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Treatment of hyperhidrosis folk remedies

If soles get wet

One woman suffered for many years from hyperhidrosis. Sweated constantly the soles of the feet and hands. Then she decided to read the descriptions of the methods of folk treatment of hyperhidrosis and found one good recipe. After I wash my feet and dry them with a towel, RUB into them powdered tablets of hexamine. These pills you can easily buy at the drugstore.

This folk remedy helps in two to three years, but then you have to repeat the procedure. Excessive sweating of the feet is common, especially in the male part of our population. Sometimes people have even leg ulcers.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis powder Borovoy acid

There are several popular treatments of hyperhidrosis. In the morning massage into feet boric acid powder. RUB powder between your toes and soles. Then wear socks. And in the evening wash your feet with warm water. After about a month the disease goes.

If you suffer from hyperhidrosis of the feet, you can also make bath of decoction of oak bark. To do this, pour one liter of boiling water one hundred grams of bark. On low heat warm the broth and soak for twenty minutes. Then the broth strain and let it cool.

And here is another folk remedy that helps in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. You can apply the powder of oak bark at night and wear socks on top. So to sleep in them all night. In the morning wash feet with cool water. Also, sometimes socks sprinkled a bit of sugar or potato starch. And best of all, each day wash your feet with cold water only.

Hyperhidrosis treatment herbs

If your feet are constantly sweating and suppuration occurs, wash them with warm water, using soap. Then the feet should be thoroughly dried with a towel.

You need to chop the straw from barley or oats can be used in the same way grass wheat grass. Chopped herbs pour into a sock and wear it for the night. So you need to sleep through the night. And in the morning wash feet with a decoction of sage and put on clean socks already.

At night you should repeat the procedure. Treatment of hyperhidrosis with the help of folk remedies is for two to three weeks.