizzards.

Chicken liver is not only the basis for delicious meals, but also a cure for diseases of the stomach. Medicinal properties are explained by the large content of different nutrients: folic acid, vitamins, iron. They improve the stomach, to cope with inflammatoryprocesses in it.

Raw materials for the preparation of folk remedies has to be fresh. The effect of chicken gizzards, which are more than 2 days, is noticeably worse. They removed the skin, thoroughly washed with water and well dried. After all these procedures, it will become completely transparent. Then the skins are crushed and added to her may honey. Insist tool at least 3 days. Then you can treat them, eating a teaspoon every day before eating. The course lasts a month, then needed a break. Repeat it 5-6 times it is necessary to consolidate the achieved effect. To get rid of pain using this tool will take a few days.

Potato juice for gastritis

Potatoes are rich in various nutrients: antioxidants, carotene, fiber, fats, starch, proteins. After heat treatment most of these compounds are destroyed. Therefore, the use of roasted or boiled potatoes are not so good for the body as fresh. But eating raw tubers is not too pleasant, moreover, they create an additional burden for the stomach. It is better to use potato juice.

It helps to cope with diseases of the digestive tract, particularly gastritis. Most importantly, the juice must be freshly squeezed. After 5-10 minutes after preparation, as in the case of heat treatment, it loses its medicinal properties. The juice from potatoes prepared using a juicer or cheesecloth, rubbing the pre-grated root vegetables. You need to drink it before meals. meal to start after another 30 minutes. The course of treatment with this remedy lasts for 10 days, with breaks.

Oil from gastritis

Vegetable oils are used as a means for gastritis. They should be combined with pharmaceutical medicines that reduce the acidity in the stomach. Oil, in turn, have the following properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • enveloping;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • healing;
  • tanning.

Sea buckthorn oil from gastritis

Vegetable oil from fruits of sea buckthorn due to its high content of carotenoids is very good for gastritis. They have healing and anti-inflammatory effect. These properties are different and contained in sea buckthorn oil in vitamins B and E. due to monounsaturated and polyunsaturated acids such as stearic, palmitic, oleic, it is softcoats the stomach wall and facilitates the discomfort in various diseases.

A significant advantage of sea buckthorn oil in gastritis, in contrast to other tools is ease of use. No need to mix it with other ingredients, to insist. Just buy the oil and take twice a day, a teaspoon of pure before Breakfast and dinner. A month to take a break, then spend another treatment. You can use sea buckthorn oil for treatment and prevention of gastritis. Have it is fall and spring, when usually there are bouts of disease.

Flaxseed oil gastritis

Flax seed oil as effectively as the seeds. It turns out the tool by pressing it from them. It contains linolenic, linoleic acid and vitamin E, beneficial for digestion and immunity. Enveloping effect of Flaxseed oil helps relieve pain in acute gastritis. It is important that it is cold pressed. The quality of the lubricating oil is provided to them effect on the body.

To use this tool both in pure form and adding to salads, fish. The taste is bitter, but almost no sense in the composition of foods. Properties fully complies with the Flaxseed. Pure gastritis oil use a teaspoon inside, squeezed warm water in the morning before Breakfast and at bedtime. Treatment according to the national method should be carried out within 3 months.

Olive oil gastritis

Olive oil acts on the human body as a laxative and cholagogue. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids. Long ago it was found that olive oil has a positive effect on the digestive system and liver.

Gastritis drink it in its pure form. It has a specific taste. You should drink the oil on an empty stomach a teaspoon every day for 3 months. Many can not use it as a medicine because of the not too pleasant odor and bitter taste. So you can add olive oil to the finished dish. When cholecystitis should abandon its use, including as a folk remedy for the treatment of gastritis. In rare cases, olive oil is causing the Allergy.

Briar from gastritis (only with low acidity)

Dog rose is a medicinal plant. In late spring and early summer itcovered with fragrant flowers of white or pink color. Then in their place by red-orange fruit. Rose hips prized primarily for its huge content of vitamin C, which is several times more than black currants, and 10 times more than the lemon. Also, the fruit contains magnesium, calcium, iron, tannins.

