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Treatment of hemangioma of folk remedies

People's treatment of hemangioma of the liver

To cure hemangioma of the liver, take five hundred grams of honey, two hundred milliliters of aloe juice and two hundred and fifty milliliters of brandy, mix thoroughly. In this case, aloe must be aged three years.

Then in another bowl mix the crushed rose hips, yarrow grass and pine buds – all three components taken as 100 grams, then five grams of wormwood, two hundred grams of crushed chaga mushroom, all of it pour three liters of cold water. Simmer, after boil boil for another two hours.

Then put the dishes in a blanket, close them and leave for the day. After the mixture must drain and mix with a composition of brandy, honey and aloe. Let the whole composition to infuse within four hours.

Course national treatment of hemangioma is six days. You need to take one teaspoon three times a day two hours before meals. And then two or three months, drink one tablespoon three times a day an hour before meals. The composition must be stored in a dark container.

Medusa is my mascot

Medusa (so called by the people Kombucha) helps with hemangioma. Tear off a piece from a jellyfish and put it on the sore spot. Times a day change this compress. The remaining pieces from Kombucha should be stored in water in a jar. And when needed, take out another piece and attach. A course of treatment for approximately three weeks.

There is also another well known folk remedy for treatment of hemangioma. Dilute with a half Cup of one tablespoon of copper sulfate. Dip a cotton swab in this solution and wipe the affected area. The course of treatment is ten days. You must then make a compress of onions for ten days. Bow when it rubs on a grater. This compress should be kept in for twelve hours.

Folk remedy for hemangioma of the kidney

In an old book on folk medicine written by one drastic popular method of treatment of hemangioma. It turned out that whenhemangioma helps mushroom.

To prepare the tincture of fly agaric, you need to chop the mushrooms, and within three days to soak it in a cold place. After three days, the mushrooms should be tightly put in a glass jar and pour vodka so that its level exceeded the fungal mass by one centimeter. After the jar should be tightly closed with a lid and put in a dark place. To insist not less than Crescent. Keep tincture in a period of three years, provided that it will be kept in the dark.

A substance that is formed in the Bank must be removed from the sediment using a siphon bag. Harvested red toadstools for your home pharmacies are available throughout the summer period. However, it should be clarified that you should only take the cap of young mushrooms. Save mushroom caps can be in dried form or as a tincture. To dry Amanita necessary in a well-ventilated place.

The use of tinctures (extracts) of toadstools healthy person, can lead to paralysis of the nervous system, by the fact that the mushroom contains alkaloids muscarine. The consequence of this, a person can have a stroke. Paradoxically, if a person with stroke symptoms will receive a special scheme on mushroom tea, it will lead him to recovery. However, this regimen tincture complex, and to apply it must be only under medical supervision, otherwise it may be fatal

Regimen of tincture of fly agaric following begins with 1 drop and increasing to 10 to one glass of milk or water. After everything goes in the opposite direction, that is, in the drop-down, and 10 up to the 1st drop. Then a break for a week, and do it all over again, 1 drop to 10 and back. Is not more than 5 courses of treatment the tincture of fly agaric, on prescription. During the break must be taken enterosorbent, as well as during the day to dissolve under the tongue 0.2 grams mummy (small balls). Should hold three a course of treatment Shilajit for twenty days, a break should be ten days.

If you apply a tincture of Amanita externally, it is impossible in any case to prevent contact with open wounds, injuries, and even small scratches.

Mainly in folk medicine, the Amanita muscaria is used for the treatment of diseases such as cancer and tuberculosis. The person who decided to use a brandy mushroom red, like medicine, should very well know their job. It should be noted that even the most ardent of folk physicians, doctors and healers claim that make brandy mushroom red inside, but only in cases when no other method of treatment is no longer!

Review: After using the mushroom, the handsshould be washed thoroughly with soap and water, because it is a poisonous mushroom. They say that when drying in the oven all the harmful poisonous substances away from mushrooms, but it is not recommended to take such poisonous plants. In fact, in recipes such incorrect dosage of mushrooms. And the infusion is not take teaspoon. In some cases, such unauthorized treatment may result in death.