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Traditional methods and means of treatment of hepatitis C

Efficient and simple remedy in the treatment of hepatitis C

In all liver diseases in folk medicine is a universal remedy. And most importantly, that it is available to everyone and safe is fresh carrot juice! The fact that vitamin A, which is much contained in carrots has a beneficial effect on the liver, gently cleansing it and restoring its cells. Therefore, consuming fresh carrot juice, we will gradually restore the health of the liver.

But many will say that the main thing is not to overdo it with the vitamin, and they are partly right, as an overdose of vitamin A can yellow the skin. However, this indirect influence, in fact, an excess of vitamin A the liver starts to increase the rpm in a clean and throws out the blood, a large amount of bile with toxins. Our kidneys can not cope with the toxins and then connects the largest excretory organ is our skin, to help the output of harmful substances. Hence the yellowing of the skin goes. Drink the juice can be continued.

By itself, carrot juice is harmless and you can drink as much as you want. Ideal in the morning, but can be several times a day to drink it.

It is also important to note that to make juice you need from high-quality carrot, not imported. For the content of agrochemicals can not worry, they are deposited in the tissue, and the juice does not fall – it is scientifically proven Norman Walker.

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Common folk recipes for the treatment of hepatitis C

Leading position among traditional medicines taken in the fight against hepatitis C:

  • Mezoterapia is a sweet contains the trace elements and needs a liver. It perfectly removes the bile, prevents the inflammatory process in the liver. It is very favorable in chronic hepatitis. However, before application of honey in treatment need to consider the level of gastric juice. For example, chronic hepatitis is a delicious medicine should be taken strictly for 1.5-3 hours before meals three timesthe course of the day. Preparation method is: dissolve 1 tablespoon "gold bee" in a glass of warm water and drink at once (gulp). The course of treatment lasts for 2 months. Courses in year two (autumn and spring).
  • The herbs against hepatitis b: field horsetail, common tansy, Salvia officinalis, yarrow, witch hazel, agrimony ordinary, leaves of burdock large. Flowers: St. John's wort, chamomile. Mandatory burdock root and elecampane high. The fruits of wild rose brown. Take each ingredient in the amount of 10 grams. 4 tablespoons of the resulting collection pour one liter of boiling water and let stand 2-3 hours. The lid must be closed. To be taken three times a day, 1/3 or 1/2 Cup.

  • Hellebore Caucasian. Start treatment this plant is better after a course of treatment. But by itself plant is poisonous, aimed at the destruction of pathogenic fungi, bacteria, viruses that live in the intercellular fluid, blood and lymph. So a positive result was guaranteed the treatment course should be at least a year, only then will be finished with any infection that has penetrated into the human body. Hellebore fully revives all the functions of the liver and restores the metabolism. The infusion of this plants is best taken before bedtime because during the night it has beneficial effects on the liver.

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  • Shilajit has a huge range of treatment of various diseases. In folk medicine it is called miracle balm and applied almost in all diseases. Moreover, the effect is always positive. Shilajit treats and regenerates the liver, activates the absorption in the digestive tract, helps the liver tissues get enough oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide, so it restores the respiratory coefficient, and the sugar in the blood decreases.

There are 3 ways of cooking:

  1. Dissolve 15 grams mumie in half a liter of water at a temperature of 65-70 degrees. For the full course of treatment (21 days) you need 60 grams of Shilajit. To begin treatment it is necessary smoothly, with 25 dropsincreasing the initial dose of 60 drops is to drink a week. Then to take the medicine 1 teaspoon 2 times a day for 0.5 hours before eating;

  2. 3 litres of boiled but cooled water to dissolve 3 grams mummy, take a glass morning, afternoon and evening for 10 days, strictly half an hour before meals; then a break for 5 days. Can be treated with Shilajit need to full recovery.

  3. In the morning before food and night before bed dilute 4 grams mummy in warm milk, add honey, juice from blueberries or grapes and drink. After still need to eat a raw egg from home. The course of treatment is 1 month.

On topic: the Best traditional recipes and foods that restore the liver cells

Milk Thistle hepatitis C

Second place in the hepatitis C treatment is milk Thistle, or rather its seeds, roots and leaves. Seeds ideal for the preparation of broth.

The following recipe: grind in a coffee grinder three tablespoons of milk Thistle seeds and to fill them with 0.5 liters of boiling water, hold in water bath until the broth will not be half, after, be sure to drain.

Make the decoction more useful after a meal and 1 tablespoon in the morning, afternoon and evening. Usually the course of this very common treatment lasts 30-60 days.

Other uses: Herbalist Clara Doronin recommends taking this decoction to drink (also 1 tablespoon) along with the seeds every hour! That is a total of 12 receptions on the day, from 9 am to 9 PM. The course is 3 weeks, then 2 weeks break.

Tincture of milk Thistle

But not only the decoction of milk Thistle good liver treats. In the course of going and tinctures. In half a liter of vodka, infuse 50 grams of seeds, duration of infusion is 2 weeks. Dilute tincture should in the ratio of 100 grams of water to half a teaspoon. To take four times a day for 0.5 hours before eating. The duration of the course two months.

