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The treatment of hypotension in the home

In determining norms of arterial pressure it is necessary to know that the rule is the same for everyone: 120/80 mm Hg.St.;

Blood pressure below normal does not require special correction if the person does not experience discomfort for several years. The only thing you need to do is undergo a thorough examination in order to detect possible pathologies, if any.

The reasons causing hypotension

Major symptoms of low pressure – weakness, dizziness and fatigue. Most often they occur in adolescence and young adulthood, worsen the health of young people, reduce the mood, do not allow to fully learn and operate. The emergence of such symptoms is due to several factors:

  • The decrease in vascular tone;
  • Heart failure (decreased cardiac ejection volume, the loss of strength of the heart muscle during a heart attack).

Causes of hypotension:

  • Mental and physical overload;
  • Overdose drugs that lower blood pressure;
  • Side effects of antispasmodics;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Depression, prolonged stress;

  • A sharp change of meteorological conditions (magnetic storms, the jumps in atmospheric pressure, prolonged heat, storm).

The treatment of hypotension in the home

To raise the blood pressure parameters before rules are simple and effective measures.

5 tips to gradual normalization of arterial blood pressure:

  • The Foundation of good health – a good night's sleep at least 9-11 hours. If it is impossible to sustain this mode, you can enter additional hours daytime sleep to your schedule. To ensure good health during the day, you need to alternate mental and physical activity.
  • Morning exercise is compulsory for a person suffering from hypotension. Exercise warm up the muscles, stimulate blood circulation, tissue oxygenation, increase efficiency. Need to turn on in the morningexercises aerobic exercise (running, aerobics), movement that increases the tone of blood vessels.
  • Morning contrast shower after the gym will raise a tone of vessels due to the expansion and contraction of the lumen. This effect is achieved by alternating hot and cold water for 7 minutes.
  • A full Breakfast helps to normalize blood pressure. This could be porridge with added dried fruit, tea, coffee and sandwiches with butter and cheese.
  • A balanced diet is of great importance for the well-being hypotension. Featured products – cheese, cottage cheese, liver, red and black caviar, pomegranate juice, carrot, horseradish, black currant. Raise the tone will help spices and herbs. Be sure to restriction of dietary salt.

Hypotension, which is not caused by disease, can be relieved of the following medications:

  • Tincture Helichrysum – raises vascular tone, normalizes sleep, is a restorative drug;
  • Tincture radiograms pink – increases blood pressure, stimulates the Central nervous system, is an adaptogen;
  • Infusion of prickly Thistle – increases blood pressure;
  • Tincture of Echinacea, leuzea, Schizandra, ginseng – preparations with a pronounced stimulant effect require a doctor's consultation, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism.
  • A mixture of honey and coffee – natural ground coffee (50 g) mix with juice of one lemon, 500 g of honey.

Regular intake of natural remedies helps to gently increase blood pressure.

Medicines: list of medicines that increase the pressure

Weakness hypotension

If hypotension you have a weakness, and frequent vertigo, you will help following the means of traditional medicine. You need to grind the dry herb milk Thistle to a fine powder, then half a Cup of the powder, pour one liter of vodka sorokogradusnoy. Then let stand somewhere in a dark place at room temperaturethe next two weeks. During this time, occasionally shake the jar.

After these two weeks you need to strain contents of the jar, then pour in another bottle and take fifty drops three times a day thirty minutes before meals. By the way, if you're still there and fresh roots and leaves of celery, you can easily get rid of chronic fatigue.

Grenades against hypotension

As you know, when a disease like hypotension often felt weakness, dizziness, constant discomfort. Is considered usually to always drink coffee and that help your personal wellbeing. But unfortunately this remedy for a while can ease state.

Better to drink pomegranate juice daily, one glass. For taste add a little sugar. You need to drink only natural juice, because the artificial is not so good.

When buying fruit, take substandard, because it is riper. Be sure to dilute the juice with water in the proportions of one to two. Acid juice is very harmful for teeth and stomach.

Hypotension and asthenia

Hypotension and asthenia are treated in the following folk method. Need to make a tincture of aralia and Schizandra.

They usually do on alcohol to seventy degrees. The ratio shall be one to five. This is approximately one part by volume of one of the plants and five parts of alcohol. You need to take alternating thirty or forty drops, three times a day. All of this is taken fifteen minutes before meals.

The treatment of hypotension with the use of this folk remedies continue for ten or twenty days.

A quick increase in blood pressure at home

The symptoms of low pressure in many cases are symptoms of serious pathologies. They adversely affect human health, reduce the quality of life. To fully normalize BP's not single measures. Features of the structure and functioning of the vessels can be passed genetically. If there is no possibility immediately to be examined, ask the advice of a doctor to take medicine, you can increase the pressure with home remedies.

Methods of increasing pressure:

  • The emergency method is to dissolve a pinch of salt placed on the tongue without water.
  • Effective way of increasing the pressure for a long time – cinnamon (1/4 tsp) pour 200 ml of boiling water, cool, add honey (2-3 tsp). To drink on an empty stomach before Breakfast and 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Soft a small way to improve the performance of AD – to eat bread with honey, pre-sprinkle it with cinnamon.

  • A method of increasing pressure tonic herbal remedies - tincture of Eleutherococcus, Rhaponticum, schisandra, ginseng is consumed before meals to 30 drops dissolved in a glass of warm water.

To raise blood pressure that appeared during hot weather, after excessive sweating, you can drink the glass of water. This measure will restore the disturbed water balance of the body. A similar, but short-term effect has coffee.

A common mistake is the use of pressure boosting green tea with lemon. This tool because of the high caffeine content often used hypotensive, though this beverage is contraindicated. Green tea increases and decreases in blood pressure, especially if you added a lemon.

Source: Newspaper a healthy lifestyle, the all-Ukrainian newspaper-healer "Grandma"