Rosehip prepare a medicinal decoction and infusion:

The infusion. 1 liter of hot water (40-60 degrees) take 4 tablespoons of rose hips. All poured into a thermos and insist 8 hours. Gastritis with low acidity rose hips can be drunk instead of tea, one glass 3 times a day.

A decoction of the crushed fruits of the wild rose should be boiled in an enamel pot for 2-3 minutes, the whole – no more than 7 minutes. The longer is the heat treatment, the less will be the effect of the funds received. Keep broth is recommended in a glass jar or thermos with a tight-fitting lid, but not more than 3 days. Gastritis with low acidity should be every day to drink a decoction of rose hips in one Cup, 3 times a day.

Note: at high acidity of gastric juice, wild rose is not recommended to drink.

Aloe with honey for gastritis

Aloe helps increase the production of gastric juices and strengthen the contraction of its walls. This is necessary when hypoacid gastritis. He is accompanied by a decrease of acidity and a decrease in the number of gastric juice. Why aloe is an effective remedy for this type of disease.

For treatment should use raw material of plant, the lifetime of which is not less than 3 years. Pre-leaves can be left in the fridge for a few weeks. This procedure allows to increase the efficiency of aloe. Drink juice every day 3 times. A teaspoon of this natural medicine mixed with honey, in its pure form it has an unpleasant bitter taste. To use this remedy for 3 weeks.

In accordance with yet another recipe aloe Vera juice and a spoon of honey to add to the guilt and insist 14 days. Every day make the means of a teaspoon.

Propolis from gastritis

Possessing antispasmodic and healing properties, propolis helps to restore the internal microflora, reduces the acidity of gastric juice. It improves circulation and has an analgesic effect. The aqueous extract of propolis safer. Tincture, prepared on the basis of alcohol, should be used with caution.

Water tincture is prepared as follows. First of all,you must leave the propolis at some time in the freezer. So it easier to grind. After that propolis must be kept in a water bath for at least an hour, pre-Bay raw water. The resulting tool is stored for about a week. Then you will need to prepare the medicine again. Drink it daily of 100 ml.

If instead of water, use alcohol, medication must infuse for 3 days. After that, take 15 drops before meals. The course of treatment should be not less than 2 weeks.

You can use the propolis with the honey. A teaspoon of the mixture it is recommended to eat with gastritis before eating, drinking the glass of clean water. Similarly, the aqueous solution of propolis is prepared the medicine with milk. Both ingredients are mixed and heated on the fire. Per litre of milk will need 50 g of propolis.

On topic: other people's money.


Chagais a mushroom produced in the form of growths on the trunk of trees. They brew and drink as a tonic. But the best effect of chaga has on the digestive system, so an infusion of it is recommended to use for gastritis. It helps to relieve pain and repair damage to the gastric mucosa, relieves spasms.

Birch fungus to prepare the medication is used both fresh and dried. In the first case, washed and chopped raw material is necessary to fill with water and leave for a few hours. The resulting infusion to drain. Raw re-pour water and keep for 2 days in a dark place. After you mix both infusion and drink 3 times a day a glass. You can pour the chaga alcohol. After 2 weeks of drinking before meals, 20 drops, diluted in warm boiled water.

Herbs for gastritis

Plantain of gastritis

Plantainis an unpretentious plant that grows everywhere. It is often applied to open wounds to stop the bleeding. Today, psyllium is used both in pure form and as components of many drugs. For getting rid of pain in gastritis it should be used carefully. Plantain will benefit if the illness is accompanied by high acidity and secretion of gastric juice in large quantities.

In all other cases, helps from gastritis infusion of this plant. Dry crushed leaves brewedboiling water. After a couple of hours the water should drain and drink within the hour. Repeat this treatment should be daily for 1-2 weeks.

Daisy from gastritis

Chamomile known for its calming and anti-inflammatory properties. Tea made from it helps to improve sleep, relieve stress, helps to restore the normal functioning of the digestive tract. So drink of chamomile can be used for gastritis. This should be made daily before each meal. To enhance the taste and aroma to it add honey, milk or cream.

