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Causes and symptoms of hypotension

Hypotonia is a constant or a periodic drop in systolic and diastolic blood pressure below normal. About arterial hypotonia is possible to say when the pressure drops to the level of 100/60 mm. Hg. article

Hypotension manifested by dizziness, vision problems, fatigue and weakness, excessive sleepiness and other symptoms. Therapy is built on the basis of pharmacological and non-pharmacological correction.

According to statistics, suffer from hypotension more often women than men. Often diagnosed lowering blood pressure in adolescence. In older people it makes sense to talk about the atherosclerotic hypotension, which occurs on the background of defeat of vessels atherosclerosis and loss of vascular tone.

Hypotension is a syndrome quite heterogeneous, since there are cases where low blood pressure is the only symptom of the illness of the person. While his condition remains perfectly normal. However, in the majority of cases, hypotension is a pathological symptom.

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The causes of hypotension

The causes of hypotension are multiple, as a drop in blood pressure may occur under a variety of physiological and pathological conditions of the human body.

Among the leading causes of arterial hypotension can be described by the following factors:

  • Soldier's heart dystonia. Scientists believe the complex cardiovascular disorders of a functional nature is the most fertile ground for the occurrence of hypotension. According to experts, soldier's heart dystonia leads to hypotension in 80% of cases;
  • One of the leading roles in the development of hypotension is given a strong stress and long-term current situations, traumatic psyche. In the occurrence of primary hypotension is directly involved in chronic fatigue, depression and poor night;
  • Hypotension can resultdiseases, already existing rights, among which are:

    1. Dumping syndrome after gastric resection, gastric ulcer;

    2. Myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia, heart failure;

    3. Disruption of the peripheral nervous system on the background of diabetes mellitus (neuropathy of diabetic origin);

    4. Hypothyroidism;

    5. Disease infectious nature;

    6. Benign and malignant tumors;

    7. Lesions of the spine and other diseases.

  • Lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure, massive bleeding, dehydration;
  • Hypotensive reflexes can be triggered when serious injury, poisoning, anaphylactic shock;
  • Engine runs lower pressure and in a sudden heart disorder;
  • Beriberi may lead to the development of hypotension. In this regard, a dangerous deficiency of vitamins C, E and V;
  • Often hypotension is the result of exhausting diets;
  • Taking certain medicines can cause a drop in blood pressure. In this regard, a more cautious attitude to the use of drugs to treat high blood pressure;

  • Physiological hypotension can occur even on the background of absolute health, if it has a genetic predisposition. Such hypotension is recorded when a sudden change of weather, increased physical exertion. Often low pressure is observed in trained athletes;
  • Too long a night can lead to excessive reduction of blood pressure. It is established that in healthy people, the pressure level during sleep decreases by 10-20%. If the pressure decreases more than 20%, it can be dangerous, especially for older people. Experts attribute this decline with endogenic disorders of neurohumoral regulation.

The reasons that may provoke hypotension, there are many.

However, the mechanism of its development is always associated with 4 main factors including:

  • The weakening of resistance of peripheral vessels. It occurs mainly in anaphylactic shock, when the collapse of toxic or infectious origin;
  • The reduction in cardiac output (stroke and minute). It is often observed in severe lesions of the heart, e.g., myocardial infarction, with severe arrhythmias, etc.;
  • The decrease in the volume of circulating blood in the body. The main reasons in this case are blood loss during internal or external bleeding;

  • The deterioration of the venous blood supply to the heart. The reason for this condition may be a pleural effusion or massive ascites.

The symptoms of hypotension

If lowering blood pressure is physiological in nature, as a rule, the symptoms of hypotension the person may not notice. In other cases, the clinical picture of the disease will vary, therefore, more rational to consider signs of disease on the basis of its Genesis.

The symptoms of orthostatic hypotension

Especially symptoms of orthostatic hypotension in elderly age. The pressure drop observed for several minutes, when one of the horizontal position moves to the vertical. While systolic pressure decreases on 20 mm. RT. art., and diastolic by 10 mm Hg. article

Amid orthostatic hypotension the patient has symptoms such as:

  • Dizziness;

  • Weakness;
  • Unsteadiness of gait, including the possibility of a fall;
  • Blurred vision;
  • Faults in work of heart.

In rare cases, there are panic attacks and fainting.

Symptoms of postprandial hypotension

This form of hypotension is characteristic for healthy people. Most often it occurs in old age. The fall of pressure occurs after eating, usually within 2 hours after a meal. If no other diseases have not, as a rule, he does not notice symptoms of hypotension.

However, on the background of cerebrovascular pathologies may experience the following symptoms:

  • Nausea;
  • Weakness;
  • Impaired speech and vision;
  • Disorder of consciousness.

All these symptoms people can associate with meals.

Hypotension on a background of stress and physicalfatigue

Hypotension on a background of stress, intense physical and intellectual activity is more often observed in athletes and in patients with diabetes or disorders of blood circulation.