If the result is positive for hepatitis C you can also use powder from milk Thistle. Need 1 teaspoon of milk Thistle to dissolve in a glass of boiling water for half an hour and take 5 times a day 1/5 Cup, approximately thirty minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 40 days, and then make a break for 2 weeks. Such courses need to hold 3 in a row, it will take six months.

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the Treatment of hepatitis C corn silk

Corn silk are beneficial to the body in cirrhosis of the liver, inflammation of the gallbladder, acute and chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis , and many other diseases. Take them as a tincture, and decoction. The treatment lasts until recovery.

There are 2 ways to use corn silk:

Infusion. A tablespoon of crushed corn stigmas pour a glass of boiling water. To insist 2 hours. Take half an hour before meals 2-3 tablespoons 3-5 times a day, or 1/3 Cup 3 times a day.

Broth. Take 1 teaspoon of corn silk and boil in half a liter of boiling water for water bath for half an hour. After insisting for an hour. Take half a Cup 4 times a day. The treatment lasts until recovery.

Treatment of hepatitis juices

Effective in the treatment of hepatitis is as follows: in a glass of water squeeze juice of half a lemon and add one tablespoon of honey.

It is also useful in hepatitis drink 2-3 times a day a glass of fresh juice of cabbage, of carrots. You can also add beet juice, just not very much, about a quarter Cup in a glass of carrot juice.

Beets in ancient Egypt was considered a miracle vegetable that could heal any sickness with prolonged use, of course. Before use, the juice from cabbage or beets, be sure to defend it 4-8 hours!

On topic: liver Cleansing decoction of beets and beet kvass

Other methods of treatment of hepatitis C

In addition to honey, herbs, Shilajit and milk Thistle, there are many other effective treatments for this disease of the liver:

  • Physiotherapy includes simple exercises (rubbing in the liver, pushups or wall, trunk rotation, bending it to the side and forward, walking in place);

  • Water treatment — soothing baths during an exacerbation of chronic hepatitis (need to take daily). Also try to drink 2-3 liters of pure water, better living,if you know how to cook it;

  • Contrast shower (minute under hot water and five seconds under cold) contrasts to perform 10-15 times for the reception to be treated in this way three times a day;

  • Black radish as the Siberian folk remedy — radish to pass through a grater and squeeze the juice in one liter of the resulting juice add 0.5 liter of liquid honey, taken three times per day for two tablespoons, it is better to be treated thus before bedtime (in the same way you can use cranberry);

  • A warm enema of chamomile decoction is mandatory at the onset of yellow on the face;

  • The infusion of the Daisy perennial — to insist in one and a half litres of cold, but pre-boiled water, then all that you need to strain and take 0.5 cups in the morning, afternoon and evening;

  • Leaves or lovage seeds — 4 grams of the plant pour one and a half liters of cold water, leave for about 3 hours. To drink after careful filtering of a tablespoon four times a day.

Ursodeoxycholic acid in the treatment of hepatitis C

Ursodeoxycholic acid for the treatment of hepatitis. It allows you to lower the bilirubin levels, reduce the activity of hepatic transaminases. This tool was derived from the bile, extracted from a Chinese bear. It happened in 1902.

The structure of ursodeoxycholic acid is similar to the endogenous tertiary bile acid. It is produced by the human liver from henodezoksiholevoy acid. In addition, ursodeoxycholic acid is not toxic and perfectly absorbs water, having high hydrophilic properties.

Preparations on its basis allow to make patients more resilient, get rid of weakness, fatigue, irritability. They can be used to get rid of annoying itching.

Such means are:

  • Endoxa
  • Encodes
  • Levadex
  • Ursosan
  • Ursofalk
  • Ursolic

New treatments for hepatitis C

Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir

Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir – this innovative drugs that can cure hepatitis C. They have passed all necessary clinical tests in the United States of America. These funds give the effect even where triple therapy was powerless.

Sofosbuvir andDaclatasvir is able to deal with the first, the second and the third genotype of hepatitis. With regard to clinical trials, they participated in 211 subjects who have recovered almost everything. The effect was obtained in 98% of cases. The new generation of drugs more effective than ribavirin and interferon, in addition, they do not give such multiple side effects. Among the possible negative effects – nausea, fatigue and headache.

The who has already approved Sofosbuvir, while Daclatasvir is still undergoing current clinical trials (as of 2013). They are led by M. Sulkowski, and, in her words, a facility with a high probability to be approved. It will be a breakthrough in the treatment of hepatitis C. However, to get it for free will fail.

To complete the treatment, it will take about $ 5,000, as the price of the drug varies in the range between 500 and 800 dollars.

Ledipasvir and Sofosbuvir

Ledipasvir and Sofosbuvir – these drugs are already the third phase of clinical trials in mid-spring 2013. While 97% of subjects after 4 months of treatment, blood hepatitis was not found. These funds have shown high efficacy against all genotypes of the virus. Serious side effects have managed to avoid half of the patients.

Those patients who received Ledipasvir and Sofosbuvir in combination with Ribavirin were given 100% result cure. However, side effects also were more expressed they are much stronger. Further studies will be aimed at optimizing the duration of therapy and on the advisability of using this scheme Ribavirin. Leipsoi also has not yet passed the final test, but with high probability they will be successful.