Chamomile is an effective remedy for gastritis with high acidity. A strong infusion of a tablespoon of good dried flowers insist night. 2 times a day to drink half a Cup. Chamomile is also included in many herbs, for example, together with St. John's wort, mint and yarrow.


This plant has long been used to treat various diseases. So, juice of celandine , you can cauterize inflammation of the skin, to prepare it on the basis of tinctures against gastritis. It should be borne in mind that the herb is poisonous. The treatment should start with a small dose, gradually increasing it .

There are several options for preparation of medicines against hemorrhoids with this plant. Celandine is mixed with honey and take before meals for the week in the first 2 days of a teaspoon, and then the dining room. A tincture of alcohol and juice should be kept in a dark place during the day. Then store in a dark dish and take a tablespoon every day.


In the inflorescence of this plant contain various acids such as ascorbic, salicylic and malic, saponins, calcium, volatile. Calendula has the following effect:

  • sedative;
  • bactericidal;
  • antitoxic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • antispasmodic.

It makes an effective remedy for erosive gastritis. It will require a few teaspoons of flowers. Brew them with boiling water. The resulting infusion drink during the day. When combined with calendula, yarrow and chamomile, the effect of treatment increases. The calendula tincture in 70 % alcohol leave for a few weeks and then drink 25-30 drops several times a day.

St. John's wort.

St. John's wort– fragrant plant with yellow flowers. It is toxic, but not dangerous to humans. Severe poisoning St John's wort can cause in animals. However, its use for the treatment of gastritis should not be over a long period of time. Some patients with hypertension it is recommended to abandon the use of this herb as it contributes to high blood pressure.

The easiest way to make a decoction of St. John's wort. Tablespoon of raw pour 200 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes. When the broth can stand a little bit and has cooled, you can take the vehicle inside, 1/3 Cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The broth can be stored in a cool place for 2 days.

All funds on the basis of this plant should not be strong. At high concentrations, St. John's wort contribute to the exacerbation of gastritis.


Common nettle nettle, which destroy many gardeners as a weed, can be a useful component for the preparation of drugs for the treatment of gastritis. It contains flavonoids, tannins and formic acid. Nettle helps eliminate toxins and has a restorative effect on the human body.

From gastritis helps with the collection of nettle. In addition to this plant, you will need knotweed, mint and St. John's wort. A few tablespoons of the herbal tea brewed with boiling water, and then to insist for a while, tightly covered lid. You can make broth from only one of the nettles. To do this, dry leaves, filled with water, boil for at least 10 minutes.

Apples from gastritis

Ripe apples help, even in chronic gastritis. Typically, these fruits are difficult to digest due to the hard rind. Therefore, they must be pre-cleaned, and then RUB on a small grater or chop with a knife. You eat apples like this should as often as possible.

5 hours before and after taking this tool you can not eat anything. For this reason, carry out the procedure only once a day. You can gradually start eating apples 2 times. The most useful are the fruits are bright green in color. It was found that they compared apples other colors contain the greatest amount of nutrients.

Shilajit gastritis

For the treatment of diseases of the digestive system need natural, fresh Shilajit. The tool presented in the pills, less effective. The structure of this substance includes many biologically active substances. Gastritis Shilajit alleviates inflammation and has a good effect on the stomach wall. Whenthe treatment needs to be combined with other funds to speed up recovery.

Shilajit should pour the cooled boiled water. The resulting solution to drink every day before dinner. The course of treatment lasts 10 days, then a break for 2-3 days. At high pH the solution is prepared in milk and taken in the same way.

The dangers of soda for gastritis

Ordinary baking soda is a cheap remedy for gastritis which helps to quickly relieve pain. Note, however, that it gives only temporary relief. Therefore, getting rid of acute pain, will have to start treatment with other drugs. It is not recommended to use baking soda at low pH.

Once in the stomach, it combines with hydrochloric acid, forming coal, breaking up into carbon dioxide and water. As a result, these reactions can have a negative impact on the inner walls of the stomach.