Symptoms of fall in blood pressure during mental and physical strain following:

  • Sudden weakness;
  • Dizziness;
  • The darkening of the eyes;
  • Numbness of the limbs, feeling of "cotton" legs.

Essential hypotension

This initial hypotension, which is characterized by stability of symptoms and occurs most often in young women.

The clinical picture of primary hypotension as follows:

  • All patients complain of headaches, fatigue and dizziness. These symptoms pass if the pressure rises;
  • Patients are prone to increased anxiety and depressive moods;
  • There are disorders of the autonomic nervous system. So, periodically a person has an unexplained feeling of heat or cold, numbness, sweating;
  • One-third of men with low blood pressure have problems with potency;
  • About 50% of patients suffer from regular panic attacks, fainting, orthostatic failure;
  • Doctors frequently hear complaints about violations of cardiac activity. Patients suffer from shortness of breath, which often occurs at the peak of emotional excitement, or on the background of pronounced fatigue.

For this hypotension wavy. People depend on weather conditions, the intensity of stress in everyday life. Often with age, such hypotension is.

The secondary symptoms hypotension

Secondary hypotension occurs against a background of existing diseases, of which there are many. It is the main symptoms of the disease come to the fore. Patients note in his weakness, drowsiness, fatigue, headaches, cognitive impairment, sweating feet and palms.

Primary hypotension, usually has a favorable prognosis. But over time, when it passes, changing it often comes hypertension. At the same time people are very poorly tolerate even a slight increase in pressure.

Fear should cause progressive hypotension, as it threatens the development of the following complications:

  • Increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • As a result of hypotension vascular tone all time reduced, which leads to slowing of blood flow, which means that the body is experiencing oxygen starvation. Primarily affects the brain and internal organs;
  • Severe hypotension syncope dangerous. If unconscious person can get serious bruises and injuries;
  • In the elderly, hypotension may cause ischemic stroke;

  • Scientists believe that the frequent pressure surges increase the risk of developing dementia.

Can the hypertension to go to the hypotension?

Patients often wonder whether the hypertension to go to the hypotension. Cardiologists argue that hypertension may not in itself be transformed into the hypotension. However, this does not exclude the fact that high pressure can dramatically fall to low values.

For example, this often occurs when disruption of the heart, particularly after acute myocardial infarction or stroke. This is a very dangerous condition that requires prompt and competent medical action.

Methods of treatment of hypotension

Methods of treatment of arterial hypotension are directly dependent on what is causing it. If it is caused by any disease, to eliminate it you will need to get rid of the underlying disease. If hypotension provoked by neurovegetative disorders, it is necessary to correct the imbalance.

To do this, it is possible to use pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods of correction, including:

  • Normalization of wakefulness and rest. Load should choose gentle, overnight accommodation should be reserved at least 8 hours. People with low blood pressure are recommended to sleep with our heads elevated. At the same time, it should not be too long to be in a horizontal position;
  • adjust diet. Meals should be frequent, but small portions. Preference should be given to lightweight and not too hot food. It is possible to increase the amount of salt to 10-20 g / day if no contraindications. The water you need to drink at least 2 litres. Recommended to give up alcohol;
  • Visiting massage service;
  • Hydrotherapy, which includes a Scottish shower, hydro massage, mineral baths, sharko shower, etc.;
  • Aromatherapy, acupuncture;
  • Physiotherapy techniques, for example, electric electrophoresis and neck area;
  • The implementation of complexes of therapeutic physical training, including swimming, walking, gymnastics.

As for the medical correction of arterial hypotension to treatment using drugs of different groups:

  • Herbal adaptogens: tincture lemongrass, ginseng, aralia;
  • The Drug Midodrin. Increases venous return to the heart, improves the health of patients and rarely causes side effects;
  • Agonists: Phenylephrine, Ephedrine, Caffeine;
  • Cerebroprotector: Vinpocetine, Actovegin, And Cinnarizine;
  • Nootropic drugs: Piracetam, Glycine;
  • Antioxidants and vitamin complexes;
  • Antidepressants and tranquilizers.

If the patient is experiencing an acute drop in blood pressure, shown that early stabilization with injection of vasoconstrictors (Dopamine and Mezaton) and cardiotonics. Perhaps the use of corticosteroids, colloid and saline solutions.

First aid hypotension

First aid hypotension is reduced to the following steps:

  • It is necessary to place the patient on a comfortable surface, placing feet roller;
  • It is possible to seat the patient so that they lowered his head below the knees;
  • It is important to help the person to follow the breath. It should be smooth but not deep;
  • If the person loses consciousness, you can offer him a sniff of cotton pad soaked in ammonia;
  • When the patient's General condition improves, you need to give him a Cup of sweet tea or coffee. The drink should not be very hot.

If improvement in condition does not occur, you should immediately call the emergency teamshelp.